Варгань, кропай, марай и пробуй. Шрини Пиллэй
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СКАЧАТЬ «Mental Time Travel and Default-Mode Network Functional Connectivity in the Developing Brain, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, no. 42 (16 октября 2012 года): 16800–16804.


      R. E. Beaty, M. Benedek и др., «Creativity and the Default Network: A Functional Connectivity Analysis of the Creative Brain at Rest», Neuropsychologia 64C (20 сентября 2014 года): 92–98; N. C. Andreasen, «A Journey into Chaos: Creativity and the Unconscious», Mens Sana Monographs 9, no. 1 (январь 2011 года): 42–53.


      J. Yang, X. Weng и др., «Sustained Activity within the Default Mode Network During an Implicit Memory Task», Cortex 46, no. 3 (март 2010 года): 354–366; T. Ino, R. Nakai и др., «Brain Activation During Autobiographical Memory Retrieval with Special Reference to Default Mode Network», Open Neuroimaging Journal 5 (2011): 14–23.


      S. M. Fleming, C. L. Thomas и R. J. Dolan, «Overcoming Status Quo Bias in the Human Brain», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, no. 13 (30 марта 2010 года): 6005–6009.


      K. Izuma, M. Matsumoto и др., «Neural Correlates of Cognitive Dissonance and Choice-Induced Preference Change», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107, no. 51 (21 декабря 2010 года): 22014–22019.


      S. Yin, T. Wang и др., «Task-Switching Cost and Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain: Toward Understanding Individual Differences in Cognitive Flexibility», PLoS One 10, no. 12 (2015): e0145826; P. S. Cooper, P. M. Garrett и др., «Task Uncertainty Can Account for Mixing and Switch Costs in Task-Switching», PLoS One 10, no. 6 (2015): e0131556.


      E. Harmon-Jones, C. Harmon-Jones и др., «Left Frontal Cortical Activation and Spreading of Alternatives: Tests of the Action-Based Model of Dissonance», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94, no. 1 (январь 2008 года): 1–15.


      I. Sarinopoulos, D. W. Grupe и др., «Uncertainty During Anticipation Modulates Neural Responses to Aversion in Human Insula and Amygdala», Cerebral Cortex 20, no. 4 (апрель 2010 года): 929–940.


      B. R. Payne, J. J. Jackson и др., «In the Zone: Flow State and Cognition in Older Adults», Psychology and Aging 26, no. 3 (сентябрь 2011 года): 738–743.


      S. B. Ostlund and B. W. Balleine, «On Habits and Addiction: An Associative Analysis of Compulsive Drug Seeking», Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models 5, no. 4 (зима 2008 года): 235–245.


      M. A. Boksem, T. F. Meijman, and M. M. Lorist, «Effects of Mental Fatigue on Attention: An ERP Study», Brain Research: Cognitive Brain Research 25, no. 1 (сентябрь 2005 года): 107–116.


      R. Yu, «Choking Under Pressure: The Neuropsychological Mechanisms of Incentive-Induced Performance Decrements», Frontiers of Behavioral Neuroscience 9 (2015): 19.


      D. van der Linden, M. Frese, и T. F. Meijman, «Mental Fatigue and the Control of Cognitive Processes: Effects on Perseveration and Planning», Acta Psychologica 113, no. 1 (май 2003 года): 45–65.


      M. C. Stevens, K. A. Kiehl и др., «Brain Network Dynamics During Error Commission», Human Brain Mapping 30, no. 1 (январь 2009 года): 24–37.


      A. F. Arnsten, «Stress Signalling Pathways That Impair Prefrontal Cortex Structure and Function», Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, no. 6 (июнь 2009 года): 410–422.


      T. Thompson and A. Richardson, «Self-Handicapping Status, Claimed Self-Handicaps and Reduced Practice Effort Following Success and Failure Feedback», British Journal of Educational Psychology 71, pt. 1 (март 2001 года): 151–170.


      R. N. Spreng, E. DuPre и др., «Goal-Congruent Default Network Activity Facilitates Cognitive Control», Journal of Neuroscience 34, no. 42 (15 октября 2014 года): 14108–14114.


      T. H. Ogden, «Reverie and Interpretation», Psychoanalytic Quarterly 66, no. 4 (октябрь 1997 года): 567–595.


      J. Smallwood and J. Andrews-Hanna, «Not All Minds That Wander Are Lost: The Importance of a Balanced Perspective on the Mind-Wandering Stat», Frontiers in Psychology 4 (2013): 441.


      C. M. Zedelius и J. W. Schooler, «Mind Wandering ‘Ahas’ Versus Mindful Reasoning: Alternative Routes to Creative Solutions», Frontiers in Psychology 6 (2015): 834.


      R. N. Spreng, R. A. Mar, и A. S. Kim, «The Common Neural Basis of Autobiographical Memory, Prospection, Navigation, Theory of Mind, and the Default Mode: A Quantitative Meta-Analysis», Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21, no. 3 (март 2009 года): 489–510.


      R. L. McMillan, S. B. Kaufman, и J. L. Singer, «Ode to Positive Constructive Daydreaming», Frontiers in Psychology 4 (2013): 626.


      E. Kross, E. Bruehlman-Senecal и др. «Self-Talk as a Regulatory Mechanism: How You Do It Matters», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 106, no. 2 (февраль 2014 года): 304–324.


      D. Cutuli, «Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression Strategies Role in the Emotion Regulation: An Overview on Their Modulatory Effects and Neural Correlates», Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 8 (2014): 175.


      D. СКАЧАТЬ