His Sheltering Arms. KRISTI GOLD
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Название: His Sheltering Arms


Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ image of Erin soaking in a tub did nothing to squelch his lust. “Alone?” Careful, Miller.

      “I believe we’ve already established that.”

      “No one to scrub your back?”

      “I have a brush. It does the trick.”

      The last thread of his control was badly frayed and ready to snap. Yet he didn’t have the will to stop. “But it sure isn’t as much fun as the real thing, is it?”

      “That depends on what you mean by the ‘real thing.’”

      With every syllable she uttered, Zach’s objectivity took another step toward the door, the excuse he needed to forget his responsibility. Forget why they were here and why he needed to steer clear. “Don’t you get lonely, Erin?”

      “Sometimes. A little.” Only a partial truth, Erin acknowledged. She was more than a little lonely. She missed having someone to curl up with on the sofa, someone to have dinner with in front of the TV, the physical presence of a man. And, whether she cared to admit it or not, lovemaking.

      But she didn’t miss the emotional upheaval or the betrayal or the control. Still, she found herself wondering how far she was willing to go with a man like Zach Miller, a protector, something she didn’t need. And a business associate to boot. But he made her feel alive. Feel things she had suppressed for months. Maybe she could indulge just a little, from a physical standpoint. As long as she guarded her heart.

      Zach’s warm breath trailed over her neck, and she shivered. “Are you cold?” he asked.

      “Yes.” Liar.

      He stroked his palms down her bare arms, from shoulders to elbows, then back up again. She relaxed against him, relishing his gentle touch. The strength he radiated unearthed long-dormant carnal urges. “This is much better than a hot bath.”

      He brushed her hair aside and moved his lips to her ear. “Are you sure about this, Erin?”

      “No. I’m only sure about one thing. I’m tired of talking.”

      “Then answer one more question. When was the last time you were kissed? I mean really kissed.”

      Her breath rode out on a sigh. “Too long.”

      “That’s too bad.”

      He turned her around, and she met his midnight gaze, intense, hypnotic, seductive. As if in slow motion, he lowered his mouth to hers. She responded with a pent-up hunger that matched his urgency. She opened to him, accepted the play of his tongue as it entered her parted lips. The spicy taste of him staggered her senses, and a surge of heat charged through her, settling in places long neglected for lack of time or want.

      Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she should stop. Stop him. Stop herself. But she wanted this. More than she’d wanted anything in a long time. She would consider the consequences later. Right now she wanted to feel, not to think.

      Disregarding the blueprint, Zach lifted Erin up and placed her on the edge of the table without leaving her eager mouth. He moved between her legs, parting them. She felt her skirt ride high up her thighs, way past the point of decency. Her mind reeled from the explosive chemistry that had destroyed her ability to reason, made her long for more. Here and now.

      To her dismay Zach broke the kiss but kept his hands poised on her stocking-clad thighs and his dark gaze locked on her face. He inched his fingers under the hem, taking away her breath and her last bit of resolve.

      “Tell me to stop, Erin.”

      The word formed in Erin’s mind, then floated away like a delicate leaf caught in the wind.

      Zach plied her neck with brushstroke kisses. “I want you, Erin. Now. So tell me to leave.”

      “No.” She barely recognized her voice. She barely recognized herself.

      With an animal groan Zach brought her hips forward to the edge of the table, and his mouth back to hers. Her awareness centered on his thumbs lightly stroking her thighs, his intoxicating kiss. The heavy pulse of desire washed her whole body in liquid heat, robbing her of all thoughts and protests.

      Madness, she thought. Absolute madness that she would allow this to happen here, when anyone could walk in. But an uncontrollable need had brought them to this point. A place where only passion existed, away from past mistakes. For once Erin wanted to lose control.

      Erin registered a sound filtering through the sensual haze. Then from somewhere far off came a rap at the door.


      “Erin, are you in there?”

      Gil’s familiar voice was ice water, dousing Zach’s ardor. Running on instinct, Zach stepped back and helped Erin from the table. He pulled out a nearby chair and sat, needing to disguise the effect the spontaneous foreplay had on his body. He scooted the chair under the table and straightened the wrinkled blueprint as best he could, a reminder of his total loss of control. Erin Brailey was making him crazy.

      In a flash Erin smoothed her dress and sent him a concerned look as she walked to the door. “Come in, Gil.”

      Gil Parks stepped inside the room wearing his standard blue suit and an accountant’s expression. “I needed—” His glance went from Zach to Erin, then back to Zach. He pushed his wire-framed glasses up on the bridge of his nose. A knowing smile lifted his lips. “Miller, fancy meeting you here.”

      Zach sucked in a deep breath. “Gil, how’s it going?”

      “Fine. Don’t get up.”

      Thank God for small favors. Zach couldn’t stand if he wanted. Not without losing his dignity.

      Zach shot a glance in Erin’s direction. Her lips looked swollen and bruised from heated kisses. The red patch on her chin revealed the first signs of whisker burn. He had done that to her. That fact brought on another rush of excitement. Then came the guilt when he saw that the blush on her cheeks had faded, and she looked pale. His fault, too.

      “Am I interrupting something?” Gil asked.

      “Not really.”

      Erin’s voice was amazingly calm, but Zach realized that only a fool wouldn’t notice her appearance. Gil was no fool, but he was a good friend. Gil wouldn’t say anything to embarrass either of them. Not in front of Erin, anyway.

      “Ms. Brailey and I have been going over the security plans,” Zach said, affecting nonchalance.

      Gil stroked his bearded chin like a pet. “Ah. Did you get a lot accomplished?”

      Erin brushed her hair away from her face with one hand. “Yes, but we’re about ready to wrap it up. What did you need?”

      “Actually, I have Zach’s contract. Thought you might want to go over the financial aspects. Since he’s here, I can review it with you both.”

      Erin grabbed for her briefcase. “You guys can work it out. I need to get home. Check my messages. Feed the cat.”

      Gil’s СКАЧАТЬ