Название: Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор: Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Издательство: Автор
2. Time from birth to death.
3. Animated existence.
4. Mode or course of living.
5. Conduct, deportment, behavior.
6. Animation, vigor, spirit, vivacity, briskness, sprightliness, activity.
7. Biography, memoir.
8. Real person, living form.
9. Society, social manners, human affairs, course of things.
Lifeless, a. 1. Dead, defunct, extinct, inanimate.
2. Torpid, sluggish, inert, dull, tame, spiritless, passive.
Lift, v. a. Raise, elevate, lift up.
Lift, n. 1. Lifting, raising.
2. [Colloquial.] Aid, assistance, help.
3. Rise (as of a lock in canals), degree of elevation.
Lift-lock, n. Lock (of a canal).
Ligament, n. Band, ligature.
Ligature, n. Band, bandage, ligament, tie.
Light, n. 1. Medium of vision.
2. Diffusion of luminous rays.
3. Daybreak, sunrise, dawn, daylight.
4. Candle, lamp, taper, light-house, &c.
5. Instruction, knowledge, comprehension, insight.
7. Illustration, explanation, elucidation.
8. Window, pane of glass, &c.
9. Public notice.
10. Aspect, point of view.
Light, a. 1. Buoyant, of little weight, not heavy, not dense.
2. Easy to be borne, not burdensome.
3. Easy to be done, not difficult.
4. Porous, spongy, not clammy (said of bread).
5. Loose, sandy (said of soil).
6. Unincumbered, unburdened, free from impediments, not heavily laden.
7. Slight, trifling, small, inconsiderable, moderate.
8. Gossamery, flimsy, unsubstantial.
9. Frivolous, fickle, unsteady, volatile, unsettled.
10. Gay, airy, buoyant, light-hearted.
11. Bright, clear, not dark.
12. Whitish, of a whitish shade.
Light, v. a. 1. Kindle, inflame, ignite, set fire to, set on fire, apply the match to.
2. Give light to, guide by light.
3. Illuminate, lighten, illume, irradiate.
Light on, 1. Happen upon, fall upon by chance, happen to find, light upon.
2. Alight on.
Lighten, v. n. 1. Flash [said of lightning].
2. [Colloquial.] Grow lighter, clear off.
Lighten, v. a. 1. Illuminate, irradiate, illume, light.
2. Ease, make lighter, make easier.
Light-fingered, a. Thievish.
Light-hearted, a. Gladsome, cheerful, joyful, joyous.
Light-horse, n. Light-armed cavalry.
Light-house, n. Pharos.
Lightning-rod, n. Paratonnerre.
Lights, n. pl. Lungs (of a brute).
Lightsome, a. 1. Luminous, full of light.
2. Gay, buoyant, lively, cheerful, blithesome, blithe, merry.
Light upon, Light on.
Lign-aloes, n. Agalloch, aloes wood.
Ligneous, a. Woody.
Lignine, n. (Chem.) Woody fibre.
Lignite, n. (Min.) Fossil wood.
Like, a. 1. Similar, resembling, analogous, allied, parallel, cognate, of a piece.
2. Equal, same.
3. Likely, probable.
Like, n. 1. Equal.
2. Preference, partiality, liking.
Like, ad. 1. In the manner of, in the same manner as.
2. Likely, probably.
Like, v. a. 1. Approve, be pleased with, take pleasure in.
2. Relish, enjoy, be fond of.
3. Esteem, fancy, have a regard for, take a liking to, take to, take a fancy to; find to one's mind, taste, or fancy.
Like, v. n. Choose, prefer, elect, list, think fit, be pleased.
Like blazes, [Low.] Furiously.
Likelihood, n. Probability, verisimilitude.
Likely, a. 1. Probable, credible.
2. In a fair way, to be expected.
3. Pleasing, agreeable, that may be liked.
4. [Colloquial, U. S.] Respectable, worthy, estimable, of good reputation.
Liken, v. a. Compare, show the resemblance of.
Likeness, n. 1. Resemblance, similarity, similitude, semblance, form, external appearance.
2. Copy, fac-simile, counterpart, image, representation, portrait, effigy, statue.
Likewise, ad. Also, too, besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, to boot, in like manner.
Liking, n. 1. Fondness, partiality, desire, wish.
2. Inclination, disposition, tendency, turn, penchant, leaning, bias, propensity, proclivity, proneness, predisposition, appetency.
Liliputian, a. Pygmean, little, small, tiny, puny, dwarfish, diminutive.
Lily of the valley, May lily (Convallaria majalis).
Limb, n. 1. Member.
2. Branch, bough.
Limb of the law, Lawyer, counsellor, counsel, barrister, advocate, attorney, solicitor, attorney-at-law.
Limber, a. Supple, pliable, pliant, СКАЧАТЬ