Варгань, кропай, марай и пробуй. Шрини Пиллэй
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      E. Yoffe, «Is Kary Mullis God?» Esquire 122, no. 1 (1994): 68.


      K. McRae, B. Hughes, и др., «The Neural Bases of Distraction and Reappraisal», Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22, no. 2 (2010): 248–262.


      A. E. Green, M. S. Cohen и др., «Frontopolar Activity and Connectivity Support Dynamic Conscious Augmentation of Creative State», Human Brain Mapping (2014), тезисы конференции.


      H. C. Lou, M. Nowak и T. W. Kjaer, «The Mental Self», Progress in Brain Research 150 (2005): 197–204.


      A. Golkar, E. Johansson и др., «The Influence of Work-Related Chronic Stress on the Regulation of Emotion and on Functional Connectivity in the Brain», PLoS One 9, no. 9 (2014): e104550.


      T. Amer, K. W. Ngo, L. Hasher, «Cultural Differences in Visual Attention: Implications for Distraction Processing», British Journal of Psychology (2016), epub. Планируется печатная версия.


      A. Kucyi, M. J. Hove и др. «Dynamic Brain Network Correlates of Spontaneous Fluctuations in Attention», Cerebral Cortex (2016), epub. Планируется печатная версия.


      L. L. Beason-Held, T. J. Hohman и др., «Brain Network Changes and Memory Decline in Aging», Brain Imaging and Behavior (2016), epub. Планируется печатная версия.


      K. Mevel, G. Chételat и др., «The Default Mode Network in Healthy Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease», International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2011 (2011): http://dx.doi.org/10.4061/2011/535816.


      S. Sandrone and M. Catani, «Journal Club: Default-Mode Network Connectivity in Cognitively Unimpaired Patients with Parkinson Disease», Neurology 81, no. 23 (2013): e172–175.


      R. S. Wilson, C. F. Mendes de Leon и др. «Participation in Cognitively Stimulating Activities and Risk of Incident Alzheimer Disease», Journal of the American Medical Association 287 (2002): 742–748.


      C. Fabrigoule, L. Letenneur и др., «Social and Leisure Activities and Risk of Dementia: A Prospective Longitudinal Study», Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 43 (1995): 485–490; C. Helmer, D. Damon и др., «Marital Status and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: A French Population-Based Cohort Study», Neurology 53 (1999): 1953–1958; J. Verghese, R. B. Lipton и др., «Leisure Activities and the Risk of Dementia in the Elderly», New England Journal of Medicine 348, no. 25 (2003): 2508–2516; X. Zhang, C. Li, и M. Zhang, «Psychosocial Risk Factors of Alzheimer’s Disease», Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi 79 (1999): 335–338.


      D. Gui, S. Xu и др., «Resting Spontaneous Activity in the Default Mode Network Predicts Performance Decline During Prolonged Attention Workload», NeuroImage 120 (15 октября 2015 года): 323–330.


      Циркадный (циркадианный) ритм – «внутренние часы» организма, регулирующие интенсивность биологических процессов в зависимости от суточной цикличности. Прим. ред.


      M. Tanaka, A. Ishii, и Y. Watanabe, «Neural Effects of Mental Fatigue Caused by Continuous Attention Load: A Magnetoencephalography Study», Brain Research 1561 (2 мая 2014 года): 60–66.


      M. A. Killingsworth and D. T. Gilbert, «A Wandering Mind Is an Unhappy Mind», Science 330, no. 6006 (12 ноября 2010 года): 932.


      J. E. Dowling, Creating Minds: How the Brain Works (New York: W. W. Norton, 1999), р. 22; M. A. Persinger, «Brain Electromagnetic Activity and Lightning: Potentially Congruent Scale-Invariant Quantitative Properties», Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 6 (2012): 19.


      S. Herculano-Houzel, «The Human Brain in Numbers: A Linearly Scaled-up Primate Brain», Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 3 (2009): 31.


      A. Kucyi, M. J. Hove и др., «Dynamic Brain Network Correlates of Spontaneous Fluctuations in Attention», Cerebral Cortex (13 февраля 2016 года).


      N. H. Liu, C. Y. Chiang, и H. C. Chu, «Recognizing the Degree of Human Attention Using EEG Signals from Mobile Sensors», Sensors (Basel) 13, no. 8 (2013): 10273–10286.


      X. Jia and A. Kohn, «Gamma Rhythms in the Brain», PLoS Biology 9, no. 4 (апрель 2011 года): e1001045.


      J. W. Kim, B. N. Kim и др., «Desynchronization of Theta-Phase Gamma-Amplitude Coupling During a Mental Arithmetic Task in Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder», PLoS One 11, no. 3 (2016): e0145288.


      M. Graczyk, M. Pachalska и др., «Neurofeedback Training for Peak Performance», Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 21, no. 4 (2014): 871–875; S. di Fronso, C. Robazza и др., «Neural Markers of Performance States in an Olympic Athlete: An EEG Case Study in Air-Pistol Shooting», Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 15, no. 2 (июнь 2016 года): 214–222; T. Hulsdunker, A. Mierau и H. K. Struder, «Higher Balance Task Demands Are Associated with an Increase in Individual Alpha Peak Frequency», Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9 (2015): 695.


      S. СКАЧАТЬ