Испанский язык. Устные темы (A1-A2) 2-е изд., пер. и доп. Учебное пособие для академического бакалавриата. Анна Игоревна Комарова
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СКАЧАТЬ during the spring flood, shallow areas of the basin are drained at an earlier discharge of water, which negatively affects the mating of fish in the upper part of the reservoir daily

      In order to create optimal conditions for fish mating, the transfer of water to the lower part of the pool is carried out subject to strict compliance with the requirements of fishing. In cases where it is possible to prevent damage, it is planned to build compensatory (covering) fish farming facilities (fish hatcheries, spawning farms).

      It would be wrong to assume that all the impacts of reservoirs on the environment (in fact, in much greater numbers than those considered in Buer) will only be negative. Usually, each of them will have a set of positive properties, both negative and not so much.

      Thus, it is also wrong to think that all forms of reservoir outcrops are inevitable and natural defects of hydraulic engineering. Many of these effects manifest themselves in the practice of creating and using reservoirs and turn out to be the consequences of incorrect design of objects or violation of the rules for the use of gyroscopes in general. For example, the harmful effects of reservoirs on fishing can be eliminated at a significant level by properly designing reservoirs and observing the appropriate level of their use.

      Nature protection measures. When designing hydropower facilities, it is necessary to ensure that the damage to nature is at the lowest possible level. In order to control and timely prevent environmental pollution at the HPP, the following observations were established, namely:

      · by draining and removing process oils;

      · with the quality of the water to be disposed of after use;

      · with ledges of elegaz puddles in complex switchgear.

      In addition, taking into account the characteristics of large reservoirs with a complex and energy purpose, the following observations are carried out in them:

      * Meteorological;

      * hydrochemical;

      · hydrobiological, including ichthyological observations.

      According to the results of observations, the caretakers receive information about the necessary environmental measures.

      When creating reservoirs, their water protection zone is assumed, protective forest plantations and reforestation measures are planned on the same territory. Contamination of the water protection zone by water flows into the reservoir prevents the ingress of substances.

      Based on specially conducted scientific research, GES projects included the following extensive set of measures to protect flora and fauna, including:

      · restoration of forests instead of flooded woodlands, relocation of rare, relict and Red-listed plants from flooded areas;

      * cultivation of valuable varieties in crop rotation; introduction of a system of special permits that do not allow the basin to build up its lower part;

      * moving to catch valuable animal species from flooded areas;

      * creation of livestock farms and livestock farms for breeding animals; Organization of protective and reserve zones; construction of fishing, fish-breeding and compensation facilities.


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      Karimov Sherzod Bahodirovich

      Candidate of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Fergana State University

      Aliev Ibratjon Khatamovich

      2nd year student of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Fergana State University

      Karimov Bahodir Khoshimov

      Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Fergana State University

      Ferghana State University, Ferghana, Uzbekistan

      Аннотация. В настоящей работе обнаружен и исследованы пространственно-осциллирующей фотовольтаический ток (ПОФТ) в направлении [100] в сегнетоэлектрике SbSJ при освещении поляризованным светом в направлении [010] и образованию от оптической зависимости в [001] направлении структуры пространственного осциллирующего фотовольтаического тока Jx. Обсуждены некоторые экспериментальные и физические основы пространственно осциллирующего фотовольтаического тока.

      Ключевые слова: сегнетоэлектрик, поляризация, оптически-активный кристалл, пространственно-осциллирующий фотовольтаический ток, тензор 3-ранга.

      Annotation. In this paper, the spatially oscillating photovoltaic СКАЧАТЬ