Corporations Act. Australia
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Название: Corporations Act

Автор: Australia

Издательство: Проспект

Жанр: Юриспруденция, право


isbn: 9785392086429



      (d) any transactions that relate to the interest may proceed; and

      (e) the director may retain benefits under the transaction even though the director has the interest; and

      (f) the company cannot avoid the transaction merely because of the existence of the interest.

      If disclosure is required under section 191, paragraphs (e) and (f) apply only if the disclosure is made before the transaction is entered into.

      Note: A director may need to give notice to the other directors if the director has a material personal interest in a matter relating to the affairs of the company (see section 191).

      195 Restrictions on voting — directors of public companies only

      Restrictions on voting and being present

      (1) A director of a public company who has a material personal interest in a matter that is being considered at a directors’ meeting must not:

      (a) be present while the matter is being considered at the meeting; or

      (b) vote on the matter.

      (1A) Subsection (1) does not apply if:

      (a) subsection (2) or (3) allows the director to be present; or

      (b) the interest does not need to be disclosed under section 191.

      Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in subsection (1A), see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code.

      (1B) An offence based on subsection (1) is an offence of strict liability.

      Note: For strict liability, see section 6.1 of the Criminal Code.

      Participation with approval of other directors

      (2) The director may be present and vote if directors who do not have a material personal interest in the matter have passed a resolution that:

      (a) identifies the director, the nature and extent of the director’s interest in the matter and its relation to the affairs of the company; and

      (b) states that those directors are satisfied that the interest should not disqualify the director from voting or being present.

      Participation with ASIC approval

      (3) The director may be present and vote if they are so entitled under a declaration or order made by ASIC under section 196.

      Director may consider or vote on resolution to deal with matter at general meeting

      (4) If there are not enough directors to form a quorum for a directors’ meeting because of subsection (1), 1 or more of the directors (including those who have a material personal interest in that matter) may call a general meeting and the general meeting may pass a resolution to deal with the matter.

      Effect of contravention by director

      (5) A contravention by a director of:

      (a) this section; or

      (b) a condition attached to a declaration or order made by ASIC under section 196;

      does not affect the validity of any resolution.

      196 ASIC power to make declarations and class orders

      ASIC’s power to make specific declarations

      (1) ASIC may declare in writing that a director of a public company who has a material personal interest in a matter that is being, or is to be, considered at a directors’ meeting may, despite the director’s interest, be present while the matter is being considered at the meeting, vote on the matter, or both be present and vote. However, ASIC may only make the declaration if:

      (a) the number of directors entitled to be present and vote on the matter would be less than the quorum for a directors’ meeting if the director were not allowed to vote on the matter at the meeting; and

      (b) the matter needs to be dealt with urgently, or there is some other compelling reason for the matter being dealt with at the directors’ meeting, rather than by a general meeting called under subsection 195(4).

      (2) The declaration may:

      (a) apply to all or only some of the directors; or

      (b) specify conditions that the company or director must comply with.

      ASIC’s power to make class orders

      (3) ASIC may make an order in writing that enables directors who have a material personal interest in a matter to be present while the matter is being considered at a directors’ meeting, vote on that matter, or both be present and vote. The order may be made in respect of a specified class of public companies, directors, resolutions or interests.

      (4) The order may be expressed to be subject to conditions.

      (5) Notice of the making, revocation or suspension of the order must be published in the Gazette.

      Division 3 — Duty to discharge certain trust liabilities

      197 Directors liable for debts and other obligations incurred by corporation as trustee

      (1) A person who is a director of a corporation when it incurs a liability while acting, or purporting to act, as trustee, is liable to discharge the whole or a part of the liability if the corporation:

      (a) has not discharged, and cannot discharge, the liability or that part of it; and

      (b) is not entitled to be fully indemnified against the liability out of trust assets solely because of one or more of the following:

      (i) a breach of trust by the corporation;

      (ii) the corporation’s acting outside the scope of its powers as trustee;

      (iii) a term of the trust denying, or limiting, the corporation’s right to be indemnified against the liability.

      The person is liable both individually and jointly with the corporation and anyone else who is liable under this subsection.

      Note: The person will not be liable under this subsection merely because there are insufficient trust assets out of which the corporation can be indemnified.

      (2) The person is not liable under subsection (1) if the person would be entitled to have been fully indemnified by 1 of the other directors against the liability had all the directors of the corporation been trustees when the liability was incurred.

      (3) This section does not apply to a liability incurred outside Australia by a foreign company.

      (4) This section does not apply to a liability incurred by a registrable Australian body outside its place of origin.

      (5) This section does not apply to a corporation СКАЧАТЬ