Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ n. 1. Lightness.

      2. Frivolity, flightiness, giddiness, volatility, want of seriousness.

      Levy, v. a. 1. Raise, muster, call together.

      2. Collect, gather.

      Lewd, a. Lustful, libidinous.

      Lexicon, n. Dictionary, glossary, vocabulary, word-book.

      Leze-majesty, n. [Sometimes written Lese-majesty.] Treason.

      Liability, n. 1. Responsibility, accountableness, accountability, bounden duty.

      2. Exposedness.

      Liable, a. 1. Answerable, responsible, accountable, amenable.

      2. Exposed, subject, obnoxious.

      Liaison, n. [Fr.] 1. Union, bond of union.

      2. Amour, love intrigue.

      Libel, n. 1. Lampoon, pasquinade, defamatory publication.

      2. (Law.) Charge, statement of complaint.

      Libel, v. a. 1. Lampoon, defame (by some publication).

      2. (Law.) Proceed against by a libel, bring a charge against.

      Libellous, a. [Written also Libelous.] Defamatory.

      Liberal, a. 1. Generous, bountiful, free, beneficent, munificent, princely, charitable, open-hearted, free-hearted, unselfish, disinterested.

      2. Enlarged, catholic, tolerant, unbigoted, high-minded, magnanimous, honorable, chivalrous.

      3. Large, full, unstinted, abundant, ample, plentiful.

      Liberal, n. Liberalist, advocate of liberal principles.

      Liberalism, n. Latitudinarianism.

      Liberalist, n. Liberal.

      Liberality, n. 1. Generosity, bounty, beneficence, munificence, disinterestedness, bountifulness, charity.

      2. Present, gift, benefaction.

      3. Catholicity, toleration, magnanimity, candor, impartiality, largeness of mind, high-mindedness.

      Liberalize, v. a. Enlarge, make liberal, free from prejudice.

      Liberate, v. a. Release, free, emancipate, manumit, disinthrall, ransom, discharge, deliver, set free, set at liberty, let go, let loose, let out.

      Liberation, n. Deliverance, discharge, release.

      Libertine, n. Rake, debauchee, voluptuary, profligate, dissolute man, man of pleasure.

      Libertine, a. Licentious, dissolute, of lax morals.

      Libertinism, n. Licentiousness, dissoluteness, debauchery.

      Liberty, n. 1. Freedom (after previous restraint), liberation from restraint, independence.

      2. Privilege, immunity, franchise.

      3. Leave, permission, license.

      Liberties, n. pl. 1. Limits (of a prison, &c.).

      2. Unwarrantable freedom.

      Libidinous, a. Lascivious, lustful, carnal, lecherous, lickerish, lewd, prurient, salacious, concupiscent, wanton, loose, unchaste, incontinent.

      Librate, v. a. Balance, poise, hold in equipoise.

      Libratory, a. Balancing.

      License, n. 1. Permission, privilege, leave, right.

      2. Permit, warrant.

      3. Laxity, excessive liberty, exorbitant freedom.

      License, v. a. Permit, allow, grant authority to, give a permit or warrant to.

      Licentious, a. Dissolute, debauched, profligate, rakish, libertine, loose, lax, lewd.

      Lick, v. a. 1. Pass the tongue over.

      2. Lap, take up with the tongue.

      3. [Low.] Beat, flog, thrash, lamm.

      Lick, n. 1. Taste.

      2. [Low.] Blow, slap.

      3. Salt-lick.

      Lickerish, a. 1. Hankering (to lick or taste), craving, longing.

      2. Lecherous, libidinous.

      3. Dainty, nice, fastidious.

      Licking, n. 1. Lapping.

      2. [Low.] Whipping, beating, flogging, thrashing, castigation.

      Lickspittle, n. Abject parasite, mean flatterer.

      Lid, n. 1. Cover, covercle.

      2. Eyelid.

      Lie, n. Fib, intentional untruth, criminal falsehood, suggestio falsi (suggestion of what is false), suppressio veri (suppression of what is true).

      Lie, v. n. 1. Falsify, fib, tell a lie.

      2. Recline, lie, couch, lie down, be prostrate, be recumbent.

      3. Be placed, be laid.

      4. Be, rest, remain.

      5. Be situated, be located.

      6. Consist.

      7. (Law.) Be sustainable.

      Lie at one's door, Be chargeable to.

      Lie by, 1. Remain near.

      2. Rest, intermit labor.

      Lie in, Be confined, be in child-bed.

      Lie in one's throat, Lie outrageously.

      Lie on, Be incumbent on, belong to, lie with.

      Lie over, 1. Be deferred, be postponed.

      2. Remain unpaid (said of a note).

      Lie to, (Naut.) Stop, check headway.

      Lie under, Be subject to.

      Lie upon, Lie on.

      Lie with, 1. Lodge with, sleep with.

      2. Belong to, be incumbent on, lie on.

      Lief, ad. Willingly, gladly, freely.

      Liege, a. Bound by feudal tenure (to service, as a vassal or to protection, as a lord).

      Liege, n. Superior, sovereign, liege lord.

      Lien, n. Legal claim.

      Lieu, n. [Fr.] Place, room, stead.

      Life, n. 1. Vitality, the vital spark, the breath of СКАЧАТЬ