Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ n. Counsellor, counsel, advocate, attorney, solicitor, barrister, limb of the law, attorney-at-law.

      Lax, a. 1. Loose, slack, relaxed, not tight, not tense.

      2. Soft, flabby, not firm, not solid.

      3. Remiss, latitudinarian, not strict.

      4. Licentious, dissolute.

      Laxative, a. Loosening, aperient, deobstruent.

      Laxative, n. Laxative medicine.

      Laxity, n. 1. Looseness, slackness, laxness, latitude.

      2. Remissness.

      3. Dissoluteness, licentiousness.

      Laxness, n. Looseness, laxity.

      Lay, v. a. 1. Put, place, lay down.

      2. Impose, assess.

      3. Impute, charge, ascribe.

      4. Spread (on a surface).

      5. Prepare, set in order, get ready.

      6. Contrive, scheme, devise.

      7. Allay, quiet, calm, still, appease.

      8. Bet, stake, wager, risk, hazard.

      9. Produce, bring forth and deposit (as eggs).

      10. (Naut.) Depress, sink, sail away from so as to lose sight of.

      11. (Law.) Allege, state, name.

      Lay, n. [Rare.] 1. Row, stratum, layer.

      2. Bet, wager, stake, pledge.

      3. [U. S.] Share of profit.

      4. Song.

      Lay, a. Laic, laical.

      Lay aside, Reject, discard, put away, lay on the shelf.

      Lay by, Reserve, keep, retain, husband.

      Lay down, 1. Resign, give up, offer up.

      2. Leave, quit, relinquish.

      3. Advance, propound, assert, allege.

      Layer, n. 1. Stratum, bed, LAY.

      2. Course (as of bricks).

      3. Shoot or twig (laid in the ground for propagation).

      Lay hold of, Seize, catch.

      Lay in, Store, provide, lay up.

      Lay one's self out, Strive, labor, try, struggle, exert one's self.

      Lay open, Expose, reveal, exhibit, disclose, unveil, divulge, publish, show, make known.

      Lay out, 1. Spend, expend, disburse.

      2. Plan, dispose, arrange.

      Lay over, Spread over, cover the surface of.

      Lay siege to, Besiege, beset.

      Lay to heart, Feel keenly, be greatly grieved at, be much troubled about, be much affected by, take to heart, take on about.

      Lay up, 1. Store, provide, treasure up, lay in.

      2. Confine to the bed or the house.

      Lay waste, Desolate, destroy, ruin.

      Lazaretto, n. Hospital, infirmary, pest-house, lazar-house.

      Lazar-house, n. Hospital, lazaretto.

      Lazy, a. Slothful, sluggish, indolent, idle, inert, inactive, supine, torpid, slack, dronish, lumpish.

      Lea, n. Meadow, mead, grass land, sward land.

      Lead, v. a. 1. Guide (by the hand, or something connected with the hand).

      2. Conduct, direct, escort, go before as guide.

      3. Head, be at the head of.

      4. Allure, entice, induce, persuade, draw, prevail on.

      5. Pass, spend.

      Lead, v. n. 1. Show the way (by going before).

      2. Be the commander (as of troops).

      3. Conduce, contribute, tend, serve.

      Lead, n. 1. Guidance, direction, leadership.

      2. Precedence.

      Lead captive, Carry into captivity.

      Leader, n. 1. Guide, director, conductor, corypheus, cock of the walk, cock of the roost, first fiddle.

      2. Chief, chieftain, commander.

      Leadership, n. Guidance, direction, lead, conduct.

      Leading, a. 1. Governing, ruling.

      2. Chief, principal, capital, most important.

      Lead the way, Go before (as guide).

      Lead off, Begin, take the lead.

      Leaf, n. Blade.

      Leaflet, n. Small leaf.

      Leaf-stalk, n. (Bot.) Petiole.

      League, n. 1. Alliance, confederation, confederacy, combination, coalition, union.

      2. Three geographical miles.

      League, v. n. Unite, combine, confederate, form a league, form an alliance.

      Leagued, a. United, combined, allied, confederated, confederate, banded.

      Leak, n. Fissure (letting a liquid in or out), chink, crevice, hole.

      Lean, v. n. 1. Incline (from a perpendicular).

      2. Recline, bear, rest.

      3. Tend, have a tendency.

      Lean, v. a. Rest, incline for support.

      Lean, a. 1. Thin, poor, gaunt, emaciated, meagre, lank, skinny, fallen away.

      2. Barren, jejune, tame, prosy, dull.

      3. Scanty, slender, pitiful, inadequate, not full or abundant, not plentiful, not ample, not enough.

      Leaning, n. Bent, inclination, bias, propensity, proneness, tendency.

      Lean-to, n. Penthouse.

      Leap, v. n. Jump, bound, spring, vault, hop, caper.

      Leap, v. a. Jump over, bound across.

      Leap, n. Jump, spring, bound, vault, hop, caper.

      Leap-year, n. Bissextile.

      Learn, v. a. 1. Get a knowledge СКАЧАТЬ