Sex & Intimacy 101. K. A. Bareki
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Название: Sex & Intimacy 101

Автор: K. A. Bareki

Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9788873045021


СКАЧАТЬ and gentlemen, sex is a wonderful phenomenon such that even nuns and fathers have often found themselves too infatuated by it enough to forget their Catholic vows of celibacy.

      (c)Physical differences at a glance (Penis)

      I am not as good at drawing as were the late Vincent Van Gogh,Publo Picasso and Leonardo Da Vinci. But I honestly feel you need to learn from a drawing how a real vagina and penis look like just in case you have been ‘‘saintly’’ enough to avoid seeing a vagina or penis for too long. I used to draw portraits for a living and though it’s been a while, I don’t think preaching the gospel has made me forget how to draw a real penis. I have used a HB, 2B, 3B pencil. For those of you who are artists, this should inspire you if not horrify you.

      You see, if you want to teach anyone how to drive a car, you first have to show them the basic parts of a car. You start by saying, ‘‘that’s the steering wheel, gear, brake pedal and clutch.’’ And it always sounds foolish, to learn the basics. Students have the tendency of laughing at basics and yet when they get into the car to drive, they can’t even locate the brakes—the very thing you taught them while they were busy laughing. There is never a moment when I feel like slapping a student such as this. But there are people today who can’t even label their own private parts. These are the same people who made noise and wouldn’t pay attention during elementary schooling, making airplanes out of papers while we learned keenly. This kind of people, do not know their own anatomy and worse still, they obviously can’t label the opposite gender’s anatomy.

      How do you give your spouse some good lovemaking when you can’t even locate the clitoris? Okay, I am teaching you how to ride and the first thing about it is you have to understand yourself and your partner. On the previous page, there is a picture of a penis. There is the shaft, foreskin and blah blah. Some people feel that their shaft is too small and they want it bigger. Well, read on, perhaps you will learn later as to what to do with a smaller shaft. Foreskin is next. Some people don’t have their foreskin anymore. The advantages are, it’s cleaner to circumcise and people without foreskin are less vulnerable to infections. Circumcised or not, you can still have great sex. I hope you are seeing the glands though they are covered. Then there’s that lower part— very sensitive indeed. That’s the head quarters or the balls. If you are fighting with anyone male enough to have a bag with two ‘‘eggs’’, and you give him a thorough kick on the balls, the war is over. There will be no need for any further blows. But the problem with handling testicles is that they look simple but they need optimal care. If you take a very hot bath or shower you can affect sperm count and fail to breed that night. Wearing tight under wears is also not good for them. It can be cancerous. They were made to hang. You can tell just by looking, that God almighty designed them to hang. ‘‘Balls’’ need to be cooler than the rest of the body. A man knows he’s got designer balls if they can hang nicely down there. Balls are balls, perfect for any lover of nature. Men have done nose surgery, face surgery but hardly balls surgery and I think its because balls are the one thing that most humans have no alacrity to criticize God on. Now, that’s one hell of a design. The penis is simply the main switch. Pleasuring a guy’s penis opens his heart. He becomes more loving and caring.

      You don’t have to warn any guy to avoid pressing them balls hard. God knows that balls are needed for reproductions and that there are important replication documents in them. So he made them to feel very painful when disturbed, so that, whoever offends them will be sorry. God is smart guys. Instead of him saying don’t press your balls hard every time, he knows that human-beings won’t listen and will keep on doing that anyway. So he just makes them very painful so that those who disobey will be sorry.

      (d)Physical differences at a glance (vagina)

      Guys, below is a portrait of the vagina. Ladies, don’t take this lightly. Take notice of the vaginal masterpiece and the labeling. Some women have actually failed to label this properly at elementary school. We have got the clitoris down there, There is also the labia monora, and majora.That should probably mean minor and major. Never mind the scientific jargon. I think this is what they call ‘‘ditlopi’’,in my country. There is the vestitube and the vagina, probably the most famous here. Then there is the urethra. The vagina is just a canal with flesh that is similar in structure to the texture of the walls of the mouth, and that should be why some people fancy blow-jobs. My wife is a nurse and she did anatomy in bit of detail. She says that lining inside the mouth and the vagina is called ‘‘micosa.’’ Some people pull the lips of the vagina to make them longer claiming it produces more pleasure for men, some cut out the clitoris. Because of such actions we have got women today, especially in Africa and India, who can’t even reach climax because their parts were mutilated. In Kenya sex workers are reported to be not able to enjoy sex because of mutilation during childhood. This mutilation of Kenyan women I hear is giving Ugandan sex workers leverage in sex market coz men prefer them. But the whole mutilation thing is pretty much based on traditional practices featuring a bit of ignorance. God wasn’t kidding when he made these things the way they are. So when some grandmother, who doesn’t know how to spell biology, starts instructing you to do things that your government hasn’t put on the school syllabus, be careful. You might live to regret it all your life. During Timothy’s time I guess there were women who taught sexual myths and health tips around exercising ... I have no idea what they taught, but Paul said to timothy, ‘‘reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness’’,(1 Timothy 4:7).You see, old wives have the tendency of teaching things more in the way they see them than the way they are. Her husband liked longer vaginal lips, now she pulling the lips of her children’s vagina in a bid to make the pussy pleasurable. Who says long is pleasurable? How does she know whether that child’s prospective partner will like that? Maybe he will want moderate lips so he can see the rest of the vagina. They are basing their practices on previous fantasies and fables, which they think are applicable to everyone —uniformed practices that can harm nature. So Paul says to Timothy, ‘‘ reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness’’, (1 Timothy 4:7). Be careful what you pick from these old wives! Why don’t we leave things just the way God made them? What’s all this pulling around of vaginal lips? There is something wrong with this idea of fiddling with nature, trying to make breasts bigger and penises longer. Some girls put stuff into the vagina hoping it will make the vagina juicier or tighter. They put dangerous stuff in there. In my website am availing a scientific spray for vagina tightening. Not these home made concoctions. Why should women try to tighten their vaginas using strange powders and medicines that are not even medical? Don’t we have gynecologists? Check my website at and then go to sex shop. You should find a vagina tightener made by professionals!

       (e) A closer look at Physical differences (Penis)

      The reason why you need to take a closer look at the penis is that it takes more than basic knowledge to make your guy and yourself reach climax. How do you use a spoon when you don’t know it well in terms of structure and utility? Is there a utensil that you can ever use properly without knowing its anatomy and function?:—I guess not. Brothers and sisters pay careful attention to the organ picture below. There is that tip of the penis, which is very sensitive, I think is called the ‘‘corona’’ Sounds like ‘‘corolla’’, right? Yeah, that’s where the joyride comes from. Then there is that sponge like tissue, which is labeled penis. Blood flows into those tissues and they become erect. So ladies, you need to do a little bit of work to turn on your big kahuna. But don’t worry, that rubber СКАЧАТЬ