Ant. Modernity; futurity, eventuality, posterity; the present, to-day.
Anxiety. Perplexity, apprehension, care, concern, solicitude, worry, dread, trouble, foreboding, misgiving, eagerness, diffidence.
Ant. Ease, confidence, contentment, apathy, acquiescence, calmness, nonchalance, assurance.
Apathy. Stoicism, calmness, composure, lethargy, unconcern, indifference, insensibility, immobility, quietude, phlegm, stillness.
Ant. Fury, frenzy, susceptibility, sensitiveness, anxiety, excitement, agitation, feeling, passion, vehemence, emotion.
Ape, v. Mimic, imitate, counterfeit, copy, affect, personate, represent.
Ant. Vary, modify, change.
Aperture. Opening, hole, gap, rift, chasm, loophole, orifice, cleft.
Ant. Closure, blank wall; seclusion, imperviousness.
Apex. Acme, vertex, pinnacle, summit.
Ant. Base, nadir, foot, root.
Aphorism. Adage, maxim, proverb, saying, dictum, apothegm, saw.
Ant. Lecture, disquisition, discourse, sermon.
Apiece. Each, individually, severally, distributively, separately.
Ant. Together, collectively, synthetically, in the aggregate.
Apocalyptic. In or from “The Revelation of St. John the Divine”; prophetic, mystical, mysterious; manifesting, revealing, unveiling.
Ant. Concealing, obscuring, shrouding, eclipsing.
Apocryphal. Unauthentic, uncanonical, legendary, fictitious, false, equivocal, doubtful, spurious.
Ant. Palpable, authorized, accepted, authentic, genuine, current, verified, attested.
Apology. Plea, excuse, defense, confession, acknowledgment, justification, vindication, explanation, extenuation.
Ant. Charge, censure, imputation, condemnation, insult, complaint, offense, wrong.
Apostate. Renegade, turncoat, backslider, deserter, pervert, traitor.
Ant. Adherent, supporter, zealot, dogmatist, fanatic.
Apothegm. Saying, dictum, proverb, aphorism, precept, byword.
Ant. Sermon, discourse, tirade, harangue.
Appall. Terrify, frighten, dismay, shock, daunt, alarm, affright.
Ant. Reassure, embolden.
Apparel. Clothes, dress, raiment, attire, costume, habit, guise, garments, robes, vesture, wardrobe, equipment, trappings.
Ant. Nudity, deshabille, rags, tatters.
Apparent. Seeming, probable, likely, obvious, conspicuous, manifest, clear, patent, evident, plain, legible, specious.
Ant. Real, hidden, dubious, improbable, doubtful, unimaginable, unsupposable, minute.
Appeal. Address, invoke, entreat, implore, supplicate, sue, petition.
Ant. Protest, defy, abjure, disdain, deprecate, repudiate.
Appearance. Semblance, look, show, pretense, guise, fashion; arrival, advent, apparition; demeanor, air, complexion, manner.
Ant. Disappearance, evanition, departure, vanishing.
Appease. Calm, pacify, soothe, quell, mollify, mitigate, lull; propitiate, placate, satisfy, reconcile.
Ant. Aggravate, exasperate, provoke, inflame, incense, excite.
Appellation. Epithet, title, description, designation, name.
Ant. Anonymousness, namelessness.
Appendage, Appendix. Attachment, addition, adjunct, supplement.
Ant. Main body, original, whole, total.
Appertain. Belong, inhere, adhere, regard, concern, touch, relate.
Ant. Be remote, far-fetched, or forced, have no bearing upon.
Appetite. Longing, craving, desire, relish, gust, zest, liking.
Ant. Aversion, loathing, repugnance, antipathy, disgust.
Applause. Praise, approbation, commendation, compliment, plaudit, acclamation, éclat, clapping of hands.
Ant. Denunciation, censure, blame, sibilation, vituperation, hissing.
Appliances, n. pl. Means, instruments, appointments, appurtenances, tools, adjuncts, equipment; resources, steps, measures, ways; contrivances.
Applicable. Fit, appropriate, suitable, pertinent, apt, proper, relevant, germane; adjustable.
Ant. Irrelevant, useless, unavailable, impertinent.
Applicant. Petitioner, solicitor, suitor, candidate, aspirant.
Apply. Use, employ, exercise, appropriate; execute, carry out, practice; devote, engage, dedicate; request, petition.
Ant. Divert, misuse, discard, divorce.
Appoint. Determine, establish, fix; assign, allot, designate; nominate, name, create; equip, supply, furnish; direct, command, decree, enjoin, impose, require, ordain.
Ant. Reserve, cancel, disarrange, reverse, withhold, retain, undo, suspend, recall, withdraw.