Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том I. A – I. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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СКАЧАТЬ a. Superadded, adscititious, supplemental, supplementary, extra, more.

      Additive, a. To be added.

      Addle, a. 1. Putrid, corrupt, spoiled (as eggs).

      2. Barren, unfruitful, fruitless, abortive, unproductive, unprolific, unfertile, sterile, infecund, addled.

      Addled, a. Addle.

      Addle-head, n. Simpleton, fool, dunce.

      Addle-headed, a. Foolish, stupid, dull, doltish, brainless, shallow, soft, sappy, witless, blockish, weak-headed, weak-minded, feeble-minded, half-witted, short-witted, shallow-brained, dull-witted, thick-skulled, addle-pated.

      Addle-pated, a. Addle-headed.

      Address, n. 1. Appeal, invocation, petition, entreaty, request, imploration, application, solicitation, suit.

      2. Discourse, speech, oration, harangue.

      3. Skill, art, adroitness, readiness, dexterity, expertness, cleverness, ingenuity, ability, tact, gumption.

      4. Superscription, direction.

      5. Manner (in speaking to another).

      Addresses, n. pl. Courtship, suit.

      Address one's self to, Direct one's speech or discourse to, speak to.

      Adduce, v. a. 1. Advance, ofter, present, allege, assign, give, bring forward.

      2. Name, cite, quote, introduce.

      Adept, n. Master, proficient, genius, doctor, veteran, expert, dab, dabster, good hand, master hand, capital hand, nice hand.

      Adept, a. Skilled, versed, experienced, practised, proficient, good, at home, au fait.

      Adequacy, n. Sufficiency, competence, competency, enough, adequateness.

      Adequate, a. Sufficient, commensurate, proportionate, correspondent, equal, suitable, fit, competent, adapted.

      Adequateness, n. Adequacy.

      Adhere, v. n. 1. Stick, cling, cleave, hold, cohere, take hold, be firmly fixed.

      2. Be faithful, be devoted, be attached, stand by, be true.

      Adherence, n. 1. Tenacity, fixedness.

      2. Attachment, constancy, fidelity, devotion, adhesion.

      Adherent, a. Adhering, sticking, clinging.

      Adherent, n. Follower, partisan, disciple, sectary, retainer, votary, supporter, dependant, vassal.

      Adhesion, n. 1. Adhering, sticking, clinging, tendency to adhere.

      2. Attachment, adherence.

      Adhesive, a. 1. Sticking, clinging, tending to adhere.

      2. Sticky, tenacious, tough, viscous, glutinous, smeary, dauby, stringy, ropy, gummy, clammy.

      Adieu, ad. Farewell, good-by, fare-you-well, God bless you.

      Adieu, n. Farewell, valediction, leave-taking.

      Adipose, a. Fat, fatty, unctuous, oily, sebaceous, greasy.

      Adjacence, n. Nearness, vicinity, vicinage, neighborhood, proximity, contiguity.

      Adjacency, n. Nearness, vicinity, vicinage, neighborhood, proximity, contiguity.

      Adjacent, a. Adjoining, conterminous, neighboring, near, close, bordering, contiguous, in proximity.

      Adjective, n. [Technical term of the grammarian.] Epithet, qualifying word or term.

      Adjoin, v. a. Be contiguous to, lie near to, lie close to, border upon, be adjacent to.

      Adjoin, v. n. [Rare.] Border, lie near, lie close, be contiguous, be adjacent.

      Adjourn, v. a. 1. Postpone, defer, delay, procrastinate, put off.

      2. Prorogue.

      Adjournment, n. 1. Postponement, delay, putting off.

      2. Prorogation.

      Adjudge, v. a. 1. Award (judicially).

      2. Determine, settle, decide, decree (by judicial authority), adjudicate.

      Adjudicate, v. a. Determine, adjudge.

      Adjudicate, v. n. Judge, decide, determine, arbitrate, give judgment, pass judgment.

      Adjudication, n. Sentence, decision, determination, decree, award, arbitrament.

      Adjunct, n. Addition, appendage, appurtenance, dependency, attachment, addendum, something added.

      Adjuration, n. Entreaty (as if to one bound by oath), solemn charge.

      Adjure, v. a. Entreat (as if under oath), conjure, obtest, beseech, pray, supplicate, beg, conjure, implore, invoke, enjoin solemnly.

      Adjust, v. a. 1. Arrange, dispose, rectify, trim, put or set in order, put or set to rights, put in tune, put in good trim.

      2. Regulate, set.

      3. Settle, compose, reconcile, make up.

      4. Fit, adapt, suit, proportion, accommodate, measure, make conform, make conformable.

      Adjustment, n. 1. Arrangement, adjusting, putting in order, putting in good trim, setting to rights.

      2. Regulation, setting, putting right.

      3. Settlement, reconciliation, pacification.

      4. Fitting, adapting, accommodation, making suitable or conformable.

      Adjutant, n. (Mil.) Assistant (of a superior officer).

      Admeasurement, n. Measurement.

      Administer, v. a. 1. Dispense, give, distribute, supply, contribute, deal out, give out.

      2. Direct, manage, conduct, control, superintend, preside over.

      3. Tender, offer, proffer.

      Administer, v. n. 1. Contribute, conduce, be helpful.

      2. (Law.) Act as administrator.

      Administration, n. 1. Dispensation, distribution.

      2. Management, conduct, direction, control, superintendence.

      3. Executive department (of a government), President (or other chief magistrate) and cabinet.

      4. (Law.) Management of an estate (of an intestate).

      Admirable, a. 1. [Rare.] Wonderful, surprising, striking, astonishing.

      2. Excellent, incomparable, inimitable, fine, rare, transcendent, matchless, perfect, first-rate, worthy of admiration.

      Admiration, n. 1. [Rare.] Wonder, surprise, astonishment, СКАЧАТЬ