Общий курс английского языка. Часть 2 (В2 – С1). Татьяна Олива Моралес
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СКАЧАТЬ woman exclaimed that I didn’t know where her shoes were.

      11. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?

      My friend promised: «I won’t tell it to anyone.»

      My friend promised that I won’t tell it to anyone.

      My friend promised that he won’t tell it to anyone.

      My friend promised that I wouldn’t tell it to anyone.

      My friend promised that he wouldn’t tell it to anyone.

      12. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?

      The student assured, «I did not say that.»

      The student assured that I did not say that.

      The student assured that he did not say that.

      The student assured that I had not said that.

      The student assured that he had not said that.

      13. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?

      The student said, «This is my text-book.»

      The student said that this is my text-book.

      The student said that this was our text-book.

      The student said that that was my text-book.

      The student said that it was his text-book.

      14. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?

      My friend said, «I went to the cinema last week.»

      My friend said that he went to the cinema last week.

      My friend said that I had gone to the cinema last week.

      My friend said that I had gone to the cinema the previous week.

      My friend said that he had gone to the cinema the previous week.

      15. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?

      Ann promised, «I will do it for him.»

      Ann promised that I will do it for him.

      Ann promised that she will do it for him.

      Ann promised that I would do it for him.

      Ann promised that she would do it for him.

      16. В каком предложении прямая речь превращена в косвенную верно?

      The student said, «I am writing a final test.»

      The student said that I am writing a final test.

      The student said that you are writing a final test.

      The student said that he was writing a final test.

      The student said that I was writing a final test.

      17. Fred asked Ann where he… so early in the morning.

      am going



      was going

      18. Mike knew his friends… for me at the metro station.

      will wait

      will have waited

      would wait

      would be waiting

      19. The chief didn’t know that the employee… the work the day before.

      has already done

      already did

      had already done

      would already do

      20. The guy assures that he… that woman.

      is knowing

      would know

      had known


      21. Nick understood why his friend… the previous evening.

      has not come

      didn’t come

      hadn’t come

      would not come

      22. She asked her ex-classmate if he… their English teacher.

      had remembered



      will remember

      23. The student reported he… the material.

      has already read

      already read

      had already read

      will already read

      24. Fred said that his wife… the next month.

      will come

      had come


      would come

      25. The man said he… tell me the right time, his watch… wrong.

      can, is

      would not can, were

      couldn’t, was

      cannot, is

      Тема 6. Пассивный залог

      Переведите предложение на русский язык. Выберите СКАЧАТЬ