Explore it. Britain. Part 2. Д. С. Ведунова
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Название: Explore it. Britain. Part 2

Автор: Д. С. Ведунова

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9785448376795


СКАЧАТЬ and children

      Queen Elizabeth II is now, as before, is the head of the Windsor dynasty. From marriage to Philip Mountbatten she has four children, the eldest of whom – Prince Charles – is the current heir to the British throne. It marks the 60th anniversary of when Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne. To this date, the Queen Elizabeth has eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Junior-grandson of today’s heroine – George, was born in the mid-2013.

      British royal family

      British royal family is a group of close relatives of the monarch of Great Britain. In 1917 George V of the war with Germany renounced all German titles for himself and successors and renamed the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor house.

      In the UK, there is no clear legal or formal definition of the royal family member, usually members of the royal family are considered to be the monarch, the monarch’s spouse, widowhood monarch spouse, children of the monarch, the monarch in the male line grandchildren, spouses and widowed spouses sons and grandsons in the male line of the monarch.

      Historically, the British royal family was represented by the monarch on the British Empire and held responsible and representative posts, today they perform ceremonial and social functions in both the UK and abroad, and in addition to the monarch have no constitutional role in the government’s affairs.

      Titles and reference

      British Royals titles Their Majesties (reigning monarch, the wife of the reigning king, the queen dowager) and Their Royal Highnesses (the Queen’s husband, the younger members of the family) male family members on the eve of the wedding is prepared, as a rule, one of the royal dukedom, historically belonging to the Crown:

      • Duke of Edinburgh (the holder of a spouse Elizabeth II Prince Philip, the title will be transferred to his youngest son Prince Edward in the future);

      • Duke of Gloucester (granted to younger members of the family, currently the holder is Prince Richard, grandson of George V);

      • Duke of Kent (usually granted to younger sons of the monarch, the holder is Prince Edward, grandson of George V);

      • Duke of York (as a rule, it is obtained the second sons of monarchs, the holder of Prince Andrew, the second son of Elizabeth II);

      • Duke of Cambridge (granted as younger members of the family Holder – Prince William, grandson of Elizabeth II);

      • Duke of Sussex (get the younger children of the monarch, meant for the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II Prince Edward, who, however, preferred to specially created Earl of Wessex title. In the future, is expected to receive the title of Prince Harry).

      The heir to the throne has traditionally received the title of Prince of Wales and along with it – the titles of Duke and Cornish Duke (as Scottish heir to the throne).

      The reigning monarch is also the holder of the title of the Duke of Lancaster (titles with the “duke” regardless of gender) and the Duke of Normandy in respect to the Channel Islands

      Of special note is the title of Duke of Windsor – it was created by King George VI for his older brother Edward, to abdication known as King Edward VIII and was not created earlier. Edward left no children, so his death in 1972 the title returned to the Crown.

      Members of the British royal family

      Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh:

      • Charles, Prince of Wales, the eldest son of Elizabeth and Philip, heir to the throne, and his second wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

      • Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, the son of Charles and his first wife, Diana, Princess of Wales, and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge:

      • Prince George of Cambridge

      • Princess Charlotte Cambridge

      • Prince Henry of Wales, more commonly referred to Prince Harry, the second son of Prince Charles and Diana

      • Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II

      • Princess Beatrice of York

      • Princess Eugenie of York

      • Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, the third son of the queen, and his wife Sophie, Countess of Wessex.

      • James, Viscount Severn

      • Lady Louise Windsor

      • Princess Anne, the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip

      • Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, the Queen’s cousin, and his wife Katharine, Duchess of Kent.

      • Prince Michael of Kent, the Queen’s cousin, and his wife Marie Christine von Reibnitz, Princess Michael of Kent.

      • Princess Alexandra, the Honorable Lady Ogilvy, a cousin of the Queen.

      • Prince Richard, Duke of Gloucester, the Queen’s cousin, and his wife Birgitta, the Duchess of Gloucester.

      UK Legal System

      In accordance with the so-called hierarchical structure of the judicial system, there are two types of courts in England: the higher and lower, though they are served by judges of the three categories. The system of higher courts of England and Wales are not included on the adopted classification of the House of Lords and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, because of their exclusive position in relation to the courts of all the United Kingdom. After the British entry into the European Communities in the English literature of a new classification: the first in the court system called the European Court in Luxembourg.

      House of Lords.

      As the highest and final court House of Lords hears appeals against decisions of the courts of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland – in civil cases and sentences in criminal cases the courts of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Of particular importance the House of Lords as the highest court is determined by the fact that its precedents are binding on all, without exception, the courts. Thus, the Chamber is now free to introduce new legal provisions for its decisions, which have the same effect as the norms established by the legislative acts.

      Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is the supreme and final authority for vessels of all parts of the United Kingdom. The Committee is composed of the Lord Chancellor, the ordinary appeal Lords and a certain number of “secret advisers” appointed by the crown. As part of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council of the Crown, its solutions are expressed in the form of “Council respectful” Her Majesty. They hear appeals against decisions of the superior courts “foreign” territories, and in respect of the territory of England – the decisions Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court in the so-called “prize” cases, the decisions of the ecclesiastical courts and certain disciplinary tribunals.

      The Supreme Court of England and Wales.

      So СКАЧАТЬ