Psycho-cosmic energies and Russia. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов
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СКАЧАТЬ agrees with the division of countries by the change of GDP growth rate, cereals growth, etc. depending on the Earth's rotational velocity.

      Consider the champions from China. We foresaw that China's development also depends significantly on cosmic energies (ref.: The breath of history). And Chinese record-breakers achieve outstanding results more often during the falling Earth's rotational velocity.

      Let's be rigorous and not mix the samples. Let's take the surnames of outstanding Chinese athletes from one and the same list of world sports achievements in track-and-field athletics, which are given in Wikipedia.

      All records were set at the stage of the slowing Earth's rotation, as in Russia.

      Yes, statistical data are not very significant. Just a few people. But if one considers GDP growth rates, those depend on efforts of more than a billion Chinese people, whereas cereal growth involves trillions of granules. This is about the trends that appear on the scale of billions of cases and on the sample of small numbers. These trends agree. It is surprising that even Chinese stock markets have differed in growth rate with most global stock indices since 2012. They develop in the opposite trends of the Earth's rotational velocity change.

      All countries can be divided into those where sports records are more often set at a growth of the Earth's rotational velocity, and those where records are set at its decline. As well as growth of plants and trees. There are the plant species, the growth of which on the scale of centuries is positively correlated with the Earth's rotational velocity, and there are some – for which that correlation is negative. Why is there such a counter division?

      We are not surprised that in the northern hemisphere water flowing from a funnel twists to the right, whereas in the south – to the left? Water under the influence of gravity is subject to the laws of vortex motion. So, do cosmic energies related to the Earth's rotation also cause vortex effects?

      But then we deal with the energy, the equator of which does not coincide with the Earth's equator. But this is exactly what ether-dynamics claims regarding the cosmic ether distribution on Earth. Moreover, people are likely able to tune to a particular cosmic energy. While this energy is opposite (V. L. Dyatlov et al.). Just think about it…

      Both by birth and by achieved sports results Russian athletes strongly depend on cosmic energies. But these are the typical representatives of Russian nation, these are its most healthy representatives. Does that mean that Russian people are also under stronger and direct influence of cosmic energies?

      2.5 Conclusions based on analysis of various types of athletes and related to economic development

      From the provided facts and analysis some conclusions follow that are important for understanding the laws of society development.

      1) At different stages of the changing Earth's rotational velocity the greatest success is achieved by the athletes who are, due to their psycho-type, predisposed to activity and the highest achievements exactly at the given cosmic energies. There are the individuals who set records more often at points 1, and those who are more active at point 5 of a cycle, i.e. at the points of acceleration sign change of the Earth's rotational velocity. These are the bifurcation points of society development. There are the athletes who, due to their psycho-type, achieved more at the growing Earth's rotational velocity, and there are those who set records at its decline. Those are the different athletes.

      The people that are more active and successful at different stages of the Earth's rotational velocity change are different. There are the people who are equally active at different stages of cosmic energies related to the Earth's rotational velocity. But there are only a few of them. Just several.

      But if that applies to all people, different people will be more active as well at different stages of the Earth's rotational velocity change in annual cycles.

      Even without knowing this relationship, we took this into account during selection of athletes. Through competitions the best were selected to participate in world championships, the Olympic Games. The best were identified according to the results of current competitions. And this selection of athletes naturally and constantly goes on.

      But will the methods of training such relatively different athletes also be different? If we select people of type 1/1 (effective at points 1 of the cosmic energies change cycle), will the training method that is effective for the athletes of type 5/5, who are effective at points 5 of the cycle, be suitable for them, too? Is it necessary to change coaches according to the changes of the types of athletes and cosmic energies?

      Of course, it is necessary. But this is the way it happens. If a coach is unable to cope with problems – he is changed. Gradually, the coaches that had been effective in working with athletes of one type are changed by the coaches that are effective in working with athletes, who are in turn effective in the current space epoch.

      Thereat, this is not about daily and monthly cycles of cosmic energy changes. This is about annual, ten-year cycles. In centenary cycles all this happens naturally due to the change of generations of athletes and coaches. And naturally the sought-for athletes and the most effective coaches are being selected, the most effective training methods are being spread.

      But this often happens by trial and error, through the search and course of life, through people's unrest and experience.

      Thus, it naturally turns out that the best athletes are selected for world championships, the Olympic Games. They naturally comply with the existing cosmic energies. These are the athletes of a particular type.

      2) Athletes win and set the records that are not beaten through decades more often in the period of the slowing Earth's rotation. Cosmic energies related to the slowing Earth's rotation greater comply with the highest sports achievements. In sport, there are extra outstanding achievements that cannot be beaten through decades, although the methods for training athletes are constantly improved. And every next year sports achievements are becoming more and more impressive in general. Nevertheless, there are the periods in the sports history when the records were set that cannot be beaten through decades. All of them correspond to the periods of the slowing Earth's rotation. But if this is so, then economic growth, progress in society development should also be observed during such years. This is true. (ref.: The breath of history).

      Leaps in society development, radical transformations and steady progress are related to the growth of cosmic energies, caused by the Earth's rotation. Decrease of the Earth's rotational velocity is one of probable signs of the growth of these energies. There are also other signs (ref.: Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth, p. 9 – 11).

      Whereas cereals grow better at the higher Earth's rotational velocity. Let's not forget that… People and plants have their own natural relationships with the Earth's rotational velocity.

      3) At stages of the significantly different Earth's rotation speed different methods and even systems of athlete selection and training will be more effective.

      Naturally, this is influenced by the country's economic capacity, but there are the differences in methods directly related to cosmic energies in a current epoch.

      At historical stages of the high Earth's rotational velocities, low concentration of isotopes in tree rings, when economic growth rates decrease, training of athletes and soldiers (these are substantially similar) concentrates in special schools. In particular, the selection of young people in these schools, their rough training, ensured success of the country and the army. The elite of successful countries was trained in such a way. And it earned victories to those countries. That training was rough and hard. For example, in one of the Spartan schools a boy fell dead because his belly was gnawed through by a fox-cub, which he caught СКАЧАТЬ