Parasitology. Alan Gunn
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Название: Parasitology

Автор: Alan Gunn

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Медицина


isbn: 9781119641223


СКАЧАТЬ parts of the world. Protothecosis is not a commonly recognised cause of mastitis, and therefore, it often remains undiagnosed because vets do not think to test for it. This can cause problems because the algae do not respond to normal treatments for mastitis. Indeed, at the time of writing, there was no effective treatment available. Consequently, the course of the disease can be prolonged, and there is a potential for severe economic losses in dairy herds (Jagielski et al. 2019).

      The Microsporidia are a cosmopolitan group of obligate intracellular parasites that infect many invertebrates and vertebrates. There are even accounts of them infecting protozoa but apparently not plants or fungi. Over 1,200 species have been described, but the majority of these are parasites of invertebrates and fish. Several species are of medical, veterinary, and commercial importance. For example, Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are major causes of disease in honeybees whilst several species such as Nosema locustae (vs locusts) and Nosema algerae (vs mosquitoes) have potential as biological control agents.

      Up until the AIDS epidemic, there were few accounts of human infections by microsporidian parasites. However, they subsequently became identified as important causes of morbidity and mortality amongst those suffering from AIDS and other immunosuppressive illnesses. Fourteen species have so far been found to infect humans although Enterocytozoon bieneusi is responsible for most clinical cases. It should be noted that there is considerable genetic variation within individual species that influences their host range (Heyworth 2017). Nevertheless, some microsporidia are undoubtedly zoonotic and infect both humans and other mammals and birds. Indeed, some commentators consider them to be extremely important emerging pathogens (Stentiford et al. 2019). This is particularly the case now that global food chains mean that foodstuffs are rapidly transported around the world.

      Initially designated as protozoa, subsequent molecular evidence indicated that microsporidia are fungi. Precisely where they fit within the taxonomy of fungi is uncertain although they show some resemblance to the zygomycetes. The zygomycetes also have relevance to parasitologists since they include genera such as Pilobolus that helps to spread the infective larvae of the lungworm Dictyocaulus viviparus (Doncaster 1981) and Entomophthora that have potential as biological control agents of insect vectors. However, the taxonomic status of the microsporidia is far from settled and Ruggiero et al. (2015) consider that the phylum Microspora belongs back within the kingdom Protista.

      As with Entamoeba histolytica, the microsporidia were once thought to have split off from other organisms at an early stage in their evolution because they did not appear to contain mitochondria. However, they too were subsequently found to contain genes with mitochondrial functions and mitosomes (putative relict mitochondria). They also have some of the smallest genome sizes and the fewest protein coding genes of all the eukaryotic organisms; in Encephalitozoon intestinalis the genome is only 2.3 megabases (Mb) in size although in Glugea atherinae, a fish parasite, it is almost ten times larger at ~20 Mb.

      Microsporidia are normally transmitted horizontally when the host encounters the spores; humans usually become infected by ingesting or breathing in the spores. Vertical transmission has not yet been described in humans, but it occurs in some mammals by crossing the placenta or through infecting the eggs while they are still in the ovary in invertebrates. Transovarial transmission is common among endosymbiotic bacteria such as Wolbachia but very rare among protozoan parasites (Dunn et al. 2001). Like Wolbachia, some of the microsporidia species that are transmitted transovarially affect the sex rations of their hosts. For example, females of the amphipod Corophium volutator infected with microsporidia produce predominantly female offspring. They are also more fertile than uninfected females and this will further promote the spread of the parasite through the population (Mautner et al. 2007).

      Once within the host cell cytoplasm, the sporoplasm differentiates into a ‘meront’ and undergoes a series of cycles of asexual reproduction called merogony, which results in the formation of numerous more meronts. In the cases of Entercytozoon СКАЧАТЬ