Россия и США: познавая друг друга. Сборник памяти академика Александра Александровича Фурсенко / Russia and the United States: perceiving each other. In Memory of the Academician Alexander A. Fursenko / Russia and the United States: perceiving each other. In Memory of the Academician Alexander A. Fursenko. Сборник статей
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СКАЧАТЬ Relations. House of Representatives. March 12, 1997 // The Library of Congress http://thomas.loc.gov


      U. S. Government Assistance to and Cooperative Activities with the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, 2000. Washington, 2001; An Assessment of USAID Political Party Building and Related Activities in Russia, USAID/Moscow, 2000 // USAID < www.usaid.org>


      Five Alumni Appointed to Positions in New Russian Government // Department of State https://alumni.state.gov/


      An Assessment of USAID Political Party Building.


      Democracy Assistance. Government Accountability Office (далее – GAO). Report, 2009 // GAO www.gao.org.


      USAID Mission, Russia. Strengthening Democracy, 2006 // USAID www.usaid.org


      Burns W. (Ambassador to Russia). Submission of the Performance Report on Fiscal Year 2007 for Russia // USAID www.usaid.org


      Foreign Assistance: International Efforts to Aid Russia’s Transition Have Had Mixed Results, 2000 // GAO www.gao.org


      Funds Budgeted for U. S. Government Assistance to Eurasia, 2004 // Department of State http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rpt/c10250.htm


      U. S. Government-Sponsored International Exchanges & Training Regional Report, Eurasia, 2004 // Department of State < http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rpt/c10250.htm>.


      U. S. Government-Sponsored International Exchanges & Training Regional Report, Ukraine, 2002 // Department of State < http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rpt/c10250.htm>




      U. S. Assistance to Eurasia. Ukraine, 2004 // Department of State http://www.state.gov/p/eur/rls/rpt/c10250.htm


      Public Diplomacy: Strengthening U. S. Engagement with the World, 2010 // Office of the Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs http://www.state.gov


      National Framework for Strategic Communication, 2011 // White House www.whitehouse.gov


      Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications // Department of State < http://www.state.gov/r/cscc/>. См. также: Executive Order 13584 – Developing an Integrated Strategic Counterterrorism Communications Initiative // The White House < http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/09/09/executive-order-13584-developing-integrated-strategic-counterterrorism-c>


      Middle East Partnership Initiative // Department of State www.mepi.state.gov


      The Broadcasting Board of Governors’ Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Report of Inspection, 2010 // GAO www.gao.gov


      21st Century Statecraft // U. S. Department of State http://www.state.gov/statecraft/overview/index.htm


      Broadcasting Board Of Governors: Additional Steps Needed to Address Overlap in International Broadcasting, 2013 // GAO www.gao.gov


      S. 2499. Making Appropriations for the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, 2015. 113th Congress, 2nd Sess., 2014 // The Library of Congress www.thomas.loc.gov


      H. R. 4490. To Enhance the Missions, Objectives, and Effectiveness of United States International Communications, and for Other Purposes, 2015. 113th Congress, 2nd Sess., 2014 // The Library of Congress www.thomas.loc.gov


      John Doyle Klier, Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011).


      In this sense it complements and goes beyond the chief English language account of the same events, which focuses on the pogroms’ causes and origins: Michael Aronson, Troubled Waters: The Origins of the 1881 Anti-Jewish Pogroms in Russia (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1990).


      Klier, Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882, p. 86.


      Donald L. Horowitz, The Deadly Ethnic Riot (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 2001).


      Klier, Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882, p. 76.


      Ibid., p. 67.


      Prophecy and Politics: Socialism, Nationalism, & the Russian Jews, 1862–1917 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1981). The longer time frame of Frankel’s study accounts in part for regarding early Jewish socialists and proto-Zionists as prophetic. Their actual role in the early 1880s was less impressive and even contributed to the crisis. See Frankel’s chapter 2.


      Russia Gathers Her Jews: the Origins of the Jewish Question in Russia, 1772–1825 (DeKalb: Northern Illinois UP, 1986); and Imperial Russia’s Jewish Question, 1855–1881 (NY: Cambridge UP, 1995).


      Klier, Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881–1882, p. 327.
