Poly(lactic acid). Группа авторов
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Название: Poly(lactic acid)

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119767466


СКАЧАТЬ Physiologically inspired cardiac scaffolds for tailored in vivo function and heart regeneration, Biomed. Mater. 2015, 10(3), 034003.

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      96 96. X. Zhao, H. Hu, X. Wang, X. Yu, W. Zhou, S. Peng, Super tough poly(lactic acid) blends: a comprehensive review, RSC Adv. 2020, 10(22), 13316–13368.

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      99 99. Y. Kang, P. Chen, X. Shi, G. Zhang, C. Wang, Preparation of open‐porous stereocomplex PLA/PBAT scaffolds and correlation between their morphology, mechanical behavior, and cell compatibility, RSC Adv. 2018, 8(23), 12933–12943.

      100 100. N. Mulchandani, K. Masutani, S. Kumar, H. Yamane, S. Sakurai, Y. Kimura, et al., Toughened PLA‐b‐PCL‐b‐PLA triblock copolymer based biomaterials: effect of self‐assembled nanostructure and stereocomplexation on the mechanical properties, Polym. Chem. 2021, 12(26), 3806–3824.


      Hai Wang and Kohji Tashiro

      This chapter focuses on the structure and phase transition behavior of PLA and related polymers. The crystal modifications of PLA revealed so far are the mesophase [1–5], the δ (α′) phase [5–10], the α phase [11–16], the β phase [17–20], the γ phase [21, 22], the ε phase [23–26], and the stereocomplex (SC) between PLLA and PDLA [27–37]. The relationship between the chain conformation and aggregation state of chains in these crystalline modifications and the resulting intrinsic physical properties has to be understood for the improvement of the physicochemical property of PLA products. Besides, the unknowns about the crystal structure information make it difficult to fully understand the phase transition behaviors between the various crystal forms. In this way, the establishment of reliable and precise structures of PLA crystalline forms and the clarification of their phase transition behaviors are indispensable for the development of PLA.

      The similar situation is seen also for the crystal structures of poly(3‐hydroxybutyrate) (PHB). By adding one CH2 unit to the basic chemical formula of PLA (─[─C*H(CH3)OCO─] n ─), PHB (─[─CH2C*H(CH3)OCO─] n ─) is obtained. One skeletal C atom is optically asymmetric and so the PHB polymer chain may take also the L and D enantiomeric species similarly to those of PLLA and PDLA. This apparently slight difference of chemical structure between PLA and PHB, however, provides the remarkably different characters with respect to the helical chain conformation and the chain packing mode, as well as the crystallization behavior itself. Additionally, there are many kinds of aliphatic polyesters, which can show relatively high biodegradability comparable with that of PLA and PHB. For example, poly(ethylene adipate) (PEA) has the linear chemical formula without CH3 side groups, ─[─OCH2CH2OCO(CH2)4CO─] n ─. In some cases, PEA is blended with PLA or PHB to control the biodegradability. To understand the crystallization behavior of PEA and PLA in these blends, it is indispensable to know the structure of PEA at the starting point.

      In the present chapter, the crystal structures and phase transition behaviors of PLA are mainly discussed, but, at the same time, such related polyesters as PHB and PEA are also reviewed to extract the similarity and differences between these polyester compounds, from the structural points of view.

      Although many review articles have been published about the structures, the phase transition behaviors and the relation between structure and property of these polymers [38–41], we need to realize the most reliable and accurate information, which were derived mainly from the quantitative analyses of the X‐ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopic data, are introduced in the present chapter.

      6.2.1 Preparation of Crystal Modifications of PLA

      PLLA and PDLA are enantiomers with the same chemical formula but with the opposite configuration around the asymmetric carbon atoms or the opposite optical activity. The blend sample of PLLA and PDLA at 1 : 1 molar ratio was found to form the so‐called stereocomplex (SC) [27]. However, the SC sample can be obtained in a wider range of PLLA/PDLA ratio of 7/3–3/7 [37, 46, 47].

Schematic illustration of 
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