Success in English Teaching. Paul Davies
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СКАЧАТЬ consider other aspects of teaching English: planning and management, materials and aids, evaluation and testing, and professional development, including a survey of past and current approaches. There are tasks and questions for discussion at appropriate points in the chapters. At the end of each chapter there is a summary of its contents and a project.

      The book also contains a glossary, a list of sources and suggestions for further reading, and an index.

       How can you make use of Success in English Teaching?

      Like most books of its kind, Success in English Teaching can be used in several different ways. The main alternatives are to use it as:

      – a complete course in English teaching

      – a reference book.

      The sequence of chapters is designed especially for people who wish to use the book as a complete course, working through it from beginning to end. The glossary can help with the understanding of new terms and concepts, and the projects at the end of each chapter can be made an integral part of the course. After completing the course, trainee teachers may wish to continue their development by selecting other books from the Sources and Further Reading section.

      If you are a practising teacher, or a teacher-trainer, looking for new insights and ideas, you may just want to add Success in English Teaching to your personal reference library. In that case, you will find the contents pages and the index useful to locate the topic you are interested in at any given time. The summaries at the end of each chapter should also be useful, quickly providing more background to the topic you are investigating.

      Whether you are a pre-service trainee, practising teacher, or teacher-trainer, we hope that you will find the book useful and interesting, and that it delivers the promise in its title.






      In this chapter we define success in English language teaching and learning. That involves deciding on valid goals for English language courses. The development of an ability to communicate in English must be a major goal of any effective course. We present a general model of English language teaching (ELT) that integrates the use of English as the main classroom language from the start, appropriate focus on language, and regular communicative activities. For any approach to work, certain conditions are essential, such as dynamic lessons and motivation. Specific teaching–learning situations also have to be taken into account.

       Recognizing success in teaching English

      Many institutions and teachers have a reputation for real success in teaching English. Others have a poor reputation. For example, some people will tell you they learnt a lot of English at their school. Others will say they studied for three, four, or five years or more, and learnt almost nothing. The main test for real success in teaching and learning should be whether or not the learners can communicate at all in English. Can they understand instructions in class, or questions in an interview, or talks at a conference? Can they ask for directions in the street, or provide personal information, or explain business proposals? Can they understand simple articles, or business letters, or technical books? Can they complete application forms, or write letters or reports? Can they pass recognized examinations in English, like the UCLES exams or the TOEFL tests?

      We can all recognize such real, practical success in teaching and learning English. We know success is not just being able to repeat memorized sentences or complete grammar exercises – though they may contribute to learning. Success is not the same as getting an 8, 9, or 10 in course tests – though that may indicate some progress. It is the ability of learners to use English effectively in real communication situations.

       Teachers and teaching

      Successful teachers and the institutions where they teach may differ in many ways. For example, in the teachers’ experience, training, and level of English, or the size of classes, hours of class per week, and the methodology and materials used. However, successful teachers tend to have certain things in common. They usually:

      1 have a practical command of English, not just a knowledge of grammar rules

      2 use English most of the time in every class, including beginners’ classes

      3 think mostly in terms of learner practice, not teacher explanations

      4 find time for really communicative activities, not just practice of language forms

      5 focus their teaching on learners’ needs, not just on ‘finishing’ the syllabus or coursebook.

      As far as point 1 is concerned, a teacher’s development of a command of English should be a life-long hobby as well as a professional obligation. Of course, a knowledge of the rules and terminology of English grammar and vocabulary is also useful. But teaching, especially language teaching, is much more than just the transfer of knowledge. If teachers follow point 2, this means that their learners constantly experience the real communicative use of English. It increases their exposure to the language through listening comprehension, and gives them opportunities to speak English. Point 3 relates to two general observations about teaching and learning languages. First, explanations often become long, complicated discussions in the learners’ native language (often referred to as their L1), which may leave little time for the practice and use of English. Second, most people seem to learn much more from use of a language than from explanations about it. Point 4 again recognizes that language learning is essentially about communication. And point 5 puts the learners at the centre of teaching. Your success as a teacher is based entirely on their success as learners.

       Co-ordination of English language departments

      Most institutions where teaching is generally successful have systems to set standards related to the five points discussed above. For example, there is careful selection of teachers. Their work is co-ordinated by means of meetings and seminars, class observation, materials, and tests. All the teachers are in general agreement about principles, goals, and methodology. There is continuity in the courses and co-operation among the teachers.

      Obviously, it is better for teachers to teach and learners to study in such institutions. But even in a poorly co-ordinated institution teachers can begin to change things by teaching their own classes as effectively as they can. If they then establish some co-operation with one or two other teachers, they have started something important.


      (Use your experience as a learner to answer these questions if you are not yet teaching.)

      Do you agree that successful English teachers usually speak English in class?

      Do you agree that they give much more time to practice than to explanation?

      Do you agree that teacher co-operation in an English language department is important?

       Establishing goals and objectives in teaching English

      The absence of clear or appropriate goals in education is bad for both teachers and learners. At school, children and adolescents often seem to be required to study algebra, or Roman history, or English, only because these subjects are on the official curriculum and there are tests to pass. This can have a very negative effect on the learners’ attitude towards these subjects. The clear definition of appropriate goals СКАЧАТЬ