Россия и США: познавая друг друга. Сборник памяти академика Александра Александровича Фурсенко / Russia and the United States: perceiving each other. In Memory of the Academician Alexander A. Fursenko / Russia and the United States: perceiving each other. In Memory of the Academician Alexander A. Fursenko. Сборник статей
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Читать онлайн книгу Россия и США: познавая друг друга. Сборник памяти академика Александра Александровича Фурсенко / Russia and the United States: perceiving each other. In Memory of the Academician Alexander A. Fursenko / Russia and the United States: perceiving each other. In Memory of the Academician Alexander A. Fursenko - Сборник статей страница 53

СКАЧАТЬ D. and Withington T. The History of Flight from Aviation Pioneers to Space Exploration. L.: Marks and Spenser, 2004. P. 45–46; Chandler C. D. and Lahm F. P. How Our Army Grew Wings, Airmen and Aircraft Before 1914. N. Y.: Ronald Press Co., 1943; Parkin J. H. Bell and Boldwin: their Development of Aerodromes and Hydrodromes at Baddeck, Nova Scotia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1964. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerial_Experiment_Association.


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      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AEA_White Wing.


      http://www.selfridge.army.mil/History.htm; http://www.firstflight.org/shrine/thomas_selfridge.htm.


      http://www.first-to-fly.com/History/Wright%20Story/junebug.htm; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AEA_June_Bug.


      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeronautical_Division,_U.S._Signal_Corps; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Selfridge.


      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeronautical_Division,_U.S._Signal_Corps; http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/wrihthml/wrighthigh.html.


      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeronautical_Division,_U.S._Signal_Corps; http://www.selfridge.army.mil/History.htm. The First Flight of the Wright Aeroplane at Fort Myer // Scientific American. 1908. Vol. 99. N II. September 12. P. 169; Зенкевич М. А. Братья Райт. М., 1933. С. 147.


      См.: Lahm F. P. Training the Airplane Pilot // Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society. November 1933. Vol. 37. N 275. P. 916–941; Whitt S. S. Frank Lahm: Pioneer Military Aviator // Aerospace Historian. Winter 1972. Vol. 19. N 4. P. 172–177; Miracles at Kitty Hawk. The Letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright / Ed. by F. C. Kelly. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus and Young, 1951. P. 306–307.


      О. Райт – У. Райту, 6 сентября 1908 г. // Miracles at Kitty Hawk. P. 303.


      http://www.selfridge.army.mil/history.htm; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wright_Brothers.


      Текст доклада и приложенных к нему документов находится на сайте http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/thomaset.htm. Копия этого официального документа была опубликована: First United States Military Aircraft Accident, 17 September 1908: Mr. Orville Wright and Lt. Thomas E. Selfridge. Norton: AFB (Calif.), 1958.


      http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/thomaset.htm. См. также: О. Райт – У. Райту, 11 ноября 1908 г. // Miracles at Kitty Hawk. P. 330–333.


      См., например, материалы из газеты «Washington Post» за 18 сентября 1908 г.: http://www. Arlingtoncemetery.net/thomaset.htm, а также «The Century Magazine». 1908. Vol. 76. N 5.


      Thoughts Suggested by Disaster in Which Our Secretary, Lieut. Selfridge, Met his Death // Bulletin of the Aerial Experiment Association. 1908. N XIX. November 16. P. 1–34; См. также: Curtiss G. H. Lessons of the Wright Disaster // Ibid. 1908. N XX. November 23. P. 13; Claudy C. H. Thomas E. Selfridge – An Appreciation. // Aeronautics. 1909. Vol. 4. N 4. April. P. 143–144, 172.


      См., например, иллюстрированную подборку: “The First Army Air Crash” // Look Magazine. 1938. Vol. 2. N 3. February 1. P. 56–57; Ingelles D. J. The Fort Myer Incident // Saturday Evening Post. September 13, 1958. Vol. 231. P. 48–49, 82–83, 86 etc.


      Larsen D. J. and Nigro L. J. Selfridge Field. Charleston (S.C.): Arcadia Publishing Co., 2006. 128 p. http://www.macomb.lib.mi.us/mountclemes/selfridge.htm; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selfridge_Field.


      http://www.arlingtoncemetery.net/thomaset.htm; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Aviation_Hall_of_Fame.


      Orth D. J. Dictionary of Alaska Names. Geological Survey Professional Paper 567. Washington, 1967. P. 320. Варшавский С. Р. Увековеченная слава России. Топонимические следы Русской Америки на карте Аляски. Магадан, 1982. С. 61; Атлас мира. Указатель географических названий / Отв. ред. А. Н. Баранов. М., 1954. С. 547.


      Orth D. J. Dictionary of Alaska Names. P. 320.






      См.: Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs // Department of State http://www.state.gov/r/


      См., например: Arndt R. The First Resort of Kings: American Cultural Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century. Dulles (Va.), 2005.


      NSC–4A. A Report on the Psychological Operations. December 9, 1947 // Documents of the NSC, 1947–1977. Third Supplement. A Microfilm Project. Washington, 1985.