Название: The American Missionary. Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888
Автор: Various
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр: Журналы
H.T. Aborn, Mass.; Rev. E.W. Allen, Mass.; John G. Allen, Mass.; Miss Mary E. Averill, Conn.; Miss Maria Bachellor, Mass.; Miss C.A.K. Bancroft, Mass.; Miss A.B. Barrows, Conn.; Miss S.F. Batchelder, N.H.; Mrs. Abby S. Bates, R.I.; John R. Beecroft, N.Y.; Rev. Howard Billman, Conn.; Mrs. G.N. Bird, Mass.; Miss Clara B. Blackinton, Mass.; Rev. Charles H. Bliss, Ill.; Mrs. H. P. Bliss, R.I.; Miss Rebecca Bliss, R.I.; Mrs. George Booth, R.I.; E.P. Borden, Mass.; Mrs. S.C. Bourne, Mass.; Mrs. E.P. Boynton, Mass.; A.G. Brewer, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Buffum, R.I.; Miss R. Bullard, Mass.; Mrs. Charles F. Burgess, Conn.; Mrs. E.H. Cady, Conn.; Miss Mary J. Capron, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Cain, Mass.; Rev. J.H. Childs, Mass.; Miss Mary C. Collins, Dak.; Mrs. A.B. Cook, R.I.; Miss Katie A. Craig, Mass.; Rev. A.W. Curtis, Ala.; William L. Curtis, O.; Miss Anne Cushman, Mass.; Mrs. P.B. Davis, Mass.; Mrs. O.L. Dean, Mass.; T.R. Dennison, Mass.; Edward W. Doolittle, Neb.; Mrs. Charles Duncan, Mass.; Joseph R. Dunham, R.I.; Miss Anna M. Dyer, Mass.; Miss S.S. Evans, Ala.; Mrs. Addison P. Foster, Mass.; Mrs. A. Fearing, Mass.; Mrs. L.L. Ferris, R.I.; Rev. J.L. Fowle, Mass.; Miss Emma R. Freeman, R.I.; P.H. Gardner, R.I.; Miss Mary A. George, N.H.; Rev. Simeon Gilbert, Ill.; Joshua H. Given, Pa.; Miss Charlotte L. Gleason, Mass.; Mrs. J.R. Goodale, R.I.; Mrs. C.L. Greene, Mass.; Rev. David Gregg, Mass.; Mrs. M.F. Hardy, Mass.; Rev. Elijah Harmon, Mass.; Dea. G.E. Herrick and wife, Mass.; Mrs. S.R. Heywood, Mass.; George Wm. Hill, R.I.; Rev. H.R. Hoisington, Conn.; Dea. E. Francis Holt, Mass.; Mrs. Henry T. Holt, N.Y.; Mrs. George M. Howe, Me.; Miss B.A. Howe, Mass.; Mrs. W.P. Hubbard, Me.; Miss. A. Hunt, Mass.; Rev. Henry S. Huntington, Me.; Mrs. H.M. Hurd, Mass.; O.M. Hyde, Conn.; Rev. Frank E. Jenkins, N.Y.; Loring Johnson, Mass.; Mrs. Samuel Johnson, N.Y.; Mrs. Charlotte Johnson, Mass.; Miss Olive M. Johnson, Mass.; Miss Hannah N. Johnson, Mass.; Mrs. D.E. Jones, Conn.; Mrs. Mary A. Jones, Mass.; Mrs. George S. Kemp, Mass.; Mrs. Jane Kerr, Mass.; Rev. Evarts Kent, Ga.; Mrs. A.E. Kingman, Minn.; Mrs. A. Kingsbury, Conn.; Chas. H. Leonard, M.D., R.I.; Rev. Edwin Leonard, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Linsley, Conn.; E.C. Marsh, Maas.; Mr. and Mrs. C.H. May, Mass.; Mrs. C.M. Merriam, Mass.; William Merrill, Mass.; Miss Anna Metcalf, Mass.; Mrs. Ella S. Moore, D.C.; Miss E. Morrison, Mass.; Mrs. P.H. Nichols, Mass.; Rev. and Mrs. A.F. Newton, Mass.; Mrs. Henry B. Noyes, Conn.; Mrs. C.P. Paige, Mass.; Miss Sarah M. Paine, R.I.; Mrs. C.M. Palmer, Mass.; Mrs. S.E. Parker, Mass.; Rev. R.M. Peacock, Mass.; Mrs. Charles H. Peck, Conn.; Miss C.E. Perkins, Mass.; Rev. George A. Perkins, Mass.; Miss Elizabeth B. Pierce, Mass.; Miss E. Plimpton, Ga.; Miss M. Ella Porter, Conn.; Mrs. Daniel Potter, Mass.; Harriett R. Pratt, Mass.; Mrs. Samuel A. Pratt, Mass.; Mrs. Maria B. Prescott, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rice, Conn.; Mrs. Robert Richmond, Mass.; Rev. Augustine Root, Mass.; I.H. Rowland, Conn.; Mrs. M.M. Russegue, Mass.; Mrs. S.H. Ryder, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Sadd, Conn.; Mrs. F.A. Sadd, Conn.; Mrs. G.S.F. Savage, Ill.; Mrs. C.W. Shelton, Conn.; O.L. Slader, R.I.; Henry D. Smith, Conn.; Rev. Stephen Smith, Mass.; Eliza Smith, Mass.; Albert K. Smiley, N.Y.; Miss M.W. Staples, Mass.; Miss Angelina Stebbins, Mass.; Mrs. E.P. Stetson, Mass.; Rev. Edward G. Stone, N.H.; H.A. Street, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. William Swift, Conn.; Rev. C. Terry, Mass.; Rev. G.H. Tilton, Mass.; Miss C.E. Warren, Mass.; Tyler Waters, Mass.; Mrs. Eben Webster, Mass.; D.W. Whittlesey, Conn.; Mrs. C.R. Wilcox, R.I.; Mrs. Randale, Mass.; Mrs. Winslow, Mass.; Miss C.L. Wood, Mass.; Charles P. Wood, Mass.; Rev. F.G. Woodworth, Miss.
The Nominating Committee was appointed as follows: Rev. James G. Vose, D.D., of Massachusetts; Rev. S.L. Blake, D.D., of Connecticut; Hon. Franklin Fairbanks, of Vermont; Rev. Henry J. Patrick, of Massachusetts; C.L. Mead, Esq., of New York.
The Treasurer, H.W. Hubbard, Esq., presented his annual report, with schedules and the certificates of the auditors, which was accepted and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Rev. James G. Vose, D.D., of Providence, made an address of welcome, which was responded to by the President.
The Survey of the Field by the Executive Committee was read by Secretary A.F. Beard, D.D., and was accepted, and the parts were referred to the special committees to be appointed.
The Association, led by Secretary Strieby, united in a concert of prayer with workers in the field.
The Nominating Committee reported the following committees, which were appointed:
Committee on Business.—Rev. M. McG. Dana, D.D., of Massachusetts; E.B. Monroe, Esq., of Connecticut; Rev. F.F. Emerson, D.D., of Rhode Island; Rev. P.B. Davis, of Massachusetts; Rev. John Barstow, of Massachusetts.
Committee on Finance.—A.L. Williston, Esq., of Massachusetts; L.C. Warner, M.D., of New York; Roland Mather, Esq., of Connecticut; S.S. Marples, Esq., of New York; F.W. Carpenter, Esq., of Rhode Island.
Committee of Arrangements.—Rev. J.H. McIlvaine, D.D., of Rhode Island; G.E. Luther, Esq., of Rhode Island; John McAuslan, Esq., of Rhode Island; J. G. Parkhurst, Esq., of Rhode Island; Asa Lyman, Esq., of Rhode Island; Z. Williams, Esq., of Rhode Island.
Benediction by the President.
The meeting was called to order at 7,30 P.M. It was voted that the programme as printed be adopted. The devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. James L. Hill, of Massachusetts.
The annual sermon was preached by Rev. Arthur Little, D.D., of Illinois; from Isaiah vi: 1-8.
The sermon was followed by the administration of the Lord's Supper. The following named persons officiated at the service; Ministers:—Rev. Robert W. Wallace, of Massachusetts, and Rev. George F.S. Savage, D.D., of Illinois; Deacons:—McAuslan, Pabodie, Olney, Spicer, Barrows and Fuller of Rhode Island, Hubbard of Maine, and Fairbanks of Vermont.
At the close of the Communion, adjournment was taken to Wednesday at 9 A.M.
The prayer-meeting from 8 to 9 o'clock, was led by Rev. Rowland B. Howard, of Massachusetts. At 9 o'clock the Association was called to order by the President, who conducted the devotional exercises.
The records of the previous day were read and approved,
A paper, on "American Freedmen and African Evangelization," was read by Secretary M.E. Strieby, D.D.
A paper, on "The Hopefulness of Indian Missions as Seen in the Light of History," was read by Secretary A.F. Beard, D.D.
Voted that the papers read by the Secretaries be referred to the appropriate committees.
The Nominating Committee reported the following special committees who were appointed:
Committee on the Chinese.—Rev. S. Gilbert, D.D., of Illinois; Rev. M.M.G. Dana. D.D., of Massachusetts; Rev. Geo. A. Tewksbury, of Massachusetts; Rev. F.L. Ferguson, of Connecticut; Rev. R.W. Wallace, of Massachusetts.
Committee on the Indians.—S.B. СКАЧАТЬ