Like Life! Easiest way to live effectively. Dave Thompson
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Название: Like Life! Easiest way to live effectively

Автор: Dave Thompson

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Руководства


isbn: 9785448532016


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      WHO IS TO BLAME

      And all the blame.

      In addition to them.

      Blame the government. Sometimes America. Sometimes Georgia.

      Often the fault of the Jews.

      But never blame the man – which a finger does not hit to do something.

      In the same direction

      It just spreads the shit oil..

      The main thing – to take responsibility.

      But it is difficult to take responsibility when you have a lot of projects.

      And each neuromyelitis what is important.

      All dumped in piles.

      Watered time management. And cooked on a slow fire.

      This is all very shitty, man.

      The shit smell is not smell?

      And here I am I feel.

      When there are a lot of shit – pick one pile and deal with it. Build a flower bed. This place.

      There’s no need to get into all sorts of shit.

      And our people – most do.

      Work on priorities – just moved I have all off the ground.

      Now the rule. I’m doing that one thing.

      And until you finish – fuck I go somewhere.

      To the end. And you – do to the end.

      Until you throw up.

      A sick – puke

      But do it. Stand your ground.

      And do. Completed – okay – now you can take the next thing.

      And how we like to work stick out in the social. parallel networks watching videos on YouTube

      and player in the ears. Charging.

      Not fucking done.

      In the air hung the question – how to fuck off home early?

      And not to be fucked with boss?

      And in the end? Ass! Who is to blame? Pindossy!

      That they szukany children, we spoil the life and soul crap.

      We must start with ourselves. And responsibility for everything rests with us.

      You threw your hand to neuromyelitis what scope of work?

      Receive a fascist, a grenade!

      For nekhuy! It is necessary for one to kontsentrirovanija.

      Diamond cutting bleat.

      A powerful stream of the jet at one point.

      And all zaebis


      Fuck the lists.

      All sorts of time management.

      It’s from don’t give to do.

      If you know what you need to do that one thing – you did not fucking need a time management.


      Stop! Right now, I want to shit!

      Shit – write on. Priority!

      The primary objectives.

      You’re not going to get a notebook with time management, to masturbate their brains that you want to take a shit?

      I want to shit, shit.

      Shit is shit.

      Finished wearing his pants and went further.

      And time management! Trainings on time management!

      Say, non-urgent important, urgent unimportant, unimportant non-urgent?

      This floss. It is a rare dirty trick that should be hung by the balls.

      Time management: I want to shit and shit.

      Vysralsya – wearing pants.


      What’s so complicated?

      Non-urgent unimportant.

      Woe …who the fuck knows what.


      And so they make lists.

      Well, do you really think you need those lists and you don’t know when you need to take a shit?

      Yes, you all-American golymi hands ploughed when shit wants to truly!

      Look how our then Secretary General of the UN has secured that, he began to drag his Shoe on the podium already.

      I would, too, so shooting if I wanted to shit…

      So no lists – God forbid.

      Determine what you need. And do. That one thing.

      Want to earn money.

      Want to cross stitch


      For myself, I decided that I pin to shove.

      In any situation, to create some kind of shit.

      I must fuck.

      In the relationship.

      In business.

      In about everything.

      In the contracts.

      I just permanently fucked.

      And every morning I Wake up and ask:

      Lord! СКАЧАТЬ