Общий курс английского языка. Часть 2 (В2 – С1). Татьяна Олива Моралес
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СКАЧАТЬ not watched

      10. She asked us what ….

      are you reading

      were you reading

      are we read

      we were reading

      11. Father wondered why… homework?

      aren’t Ann doing your

      Ann wasn’t doing her

      hadn’t Ann doing his

      had Ann done her

      12. She asked if… or translating.

      was he reading

      did he read

      he was reading

      did he reading

      13. She wondered if ….

      I have slept

      I was sleeping

      was I sleeping

      I do slept

      14. She said that her husband… in a foreign company.

      not works

      has not worked

      had not worked

      were not working

      15. Fred… that Ann was not slipping.


      had known

      was knowing


      16. Paul… that he… on the phone.

      was saying, speaks

      saying, was speaking

      said, was speaking

      had said, spoke

      17. I… the piano in the evening.

      will be play

      be playing

      will playing

      will play

      18. She… yet when we… back.

      will not be sleeping, come

      won’t sleep, will come

      will not be sleeping, will have come

      doesn’t sleep, will come

      19. What… by 9 pm tonight?

      will he be doing

      will he have done

      will he do

      will have he done

      20. They… when Fred comes.

      will having supper

      will be having supper

      will supper

      will had supper

      21. What… when your sons arrive?

      will you be doing

      will you done

      you will be doing

      you will doing

      22. My brother… TV from 6 till 7 pm tonight.

      won’t be watching

      won’t watch

      won’t have watched

      won’t has watched

      23. I ….

      am not sit

      am not sitting

      do not sat

      am not sit

      24. I ….

      is read


      am reading

      do reading

      25. We… his articles.

      are reading

      are read

      do reading

      do reads

      Тема 3. Группа времен Perfect Continuous

      Переведите предложение на русский язык. Выберите правильный вариант.

      1. Tom… the book since three o’clock.

      have read

      has read

      was reading

      has been reading

      2. What… here since early morning? – He… for my examination.

      has he done, have been preparing

      he have done, have prepared

      has he been doing, has been preparing

      he has been doing, was preparing

      3. I… a lot of English texts lately.

      have been reading

      have read


      were reading

      4. She… German in 2000.

      begun teaching

      has begun teaching

      begins teaching

      began teaching

      5. Ann ….

      already СКАЧАТЬ