Proserpina, Volume 2. Ruskin John
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Название: Proserpina, Volume 2

Автор: Ruskin John

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Биология




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      Vol. i., p. 212, note.


      See 'Deucalion,' vol. ii., chap, i., p. 12, § 18.


      I am ashamed to give so rude outlines; but every moment now is valuable to me: careful outline of a dog-violet is given in Plate X.


      A careless bit of Byron's, (the last song but one in the 'Deformed Transformed'); but Byron's most careless work is be


Vol. i., p. 212, note.


See 'Deucalion,' vol. ii., chap, i., p. 12, § 18.


I am ashamed to give so rude outlines; but every moment now is valuable to me: careful outline of a dog-violet is given in Plate X.


A careless bit of Byron's, (the last song but one in the 'Deformed Transformed'); but Byron's most careless work is better, by its innate energy, than other people's most laboured. I suppress, in some doubts about my 'digamma,' notes on the Greek violet and the Ion of Euripides;—which the reader will perhaps be good enough to fancy a serious loss to him, and supply for himself.


Nine; I see that I missed count of P. farinosa, the most abundant of all.


"A feeble little quatrefoil—growing one on the stem, like a Parnassia, and looking like a Parnassia that had dropped a leaf. I think it drops one of its own four, mostly, and lives as three-fourths of itself, for most of its time. Stamens pale gold. Root-leaves, three or four, grass-like; growing among the moist moss chiefly."


The great work of Lecoq, 'Geographic Botanique,' is of priceless value; but treats all on too vast a scale for our purposes.


It is, I believe, Sowerby's Viola Lutea, 721 of the old edition, there painted with purple upper petals; but he says in the text, "Petals either all yellow, or the two uppermost are of a blue purple, the rest yellow with a blue tinge: very often the whole are purple."


Did the wretch never hear bees in a lime tree then, or ever see one on a star gentian?


Septuagint, "the eyes of doves out of thy silence." Vulgate, "the eyes of doves, besides that which is hidden in them." Meaning—the dim look of love, beyond all others in sweetness.