Название: Tender is the night / Ночь нежна. Книга для чтения на английском языке
Автор: Френсис Фицджеральд
Издательство: КАРО
Жанр: Зарубежная классика
Серия: Classical literature (Каро)
isbn: 978-5-9925-0329-6
Only after a hundred years did the train stop; Nicole, Mary, and Rosemary waited on the outskirts while Dick fought his way through. It was five minutes before he found them again – by this time the crowd had split into two sections, following, respectively, the man on a stretcher and the girl walking pale and firm between distraught gendarmes.
“It was Maria Wallis,” Dick said hurriedly. “The man she shot was an Englishman – they had an awful time finding out who, because she shot him through his identification card.” They were walking quickly from the train, swayed along with the crowd. “I found out what poste de police[161] they’re taking her to so I’ll go there“
“But her sister lives in Paris,” Nicole objected. “Why not phone her? Seems very peculiar nobody thought of that. She’s married to a Frenchman, and he can do more than we can.”
Dick hesitated, shook his head and started off.
“Wait!” Nicole cried after him. “That’s foolish – how can you do any good – with your French?”
“At least I’ll see they don’t do anything outrageous to her.”
“They’re certainly going to hold on to her,” Nicole assured him briskly. “She did shoot the man. The best thing is to phone right away to Laura – she can do more than we can.”
Dick was unconvinced – also he was showing off for Rosemary.
“You wait,” said Nicole firmly, and hurried off to a telephone booth.
“When Nicole takes things into her hands,” he said with affectionate irony, “there is nothing more to be done.”
He saw Rosemary for the first time that morning. They exchanged glances, trying to recognize the emotions of the day before. For a moment each seemed unreal to the other – then the slow warm hum of love began again.
“You like to help everybody, don’t you?” Rosemary said.
“I only pretend to.”
“Mother likes to help everybody – of course she can’t help as many people as you do.” She sighed. “Sometimes I think I’m the most selfish person in the world.”
For the first time the mention of her mother annoyed rather than amused Dick. He wanted to sweep away her mother, remove the whole affair from the nursery footing upon which Rosemary persistently established it. But he realized that this impulse was a loss of control – what would become of Rosemary’s urge toward him if, for even a moment, he relaxed. He saw, not without panic, that the affair was sliding to rest; it could not stand still, it must go on or go back; for the first time it occurred to him that Rosemary had her hand on the lever more authoritatively than he.
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fêtes – (фр.) праздники
строчки из стихотворения Джона Китса (1795–1821)
French Riviera – Французская Ривьера (или Лазурный берег) – средиземноморское побережье Франции, примыкающее к итало-французской границе, где расположены фешенебельные курорты и туристические центры: Канны, Ницца, Ментона, Антиб, а также государство-княжество Монако с его игорным центром Монте-Карло
Hôtel des Étrangers – (фр.) гостиница для иностранцев
victoria – (зд.) легкая четырехколесная коляска с откидным верхом
French windows – двустворчатые узкие окна, доходящие до пола, так называемые французские окна
tights – (зд.) мужской купальный костюм в виде трико
four-beat crawl – (спорт.) кроль со вдохом-выдохом через каждые четыре движения
raft – (зд.) плот, укрепленный в некотором отдалении от берега, на котором отдыхают и загорают
with a slow Oxford drawl – по-оксфордски растягивая слова
flotte СКАЧАТЬ
poste de police – (фр.) полицейский участок