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      Dominic Fifield, «José Mourinho Strongly Defends Chelsea Style Against ‘Boring’ Criticism», The Guardian, April 27, 2015, www.theguardian.com/football/2015/apr/27/jose-mourinho-romanabramovich-chelsea-style.


      «The Economist Explains».


      «What Makes Barcelona Such a Formidable Team?» (blog post), The Backwards Gooner, May 31, 2011, mr-renoog-videos.blogspot.com/2011/05/what-makes-barcelona-suchformidable.html.


      Chris Anderson and David Sally, The Numbers Game: Why Everything You Know About Soccer Is Wrong (London: Viking, 2013), 8.


      Richard Rapaport, «To Build a Winning Team: An Interview with Head Coach Bill Walsh», Harvard Business Review, January/February 1993, hbr.org/1993/01/to-build-a-winning-team-aninterview-with-head-coach-bill-walsh.


      «The Premier League’s 15 Hardest Working Players-Average Distance Covered Per Game in 2014/15», Talk Sport, March 6, 2015, talksport.com/football/premier-leagues-15-hardestworking-players-average-distance-covered-game-201415.


      «What Makes Barcelona Such a Formidable Team?»


      Michael Todisco, «NFL Scouting Combine Data Visualization», NYC Data Science Academy, February 1, 2016, blog.nycdatascience.com/student-works/nfl-scouting-combinedata-visualization/.


      John Breech, «2015 NFL Combine: 3 Players Each Win $100K for Lightning Fast 40 Times», CBSSports.com, February 23, 2015, www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/2015-nfl-combine-3-playerseach-win-100k-for-lightning-fast-40-times.


      «Next Gen Stats for Week 13», NFL.com, December 7, 2015, www.nfl.com/photoessays/0ap3000000596936.


      David Newton, «Is Panthers WR Ted Ginn Jr. the Fastest Player in the NFL?», ESPN.com, December 15, 2015, www.espn.com/blog/carolina-panthers/post/_/id/17918/is-panthers-wr-ted-ginn-jrthe-fastest-player-in-the-nfl.


      Owain Jones, «Who Is the Better All Black: Julian Savea or Jonah Lomu?», Rugby World, October 3, 2014, www.rugbyworld.com/countries/new-zealand-countries/better-black-julian-savea-vjonah-lomu-39361.


      Isaiah Cambron, «Of Messi and Distance: Limited Statistical Analysis of How Far Players Run and What It Means», Barcelona Football Blog, February 18, 2013, www.barcelonafootballblog.com/18698/messi-distance-limited-statistical-analysisplayers-run-means/.


      Mark Brus, «Manchester United Have Premier League’s Best Ball-Winner in Morgan Schneiderlin, Stats Show», Metro, October 19, 2015, metro.co.uk/2015/10/19/manchesterunited-have-premier-leagues-best-ball-winner-in-morganschneiderlin-stats-show-5448051/.


      Pete Prisco, «After Further Review: Why Jets Have NFL’s Top Defense Without Many Sacks», CBSSports.com, October 22, 2015, www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/after-further-review-whyjets-have-nfls-top-defense-without-many-sacks/.


      Ed Smith, «Taxi for the Coach? Team Sports Could Do with More Mentors and Fewer Touchline Tyrants», 1843 magazine, January/February 2016, www.1843magazine.com/reading-thegame/what-sport-can-learn-from-classical-music.


      Myles Palmer, «Gilberto, Maldini & Xabi Alonso Didn’t Need to Tackle», Arsenal News Review, March 15, 2016, www.arsenalnewsreview.co.uk/gilberto-maldini-xabi-alonso-didntneed-to-tackle/.


      John Boyd, Patterns of Conflict (PowerPoint presentation), ed. Chet Richards and Chuck Spinney, January 2007, www.dnipogo.org/boyd/patterns_ppt.pdf.


      Russ Marion and Josh Bacon, «Organizational Extinction and Complex Systems», Emergence 1, no. 4 (1999): 76.


      Henry J. Coleman Jr., «What Enables Self-Organizing Behavior in Businesses», Emergence 1, no. 1 (1999): 33–48.


      Brett McKay and Kate McKay, «The Tao of Boyd: How to Master the OODA Loop» (blog post), The Art of Manliness, September 15, 2014, www.artofmanliness.com/2014/09/15/ooda-loop/.




      Tom Payne, «Tactical Theory: Compactness», Spielverlagerung, August 8, 2015, spielverlagerung.com/2015/05/08/tacticaltheory-compactness/.


      Colin Gray, Defining and Achieving Decisive Victory, Strategic Studies Institute, April 2002, ssi.armywarcollege.edu/pdffiles/pub272.pdf.


      Bill Walsh with Steve Jamison and Craig Walsh, The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership (New York: Portfolio, 2009), 211.


      Coach Mac, «501 Awesome Basketball Quotes» (blog post), Basketball for Coaches, November 4, 2014, www.basketballforcoaches.com/basketball-quotes/.


      «Brad Stevens: Give Kids the Freedom to Play», Positive Coaching Alliance, n.d., devzone.positivecoach.org/resource/video/bradstevens-give-kids-freedom-play.


      Fleming, «No More Questions».


      Vítor Frade, in conversation with the author, August 2011.
