Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов
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СКАЧАТЬ EEG frequency reflects the Earth's axial rotational velocity, as well as the velocity of the Earth's movement around the Sun. EEG frequency is related to the movement of stock and financial markets. All of these indicators are interrelated.

      A relationship was identified between the psycho-cosmic energies related to the Earth's axial rotation and the historical processes.

      Ref.: Breath of history. M .: 2015.

      It turned out that empires develop in unison with cosmic cycles. One of the attributes of such a cycle is the cyclic change of the Earth's axial rotational velocity.

      At the same time we don't have the data on the Earth's rotational velocity for the period of thousands of years ago. But there is a way to substitute these accurate data available today with the indirect data (isotope formation of various substances, etc.). And by the substituted indicators we can judge about the gravity-spin energies of the past.

      An agreement was identified between the change of the Earth's rotational velocity and the change of the Earth's air temperature.

      Synchronous changes of the Earth's rotational velocity (v×10^10) in relative units (slid blue line), accumulated anomalies of the annual number of days with processes of the circulation form -C (red) and moving averages of the air temperature global anomalies for five years after the trend exclusion according to the HadCRUT3data (black).

      Ref.: N. S. Sidorenkov. "Impact of the annual and monthly Earth’s rotation on cycling of the atmospheric processes, weather and climate changes", Hydro-meteorological Centre of Russia.

      That is, the Earth's speed is related to the powerful non-electromagnetic cosmic energies.

      They affect climate, people, our health, economic growth, our history.

      This conclusion is based on the evidence obtained by physicists: even isotope decay of various substances is statistically related to the Earth's rotational velocity.

      A relationship was identified between the half-life of isotopes of substances and the Earth's rotational velocity.

      In 2008 the article was published in the US: Jere H. Jenkins, Ephraim Fischbach, John B. Buncher, John T. Gruenwald, Dennis E. Krauseand, Joshua J. Mattes, «Evidence for Correlations Between Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance». (ArXiv: 0808.3283v1 [astro-ph]). It presents the research results of the silicon isotope 32Si half-life at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) since 1982 to 1986. An annual cycling of the decay process was identified, as well as its correlation with the 1/R2 value, where R is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. But at the same time this is the indicator of the Earth's orbital speed. In winter at perihelion it is maximum (minimal distance to the Sun), whereas in summer at aphelion it is minimal.

      Let's combine these two graphs.

      As the Earth’s rotation slows down, the silicon isotopes half-life happens faster. There is a direct relationship between high-energy processes at the atomic level and the Earth's rotational velocity.

      Therefore, not only health – all physical processes fluctuate depending on the Earth's speed, including its axial rotational velocity.

      With the change of the Earth's rotational velocity physical, biological, psycho-physiological, social and historical processes also change.

      From the viewpoint of ether-dynamics it can be easily explained. The higher the density of ethereal vortices – the greater the speed, energy of all processes to which they are related. And these are transmutation processes, too. So the increase of isotopes of various substances on the Earth in the periods of higher ether density is an expected and natural phenomenon from the ether-dynamics viewpoint. Traditional physics is still unable to explain this.

      Therefore, let's not interfere in the dispute of physicists and move on to analysis of the facts, without adding to this analysis anything controversial that has not yet been fully proven.

      1.3 Speculating on the identified statistical relationships

      The presented graphs and evidence suggest that there are powerful cosmic energies, which are related to the Earth's axial rotation and movement around the Sun, and these energies, that can be called psycho-cosmic, directly affect human activity, all socio-economic processes and biota.

      This was observed empirically long ago. There are ethnoscience evidence marks. One of them is that mushrooms grow better before a war. The growth of mushrooms, unlike the growth of trees, can be observed immediately. And people noticed that prior to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 there was an extraordinary harvest of apples and mushrooms. It happens at a certain combination of solar activity and gravity-spin energies, cosmic ether energies.

      Whereas the width of tree rings, harvest of apples and mushrooms – are the signs of powerful cosmic energies. People and animals are also under the influence of these cosmic energies.

      Note that decline in the growth of the tree rings is related to the Earth's rotational velocity, that is, to decline of the gravity-spin energies. Width of tree rings, as well as cereal yield are stronger correlated with the Earth's rotational velocity than with the solar activity in electromagnetic range.

      So what, is this cosmic energy more important for biota development? In the long-term historical period both energies are important. But when one of these energies is undergoing optimal changes, then the energy that is lacking makes a decisive contribution. Biota is arranged extremely elaborately: flora includes the species that grow better at gravity-spin energy, as well as the species that grow better at the increasing solar activity. Moreover, there are the plants and trees which grow better at an increase of the Earth's rotational velocity, and there are some which grow better at its decrease.

      Ref.: Yu. P. Demakov. Factors of annual tree growth dynamics.

      So in the long-term historical periods, at the change of cosmic energies, biota survives due to its certain species. Life of microbes is arranged in the same way. This is well studied in the Arctic. Under the ice specific microbe species reproduce better, while the others stay in a conserved condition. As space weather changes – mass reproduction of specific microbes is replaced by reproduction of the others. Thus, shrimp always have food. Hence the food chain for the higher animals does not break even at abrupt changes of cosmic energies.

      There are the types of mushrooms that grow better at particular combinations of electromagnetic and gravity-spin cosmic energies. At the same time, the very shape of mushrooms resembles the vortex shape so much that it is hard to deny the direct relationship between the power of ether vortices and the mushroom growth rate even for the extreme skeptics of the ether-dynamic theory. Here are some examples of such resemblances.

      Vortex energy are immense.

      And they are related to gravity. One can refer here to see that these energies are literally all around us:

      Their power is great.

      The СКАЧАТЬ