Крестовые походы в Палестину (1095–1291). Аргументы для привлечения к участию. Валентин Портных
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      Libellus de expugnatione terrae sanctae per Saladinum // Radulphi de Coggeshall Chronicon Anglicanum / Ed. J. Stevenson. London, 1875. P. 211.


      Ibid. P. 245: “Ego siquidem auribus meis audivi…”.


      Gunther von Pairis. Hystoria Constantinopolitana. S. 113: “Vobis hodie causam Christi com-mitto, vobis ipsum, ut ita loquar, in manus trado, ut eum in hereditatem suam, de qua crudeliter eiectus est, restituere studeatis”.


      PL. Т. 202. Col. 1539 (письмо 4).


      Linder A. “Deus venerunt gentes”. Psalm 78(79) in the Liturgical Commemoration of the Destruction of Latin Jerusalem 11 Medieval Studies in Honour of A. Saltman / Ed. B. S. Albert. Ramat-Gan, 1995. P. 146.


      Linder A. Raising Arms. Liturgy in the Struggle to Liberate Jerusalem in the Late Middle Ages. Tumhout, 2003. P. 2.


      Linder A. “Deus venerunt gentes”. P. 152.


      PL. T. 216. Col. 821 (год 16, письмо 28). Про литургические новшества, связанные с крестовыми походами, в целом, см.: Maier С. Т. Crisis, Liturgy and the Crusade in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries // Journal of Ecclesiastical History. 1997. Vol. 48, no. 4. P. 628–657.


      Linder A. Raising Arms. P. 38.


      Throop S. Crusading as an Act of Vengeance. P. 47.


      Ibid. P. 47.


      Riley-Smith J. The First Crusade. P. 114.


      Kangas S. Deus vult. Violence and Suffering as a Means of Salvation during the First Crusade // Medieval History Writing and Crusading Ideology / Ed. M. S. Lehtonen, К. V. Jensen. Helsinki, 2005. P. 167.


      The Historia Ierosolimitana of Baldric of Bourgueil. P. 108.


      Ibid. P. 109: “Numquid si quis extemus vestrum aliquem perçussent, sanguinem vestrum non ulciscemini? Multo magis Deum vestrum, patrem vestrum, fratrem vestrum ulcisci debetis, quern exprobrari, quern proscribi, quem crucifigi videtis”.


      Le «Liber» de Raymond d’Aguilers / Publié par J.H. Hill et L.L. Hill. Paris, 1969. P. 70.


      Willelmi Tyrensis Archiepiscopi Chronicon. P. 276.


      Throop S. Crusading as an Act of Vengeance. P. 44.


      Die Kreuzzugsbriefe aus den Jahren 1088–1100. S. 180.


      Ibid. S. 161.


      France J. An Unknown Account of the Capture of Jerusalem // English Historical Review. 1972. Vol. 87. P. 782; Linder A. A New Day, New Joy: the Liberation of Jerusalem on 15 July 1099 // L’idea di Gerusalemme nella spiritualità cristiana del medioevo. Atti del convegno in-temazionale. Vaticano, 2003. P. 58, 62.


      France J. An Unknown Account. P. 781–782.


      Linder A. A New Day, New Joy. P. 61.


      PL. T. 200. Col. 1294 (письмо 504).


      Throop S. Crusading as an Act of Vengeance. P. 75.


      Ibid. P. 75.


      Ibid. P. 115.


      Schwerin U. Die Aufrufe der Pâpste. S. 43.


      Historia de expeditione Friderici imperatoris. S. 12.


      Radulfi de Diceto Opera Historica. P. 133.


      Historia de profectione Danorum in Hierosolymam. P. 464.


      Alain de Lille. Sermo de cruce Domini. P. 281.


      Chronica magistri Rogeri de Houedene. P. 165.


      PL. T. 214. Col. 264 (год 1, письмо 302).


      PL. T. 214. Col. 308–309 (год 1, письмо 336).


      PL. Т. 215. Col. 164 (год 6, письмо 101).