His Sheltering Arms. KRISTI GOLD
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Название: His Sheltering Arms


Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ need. Unfortunately, your acquaintance doesn’t.”

      “That sure as hell isn’t surprising.”

      Erin wanted to know why and exactly what Zach was hiding. What was his relationship with Andrews? More important, would it affect the new shelter? She walked to her desk and fumbled for a pencil and notebook. “What do you know about the detective?”

      “Enough to know the bastard’s trouble.”

      “I gather you two have a history.”

      Zach tapped the end of the desk with the blueprint. “Yeah, one I’m not willing to go into.”

      The intensity of his deep voice warned Erin not to press, even though she dearly wanted to. Eventually she would have to find an opportune time. But not now. Not while he was in such an agitated state. “Are you ready to get to work now?”

      “Sure.” He sent her a brief smile. “I left the food at the front desk. Where to?”

      “The conference room.”

      Zach sat across from Erin at the mile-long table and stared at his food. Today Ron Andrews had ruined his appetite. Three years ago he’d ruined Zach’s career. Every time he came in contact with Andrews, Zach was reminded of another ruthless man who also had been respected in his field. His own father.

      As a successful physician, Vernon Miller should have been Zach’s mentor. Instead he’d been his shame. Something Zach would have to live with for the rest of his life. Something that had colored his judgment during a time when he’d needed clear thinking the most. But he hadn’t realized the error of his ways until it had been too late. Until he had failed another woman, just like he’d failed his mother.

      “This is great.”

      Erin’s comment drew Zach’s attention back to her. He noticed she had no trouble eating. She wrapped her pretty mouth around an egg roll, waking another kind of hunger in his gut, bringing to mind all sorts of possibilities.

      At least she served as a nice diversion from the earlier encounter. He wondered what she really thought about the confrontation, and then decided he didn’t want to know. His past was his, and he didn’t want to share it with anyone.

      Zach pushed the recollections and food away, then stacked his hands behind his neck and leaned back in the chair. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

      “Umm-hmm,” she said around a bite of Szechwan chicken. “I didn’t have time for lunch.” She sipped from a foam cup of iced tea. “You didn’t eat much.”

      “I’m not that hungry.” At least not for food.

      He expected her to make some comment about Andrews but instead she said, “I’m all done, so let’s get to work.”

      A code of honor among police officers prevented him from revealing too much to her. To anyone. He appreciated the fact she didn’t prod him for information. He appreciated a lot of things about Erin Brailey.

      They cleared the red-and-white cartons away so Zach could roll the shelter’s floor plan out onto the table. Erin anchored the blueprint at the corners with her beige briefcase, a spiral notebook and two stacks of Rainbow Center’s trifold pamphlets.

      Hands braced wide on the table, she leaned forward to study the plan. Zach stood behind her, the smell of her perfume drifting into his nostrils. The scent was pleasant, erotic. So was the dress she wore—sleeveless, high-necked, soft blue material that clung to every curve. A man-killing outfit. He should know. He was about to die right there on the spot.

      After a good internal scolding, he leaned around her and pointed to the plan. “I’ll set up two sensors here in the living room, wires on every window.” He indicated the front door. “Key pad here. You can arm the system from this point, or in the back room where the resident manager stays.”

      “What about outside?” she asked.

      “Motion lights.” Despite his caution, he moved closer. Now almost flush against her back, his body paid the price. When he gestured at the plan again, their arms brushed, sending a rush of fire through him. If that’s all it took, one simple touch, then he wondered if he’d survive kissing her. Why the hell he was considering that, he couldn’t say. His thoughts had crossed into dangerous territory. Right now kissing her was foremost on his mind. Something to rid him of anger over the confrontation. Something to make him forget. But he needed to step back, proceed with caution.

      “If there’s a security breach and the guard needs backup, who will answer the call?” she asked.

      “I will.”

      She straightened and looked over her shoulder, bringing their bodies into closer proximity and their faces only inches apart. She was so close. Too close for his comfort. He wasn’t giving her much space. He didn’t want to.

      “What if you’re busy?” she asked, challenge in her tone.

      Zach found it harder and harder to concentrate on business. Strong desire stirred down south, and he cautioned himself to maintain control. “I carry a cell phone at all times. If I’m out of reach, one of my other men can handle it. But I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.”

      The comment echoed in the room, suspending the moment. He inched back a step, giving his body some much-needed relief.

      Erin turned her attention back to the plan. “Upstairs?”

      “The same. Sensors above and on the windows. And more motion-sensitive lights.”

      “That’s good. Night is a vulnerable time. But it’s my favorite time.”

      He found himself moving closer again, her sultry voice drawing him like a magnet. “You’re a night person, too?”

      “If I could I’d stay up all night and sleep all day.”

      “So would I.”

      Electricity coursed through him and settled directly below his belt. He needed to get away from her soon, or he just might give in to some damned sinful ideas. But his feet seemed stapled to the floor, and he continued to lose himself in the sound of her sexy voice, at his body’s expense.

      “How do you spend your nighttime hours?” she asked, but still didn’t turn around.

      “TV, reading. Sometimes I pop open a beer and listen to my favorite jazz. And sometimes I cook.” He’d never spoken so freely about his personal life with a woman. He’d learned not to reveal even that much of himself. But Erin Brailey was no ordinary woman.

      Her laugh was full of surprise, not judgment. “You cook? That’s great. I can’t operate the microwave.” She glanced back at him again. “Are you good?”

      The way she said it made him wonder if the question had more to do with his performance in bed than his culinary talents. Probably just wishful thinking on his part. Either way, the answer was the same. “I’d like to think so.”

      She studied the plan again. “I’m sure you are.”

      Her whisper-soft words made him think of her in his arms, naked beneath him. “What do you do at night?” СКАЧАТЬ