Crystal Garden. Evelina Bash
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СКАЧАТЬ where are you?” She asked.

      I looked at her and said nothing. She reminded me of the Cheshire Cat from “Alice in Wonderland” when he disappeared and remained only his smile. That’s what I saw now – a smile, but there was no girl.

      “Welcome back to the real world,” she tapped me on the cheeks.

      But I could argue with this statement for the vision of the gothic church was much more real.

      The next time I came around, I was in a midst of some Latino dance with another girl. Everybody crowded around us and applauded; enthusiastic cheers and whistles were heard from all sides. It seemed I was on top. I never suspected that know how to dance. It was even funny.

      But then I saw Anna.

      She was standing at the other end of the room and looked at me. Her face reflected a mixture of astonishment, bewilderment and some sort of resentment. Our eyes met. She turned around and left the room. I stopped right in the middle of the next step and ran after her, trying to keep my balance.

      Never in my life was I so drunk as that night.

      I went out into the street. The smell of blooming chestnut trees hit into my nose. I looked around and saw her. Anna was walking away, wrapped in a sweater as if it was cold. I went after her. My legs did not obey me, and I constantly ran into some poles and trees coming from nowhere. But I didn’t care, just a few steps away there was the girl of my dreams.

      “Who do we have here?” I caught up with her and tried to put my arm around her waist.

      Anna took off my arm. I lost my balance and fell. She sighed and helped me to stand up.

      “Yes, that’s what I am, a pig,” I said trying to walk by her side. “I guess I had too much tonight. Why you don’t say anything?”

      There was no answer, so I went on.

      “Look! The whole world is having fun today!”

      And the world really was having fun. Moths were swarming in the light of lanterns, like little elves that Sunny and I were searching for in childhood. Stars danced in the sky to the sound of harmonious chirring of crickets. Looking at the sky, I stumbled and almost fell, but managed to grab hold of a lamppost. Continuing to embrace the post, I began to sing some kind of children’s song. If I could I would certainly dance. Anna stopped and looked at me wearily.

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