Like Life! Easiest way to live effectively. Dave Thompson
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Название: Like Life! Easiest way to live effectively

Автор: Dave Thompson

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Руководства


isbn: 9785448532016


СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Vigorous – baton.

      Now to publish a book can be almost any monkey – at least I had not gone far.

      I – the most egregious case of personal ineffectiveness.

      Because in the period from 14 to 20 years were taken for any reason.

      Nichrome and generally in no way succeeded.

      But scurried around a lot exactly the same as I do, young men with burning eyes…

      …and many did:

      who is 20 years old and already had the money. Someone – Tits. And not his own.

      And someone both.

      And I (that’s me) was not.

      And a question:

      And as if all this Tits+ money+ social status to get?

      Most of the training sessions offered such as “draw” – show how good you are, nasty in the ears.

      Dressed in Zara (Top, blah).

      Then buy Nokia Sirocco is noneshnim the iPhone 7 was…

      And click it – Sirocco.

      And show-off throw.

      And shit like that


      So it’s not the worst.

      The worst sorts of psychologists.

      Which type – be fully successful.

      wheel and draw some shit on a white sheet.

      the white sheet that attached to the wall somehow whether gum or plasticine

      Or Koszul. Who the fuck knows.

      And here STSAT in your ears.

      Success. Be successful

      In General, try PI * * ing in the ears and clicking Nokia Sirocco wherever you went.

      At least someone “gives” and who conducted it. And not only in terms of sex. And not only women. In the sense that and Dating

      tie can be.

      Only here such here fuck Dating?

      Fuck didn’t give up.

      And regarding to develop comprehensively.

      It’s kind of not a prostitute and not a virgin. And not a fanatic (a believer) and not an atheist.

      What is the mean of something with something.

      Fully razvivatsa is no good word.

      You really please decide:

      where you




      You money or save. Because you can’t have it both ways.

      It is impossible for two chairs.

      Impossible. You have to decide.


      And around that time there were many people who have had enough.

      For his age.

      Or just had.

      A lot

      And they were fundamentally different from those that have tried and for some pussy to Bang and to build a career and family

      to the country…

      and grandmother to apartment wills.

      And that the teacher is not overwhelmed.

      And that Dorm room.

      And type in instagram in the club and all around…

      on nigrescence anything.

      At all

      So those who really what that was.

      Something imagined.

      They were definitely a recipe for success.

      They chose that one for himself.

      What that one fucking thing.

      What one Mulk and all the rest would have ceased to exist.

      Quite a successful punk made a bet on landing of the liver.

      and was very successful in this.

      At least, unattractive individuals, they also gave.

      From their midst.

      What the fuck?



      Others have relied on the money.

      The only bet I must say.

      And won.

      In 3—4 years they have become something a little bit out.

      And why not turned on when people lump the stuffing?

      Skill on its own earns.

      It’s not like that.

      And those who tried to “find yourself” “self-actualization” – this is so khuyatina just fucked up.

      It’s like this here book is about self-realization.

      Type sold themselves like the author.

      Holy balls…

      Fuck they got together with his fulfillment.

      No career, no money, not even a wench – a little bit adequate.

      Yes. There.. It’s worse.

      But СКАЧАТЬ