Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      Appointment. Assignation, assignment, agreement, arrangement; meeting, tryst; station, position, office, place; decree, command, order, edict, ordinance, mandate, requirement, law.


      Apportion. Appoint, allot, appropriate, divide, distribute, share, grant, dispense, assign, deal.

      Ant. Retain, collect, consolidate, receive, gather, divert.


      Apposite. Apt, pertinent, suitable, seasonable, apropos, fit, applicable, adapted.

      Ant. Untimely, irrelevant, unfitting, impertinent, misplaced.


      Appraise. Estimate, prize, value, rate, fix a price for, survey, assess, assize.

      Ant. Undervalue, discard, misprize; discount, rebate, allow.


      Appreciate. Estimate justly, value highly, esteem, prize, raise the value of; recognize, respect.

      Ant. Undervalue, misjudge, ignore, misconceive; depreciate, disdain.


      Apprehend. Arrest, seize, take, catch, capture; imagine, conceive, regard; perceive, realize, understand, appreciate; fear, forebode.

      Ant. Miss, lose, misunderstand, ignore, misconceive.


      Apprehension. Arrest, capture; understanding, intelligence, mind, reason; notice, cognizance; conception, imagination; knowledge, discernment, perception, sense; opinion, fancy, sentiment, notion, fear, suspicion, anxiety.

      Ant. Escape, non-detection; sensibility, emotion; apathy, lethargy; illiteracy, stupidity, stolidity; confidence, nonchalance.


      Apprise. Give notice, inform, tell, publish, advise, acquaint.

      Ant. Deceive, mislead, hoodwink, mystify.


      Approach, v. Advance, draw near, bring near, go near, push; broach, address confidentially; resemble closely, be like, similar, or equal.

      Ant. Diverge, retreat, go back; retard, restrain; be unlike.


      Approbation. Praise, commendation, approval, liking; support, consent, sanction, indorsement, concurrence, assent.

      Ant. Censure, protest, denial, disapproval, dissatisfaction.


      Approve. Praise, commend, sanction, support, encourage, authorize.

      Ant. Disparage, condemn, disown, repudiate, dislike.


      Approximation. Approach, nearness, similarity, likeness, contiguity, resemblance, propinquity, neighborhood.

      Ant. Remoteness, variation, distance, difference, divergence.


      Appurtenant. Belonging, connected, appended, attached, coordinate.

      Ant. Isolated, detached, unallied, independent.


      A priori. Theoretically; necessarily, apodictically, constitutionally, absolutely, primordially, inductively.

      Ant. A posteriori; practically, according to experience; deductively from facts.


      Apropos. Opportune, seasonable, apposite, timely, apt, suitable.

      Ant. Inopportune, irrelevant, untimely, inapt, unsuitable.


      Aptitude. Disposition, knack, endowment, tendency, inclination, fitness, suitability, bias, propensity.

      Ant. Unreadiness, unskilfulness, repugnance, incongruity.


      Arbiter. Umpire, judge, referee; controller, master, lord.

      Ant. Appellant, claimant, litigant, disputant.


      Arbitrary. Despotic, autocratic, tyrannical, overbearing, peremptory; capricious, wilful, fanciful; imperious, dictatorial.

      Ant. Considerate, lenient, obliging, equitable.


      Arbitration. Mediation, intercession, interposition, intervention; arbitrament, umpirage, trial, judgment, decision.

      Ant. Litigation, contention, disputation, appeal, dissension.


      Ardent. Passionate, fervent, intense, vehement, fierce, fiery; hot, burning; zealous, enthusiastic, strenuous.

      Ant. Cool, cold, indifferent, torpid, apathetic, dispassionate, phlegmatic.


      Argument. Reasoning, proof, evidence, controversy, discussion, debate; subject, topic, theme, thesis; summary, abstract, outline.

      Ant. Assertion, assumption; dogma.


      Aridity. Dryness, parchedness, sterility, unfertility, barrenness; dulness, indifference, torpidity, insensibility.

      Ant. Moisture, fertility, verdancy, luxuriance, productivity.


      Arise. Ascend, mount, get up, stand up; rebel, revolt; result, eventuate.

      Ant. Descend, dismount; submit, cower; cause, instigate.


      Aristocracy. Government of nobles; nobility, peerage, gentry.

      Ant. Democracy; people, populace, masses, rabble.


      Arm, v. Equip, array, furnish, gird, accouter, provide; fortify, cover, protect, guard; prepare.

      Ant. Divest, disarm; expose.


      Army. Soldiery, legion, armament, forces, host, phalanx, troops.

      Ant. Individual; citizens.


      Aromatic. Fragrant, spicy, balmy, redolent, odoriferous, ambrosial.

      Ant. Scentless, malodorous, fetid, offensive, noisome, rank.


      Arouse. Excite, provoke, instigate, stimulate, animate, kindle, warm, whet, summon, awaken.

      Ant. Allay, mitigate, moderate, still, quiet, assuage, СКАЧАТЬ