Название: Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I
Автор: Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Издательство: Автор
2. Pleasing to, grateful to, gratifying to, acceptable to.
Agreeably to, According to, conformably to, in accordance with.
Agree with, 1. Chime in with, fall in with.
2. Make a bargain with, strike hands with.
Agriculture, n. Tillage, husbandry, farming, culture, cultivation, geoponics.
Agriculturist, n. Husbandman, farmer, tiller of the ground, cultivator of the soil.
Aground, ad. 1. Ashore, not afloat.
2. Stranded, wrecked, cast away.
Ague, n. 1. Chilliness, cold, chill.
2. Intermittent fever, fever and ague.
Ague-weed, n. Thoroughwort, boneset, fever-root, Indian sage, (Eupatorium perfoliatum).
Ahead, ad. 1. Onward, forward, in advance, in front.
2. (Naut.) In opposition (said of the wind), against us, in our teeth.
Ai, n. Three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus).
Aid, v. a. 1. Assist, help, support, serve, speed, second, back, befriend, prosper, abet, co-operate with, take part with, give support to, minister to.
2. Succor, relieve, spell.
Aid, n. 1. Assistance, help, lift, furtherance, co-operation, patronage, support, helping hand, good offices.
2. Succor, relief.
3. Aide-de-camp.
Aide-de-camp, [Fr.] (Mil.) Aid.
Aider, n. Helper, assistant, coadjutor, co-operator, ally, auxiliary, abettor.
Ail, v. a. Pain, trouble, afflict, be the matter with.
Ail, v. n. Suffer, be in pain, feel pain, be ill.
Ail, n. Disease, ailment.
Ailing, a. Sickly, sick, ill, indisposed, unwell, diseased, feeble, languishing, unhealthy.
Ailment, n. Disease, ail, illness, sickness, ailing, indisposition, malady, distemper, disorder, complaint.
Aim, v. a. Direct, level, point.
Aim, n. 1. Direction, course, bearing, tendency, bent, proclivity.
2. Intention, intent, purpose, design, reason, view, object, end, scope, drift, goal, point, final cause.
Aim at, 1. Take aim at, point at, level at, direct towards.
2. Intend, purpose, design, mean.
3. Crave, affect, yearn for, aspire at, aspire after, endeavor after, be at, drive at, propose to one's self, have in view, have in one's eye, have an eye to, strive for, attempt to reach.
Aimless, a. Purposeless, objectless, without aim or end.
Air, n. 1. Atmosphere, atmospheric air, common air.
2. Gas, aeriform fluid.
3. Breeze, zephyr, gentle wind, breath of air.
4. Weather, open air, open atmosphere.
5. Appearance, aspect, mien, manner, look, cast, demeanor, conduct, carriage, bearing, deportment, behavior, port.
6. Tune, melody.
Air, v. a. 1. Expose to air.
2. Ventilate, change the air of.
Air-bladder, n. Sound (of a fish).
Air-bubble, n. Bleb.
Air-engine, n. Caloric engine.
Airiness, n. 1. Openness, exposure to air.
2. Gayety, levity, sprightliness, vivacity, liveliness.
Airing, n. 1. Ride, drive, walk, promenade, stroll, excursion.
2. Exposure to air, admission of air.
Air-pipe, n. Vent, spiracle, blow-hole, air-tube.
Airs, n. pl. Affectation, pretension, mannerism, affectedness, affected manner, assumed manner.
Air-tight, a. Hermetic, hermetical.
Air-tube, n. Air-pipe.
Airy, a. 1. Unsubstantial, aerial, ethereal, aeriform, thin, rare.
2. Light, subtile, sublimated.
3. Sprightly, buoyant, vivacious, wanton, volatile, jocund, jolly, jovial, lively, gay, blithe, light, light-hearted, light of heart, in spirits, in good spirits, of good cheer.
4. Showy, gaudy, flaunting, jaunty, gairish, fine.
5. Windy, empty.
Aisle, n. Passage, walk.
Aitchbone, n. Edgebone, natchbone.
Ajar, ad. Partly open (as a door).
Ajutage, n. Spout (of a fountain).
Akin, a. Kin, related, allied, kindred, cognate, congenial, homogeneous, analogous, similar, parallel, of a piece.
Alack, interj. Alas, lackaday.
Alacrity, n. 1. Readiness, promptitude, alertness, agility, activity, quickness, eagerness.
2. Sprightliness, gayety, cheerfulness, hilarity, vivacity, liveliness, high spirits, good spirits.
À la mode, [Fr.] a. Fashionable, in the fashion, in vogue.
À la mode, [Fr.] ad. Fashionably.
Alarm, n. 1. Alarum, larum, tocsin, summons to arms, alarm-bell, beat of drum, sound of trumpet, notice of danger, signal of distress.
2. Fear, apprehension, terror, fright, affright, consternation, dismay.
Alarm, v. a. 1. Call to arms, summon to arms.
2. Terrify, frighten, affright, startle, scare, daunt, appall, put in fear.
Alarm-bell, n. Tocsin, alarm.
Alarum, n. Alarm.
Alas, interj. Alack, lackaday.
Alate, a. (Bot. and Anat.) Winged.
Albeit, ad. Although, notwithstanding.
Albicore, n. Bonito, horse-mackerel (Thynnus pelamys).
Alcohol, n. Spirits of wine, pure spirit, highly rectified spirit.
Alcove, n. Recess.
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