The American Missionary. Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888. Various
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Название: The American Missionary. Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888

Автор: Various

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Журналы




СКАЧАТЬ and 'Go' Texts for every day in the year." And accompanying the generous gift is this note: "A friend of the colored race takes pleasure in furnishing these books for the workers and advanced pupils in the schools under the care of the American Missionary Association." We thank the donor in behalf of those who will gladly welcome and diligently use the gift.

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      Back numbers of the "American Missionary."—During the last ten years we have had frequent applications from public libraries and from colleges for back numbers of our Magazine to make up complete sets. Our supply has been exhausted and we have been obliged to decline. An appeal now comes from the Professor of Church History in Oberlin Theological Seminary, in these words: "As the Association is closely connected with the history of Oberlin, I wish to put my classes in American Church History on the history of the Association." The Oberlin library contains nothing complete till 1880.

      Can any of our subscribers supply the want to a college so long and so closely identified with the early struggles of the Association? If so, please address Prof. F.H. Foster, Oberlin, Ohio.

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      The Forty-second Annual Meeting of the American Missionary Association convened in the Union Congregational Church, Providence, R.I., on Tuesday, October 23d, 1888, at 3 P.M.

      In the absence of the President, the Association was called to order by the Senior Secretary, who invited E.B. Monroe, Esq., of New York, to take the chair until the arrival of the President, Rev. William M. Taylor, D.D., of New York.

      Rev. M. McG. Dana, D.D., of Massachusetts, read the Scriptures and led in prayers.

      Rev. Henry A. Hazen, of Massachusetts, was elected Secretary and Rev. James H. Ross, of Massachusetts, Assistant Secretary.

      Secretary Beard read the portion of the Constitution relating to life membership and delegates, and the roll of the Association and Visitors was prepared, as follows:


      State Associations.

      Rev. C.B. Curtis, Ala.; Rev. Horace C. Hovey, Conn.; Rev. B.A. Imes, Tenn.; Rev. S.M. Newman, D.C.

      Local Conferences.

      Rev. A.K. Gleason, Mass.; William P. Hubbard, Me.; Rev. D.E. Jones, Conn.; Rev. H.G. Marshall, Conn.; Rev. B.G. Northrop, Conn.; Miss L.L. Phelps, Me.; Rev. M.C. Stebbins, Vt.; Rev. Lewis Williams, N.Y.; Mrs. Lewis Williams, N.Y.

      Delegates from the Churches.

      Rev. F.D. Austin, N.H.; Dea. Edward Autz, R.I.; Horatio Bailey, Mass.; Rev. John Barstow, Mass.; Edward D. Beach, Conn.; Rev. Wm. H. Beard, Conn.; Dea. George T. Beach, Conn.; Rev. Quincy Blakely, N.H.; N.C. Boutelle, Mass.; Mrs. Juliet H. Brand, O.; Rev. H.S. Brown, Conn.; Rev. Wm. T. Briggs, Mass.; M.A.H. Brigham, R.I.; Rev. F.L. Bristol, Mass.; Frank E. Bundy, Mass.; Mrs. J.I.W. Burgess, Mass.; Rev. Wolcott Calkins, Mass.; A.A. Carr, Mass.; Mrs. Robert Chapman, Conn.; Mrs. Mary W. Claflin, Ill.; Rev. and Mrs. S.W. Clarke, Mass.; Rev. Bernard Copping, Mass.; Leyrand S. Carpenter, Conn.; Rev. Zenas Crowell, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Joshua W. Davis, Mass.; Dea. Levi S. Deming, Conn.; Rev. John W. Dodge, Mass.; Rev. R.C. Drisko, Vt.; Rev. and Mrs. A.J. Dyer, Mass.; Rev. Edward O. Dyer, Mass.; Rev. John Elderkin, Conn.; Miss Mary E.P. Elderkin, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Eldredge, Mass.; Rev. F.F. Emerson, R.I.; Rev. Thomas A. Emerson, Conn.; Rev. F.L. Ferguson, Conn.; Rev. R.H. Gidman, Conn.; Mrs. N.M. Goodale, Mass.; Mrs. L.M. Gurney, Mass.; Arthur H. Hale, N.H.; Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Hall, Conn.; Mrs. S.I. Hall, Mass.; Rev. Henry E. Hart, Conn.; Rev. J.P. Harvey, Mass.; Rev. Wm. H. Haskell, Me.; Rev. and Mrs. R.W. Haskins, Mass.; Rev. Henry A. Hazen, Mass.; Miss Helen E. Haynes, Mass.; C.F. Haywood, Mass.; Rev. James L. Hill, Mass.; Dea. Farrington Holbrook, Mass.; Silas R. Holmes, Conn.; Rev. and Mrs. Palmer S. Hulbert, Mass.; Joseph W. Hungerford, Conn.; Charles Jewett, Tenn.; Miss Mary K. Keith, Mass.; L.B. Kendall, R.I.; Rev. G.N. Killogg, Conn.; Rev. H.L. Kelsey, Conn.; Rev. George S. Kemp, Mass.; James O. Kendall, Mass.; Dea. A. Kingsbury, Conn.; Edmund F. Leland, Mass.; Rev. J.R. McLean, Texas; Russel Manchester, R.I.; Dea. George T. Meech, Conn.; Rev. and Mrs. George A. Miller, Conn.; L.A. Morgan, Conn.; James A. Morse, N.H.; Rev. Chas. S. Murkland, N.H.; Dea. and Mrs. B.A. Nourse, Mass.; Rev. Bernard Paine, Conn.; Mrs. C.M. Palmer, Mass.; Rev. C.W. Park, Conn.; Rev. H.J. Patrick, Mass.;. Mrs. Abner C. Paul, Mass.; Dea. Charles Peck, Conn.; Mrs. Kathleen M. Phipps, Mass.; Rev. Charles M. Pierce, Mass.; George W. Pike, Conn.; Herbert W. Pillsbury, Mass.; Rev. E.S. Potter, Mass.; Samuel Prentice and wife, Conn.; Rev. and Mrs. A.J. Quick, Conn.; Rev. George W. Reynolds, Me.; George E. Richards, Mass.; Elisha F. Richardson, Mass.; Rev. C.B Riggs, Tenn.; Mrs. George H. Rugg, Mass.; Rev. Moses T. Runnels, N.H.; Lawson A. Seagrave, Mass.; Rev. John Scott, Conn.; J.H. Shedd, Mass.; George W. Shelton, Conn.; Rev. Thomas Simms, Conn.; Dea. P. Skinner, Jr., R.I.; Rev. J.D. Smiley, R.I.; Miss Augusta Smith, Mass.; Arthur M. Stone, Mass.; Rev. Chas. B. Strong, Conn.; Rev. George W. Stearns, Mass.; Alexander Storer, Mass.; J.W. Stickney, Mass.; Mrs. E.M. Strong, Conn.; Mrs. Wm. H. Swett, Mass.; Caleb T. Symmes, Mass.; Rev. Wm. M. Thayer, Mass.; Miss M. Estelle Vance, Mass.; Rev. M. Van Horne, R.I.; Rev. R.W. Wallace, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Walter, Conn.; Dea. Francis J. Ward, Mass.; Mrs. Francis J. Ward, Mass.; Dr. Lucien C. Warner, N. Y.; Rev. James Wells, Mass.; Rev. C.A. White, Mass.; Rev. John E. Wildey, R.I.; Rev. Preston B. Wing, Mass.; Chas. P. Wood, Mass.; Dea. Franklin Wood, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A. Woodbury, Me.; Rev. W. Woodbury, Mass.; Rev. J.J. Woolley, R.I.; Rev. Wm. H. Woodwell, Mass.

      Life Members.

      H.N. Ackerman, Mass.; Rev. F.H. Adams, R.I.; Rev. W.S. Alexander, Mass.; J.H. Bailey, Conn.; Rev. F.W. Baldwin, Mass.; Rev. John W. Ballantine, Mass.; Rev. Luther H. Barber, Conn.; Dea. H.W. Barrows, Mass.; A.C. Barstow, R.I.; Miss Mattie R. Barstow, Conn.; Rev. A.F. Beard, KY.; Rev. Edwin S. Beard, Conn.; Mrs. E.H. Beckwith, N.J.; Miss L. Beckwith, Conn.; David Birge, Conn.; Rev. J.T. Blades, Mass.; George Booth, R.I.; Rev. James Brand, O.; Chas. N. Brown, N.Y.; Mrs. Chas. N. Brown, N.Y.; Dea. T.F. Buckingham, Conn.; Mrs. Delia E. Bucklin, Mass.; Mr. J.I.W. Burgess, Mass.; Miss Anna M. Cahill, Tenn.; Dea. Samuel B., Capen, Mass.; Rev. DeWitt S. Clark, Mass.; Walter C. Clark, Conn.; John H. Cleveland, Conn.; Rev. J.W. Cooper, Conn.; Robert Cushman, R.I.; Rev. M.M.G. Dana, Mass.; George P. Davis, Mass.; Rev. and Mrs. E. Dawes, Mass.; Rev. P.B. Davis, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Day, Mass.; Rev. Oliver S. Dean, Mass.; Rev. Morton Dexter, Mass.; Rev. Samuel W. Dike, Mass.; John B. Doolittle, Neb.; Charles Duncan, Mass.; Rev. W.R. Eastman, Mass.; Miss D.E. Emerson, N.Y.; Rev. John L. Ewell, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fairbanks, Vt.; Rev. S.H. Fellows, Conn.; Rev. L.Z. Ferris, R.I.; Milton M. Fisher, Mass.; Miss M.M. Fitch, Mass.; Rev. Edward T. Fleming, Ga.; Rev. Addison P. Foster, Mass.; Mrs. Jacob Fullarton, Mass.; Mrs. E.A.H. Grosvenor, Mass.; Rev. Alexander Hall, Conn.; Mrs. Mortimer Hall, Mass.; Rev. George E. Hall, N.H.; Rev. C.H. Hamlin, Mass.; Samuel R. Heywood, Mass.; Miss Lucy J. Harrison, Conn.; Rev. W.D. Hart, R.I.; Rev. Allen Hazen, Mass.; Miss Alma J. Herbert, N.H.; Rev. John W. Hird, Mass.; Elisha Holbrook, Mass.; Mrs. Farrington Holbrook, Mass.; Dea. Henry T. Holt, N.Y.; Rev. Rowland B. Howard, Mass.; H.W. Hubbard, N.Y.; Rev. and Mrs. W.T. Hutchins, Conn.; Rev. A.H. Johnson, Mass.; Rev. H.E. Johnson, R.I.; Mrs. Loring Johnson, Mass.; Rev. Samuel Johnson, N.Y,; Rev. R.R. Kendall, Mass.; Rev. Arthur Little, Ill.; Rev. G.E. Lovejoy, Mass.; Rev. J.H. Lyon, R.I.; Rev. P.W. Lyman, Mass.; Rev. A.P. Marion, Mass.; Roland Mather, Conn.; Chas. L. Mead, N.Y.; Rev. D.O. Mears, Mass.; Rev. and Mrs. C.E. Milliken, N.H.; Rev. Eldridge Mix, Mass.; Elbert B. Monroe, Conn.; Rev. George W. Moore, D.C.; Mrs. Woodbridge Odlin, Mass.; Rev. Henry A. Osgood, Mass.; Rev. Wm. S. Palmer, Conn.; Rev. Leonard S. Parker, Mass.; Mrs. H.P. Parsons, Conn.; Rev. Charles H. Peck, Conn.; Rev. A.B. Peffers, Mass.; George F. Platt, Conn.; Mrs. Willard Pettee, Mass.; Rev. and Mrs. S.W. Powell, Mass.; Dea. Augustus Pratt, Mass.; Rev. Lewellyn Pratt, Conn.; Samuel A. Pratt, Mass.; Rev. George H. Reed, Mass.; Rev. A.M. Rice, Mass.; Mrs. E.B. Rice, Mass.; A.H. Richardson, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Richardson, Mass.; Rev. N. Richardson, R.I.; Mrs. M.E. Richardson, Mass.; Rev. James Richmond, Mass.; Mrs. R.B. Risk, Mass.; Rev. Edward P. Root, Conn.; Rev. Jos. E. Roy, Ill.; Dea. E.A. Russell, Conn.; Rev. C.J. Ryder, Mass.; Rev. G.S.F. СКАЧАТЬ