Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt
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Название: Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology

Автор: Kirk N. Gelatt

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Биология


isbn: 9781119801351


СКАЧАТЬ pe...Figure 4.24 Nasolacrimal flush in a dog. With a 2–5‐ml syringe of sterile sa...Figure 4.25 Positive Seidel test depicts a leaking corneal wound at 12 o'clo...Figure 4.26 Indentation tonometry. (a) Schiotz tonometer with 7.5 and 10.0 g...Figure 4.27 Applanation tonometry. (a) TonoPen Vet. (b) The footplate contai...Figure 4.28 Rebound tonometry with the TonoVet in a dog.Figure 4.29 Paracentesis. (a) Aqueous paracentesis. The hypodermic needle is...Figure 4.30 Reformatted sagittal CT images of a normal feline globe seen in ...Figure 4.31 (a) Dacryocystorhinogram of the normal nasolacrimal duct system ...Figure 4.32 The appearance of the normal canine globe and orbit on (a) dorsa...Figure 4.33 (a) Noncontact specular microscopy being undertaken on an anesth...Figure 4.34 OCT with 3D reconstruction images of the fundus of a normal, 15‐...Figure 4.35 Normal equine fluorescent antibody image with maximal fluorescen...Figure 4.36 (a) Standardized diagnostic A‐mode probe with tissue model for c...Figure 4.37 Vertical axial scan. The white marker on the probe points dorsal...Figure 4.38 Normal B‐mode/vector A‐scan echogram of the canine eye. The inte...Figure 4.39 Ciliary body tumor (T) invading the vitreous and causing a lens ...Figure 4.40 B‐mode ultrasound of a long‐standing retinal detachment, which a...Figure 4.41 B‐mode/vector A‐scan echogram of a retrobulbar abscess in a Mini...Figure 4.42 UBM (50 MHz) of the ICA of a dog. A, cornea; B, sclera; C, basal...Figure 4.43 Color Doppler images (top) and pulse waves (bottom) of the short...Figure 4.44 A dark‐adapted canine ERG in response to a brief, bright flash. ...Figure 4.45 (a) The corkscrew‐, needle‐, and button‐type electrodes are reli...Figure 4.46 Two types of stimulators for FERGs and flash VEPs. (a) Both the ...Figure 4.47 Four ERG responses from a normal dog. (a) A mixed, dark‐adapted ...

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Canine skull demonstrating the lack of an osseous orbital floor, ...Figure 5.2 Ultrasonography of an orbital neoplasm (meningioma) in a 10‐year‐...Figure 5.3 Ultrasound probe placement for a transoral approach to the orbit....Figure 5.4 Orbital foreign body in a six‐year‐old dog. (a) Dog at initial pr...Figure 5.5 Image illustrating transoral abscess drainage technique.Figure 5.6 MMM in a German Shepherd. There is marked swelling of the mastica...Figure 5.7 (a) Bilateral extraocular polymyositis in an eight‐month‐old Gold...Figure 5.8 A 12 year‐old mixed breed dog with exophthalmos and dorsolateral ...Figure 5.9 Proptosis of the right globe in a young Golden Retriever. There i...Figure 5.10 Severe proptosis with avulsion of the optic nerve and several ex...Figure 5.11 Enucleation: subconjunctival approach. (a) Incision of the bulba...Figure 5.12 (a) Dog with intrascleral prostheses in both eyes. (b) Close‐up ...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Cross section through the canine lid: (1) eyelash‐like hair on th...Figure 6.2 Muscles of the lids of the left eye of the dog: (1) orbicular ocu...Figure 6.3 The ends of upper lid or lateral canthus sutures can be caught or...Figure 6.4 Pathological ankyloblepharon. Delayed eyelid opening in a puppy h...Figure 6.5 Distichiasis (hairs in or on the lid margin) emerging from the me...Figure 6.6. (a) Cryodestruction of multiple distichiae in the conjunctiva–ta...Figure 6.7 Entropion correction by retraction sutures (tacking). The sutures...Figure 6.8 The Celsus–Hotz procedure for the correction of severe lower lid ...Figure 6.9 Pronounced macroblepharon–ectropion (diamond‐shaped fissure) in a...Figure 6.10 The Kühnt–Szymanowski procedure, modified by Blaskovic and furth...Figure 6.11 The Roberts–Jensen pocket method for lid fissure length reductio...Figure 6.12 For the treatment of nasal fold trichiasis, the nasal folds can ...Figure 6.13 Chronic staphylococcal blepharitis in an adult dog.Figure 6.14 Eyelid pyogranulomas of the upper lid and lateral canthus in a M...Figure 6.15 Immune‐mediated medial canthal blepharitis in an adult mongrel G...Figure 6.16 Preoperative (a) and postoperative (b) appearance of an adenoma ...Figure 6.17 Temporary tarsorrhaphy. (a) After, for example, a canthotomy and...

      7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Strategy and procedures for diagnosis and treatment of nasolacrim...Figure 7.2 Embryologic development of the canine nasolacrimal system. (a) No...Figure 7.3 A, B. Gross anatomy of the canine nasolacrimal duct system. Note ...Figure 7.4 Twelve‐week‐old Papillon puppy with bilateral inferior punctal at...Figure 7.5 Ventral punctal atresia. Note the ballooning of the conjunctiva o...Figure 7.6 Anomalies of the medial canthus of small breed of dogs that predi...Figure 7.7 A superior punctal and canalicular foreign body that caused dacry...Figure 7.8 Scanning electron micrograph of the bulbar surface of the canine ...Figure 7.9 Acute onset KCS in a five‐year‐old female Pug with mucopurulent d...Figure 7.10 Four‐year‐old Boston Terrier with early KCS. Note the mucoid ocu...Figure 7.11 Dog with early KCS. Note the intense conjunctival hyperemia, thi...Figure 7.12 Six‐year‐old male castrated mixed‐breed dog with chronic KCS. No...Figure 7.13 TBUT test can be performed in the dog with some difficulty. Imme...Figure 7.14 (a) Ten‐year‐old male castrated Shih Tzu with chronic KCS. The c...Figure 7.15 Seven‐year‐old female spayed Yorkshire Terrier three months afte...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Neutrophils, cocci, and conjunctival epithelial cells in a cytolo...Figure 8.2 Clinical strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of conjunctivit...Figure 8.3 Dog with experimentally induced recurrent CHV‐1 conjunctivitis in...Figure 8.4 Chemosis in a dog associated with a bee sting.Figure 8.5 Follicular conjunctivitis involving the bulbar conjunctiva of the...Figure 8.6 Multiple papillomas on the skin and bulbar conjunctiva.Figure 8.7 Nodular fasciitis on the temporal aspect of the globe. An immatur...Figure 8.8 Conjunctival dermoid with hair at the temporal aspect of the glob...Figure 8.9 Onchocerca granuloma in the ventral bulbar conjunctiva.Figure 8.10 Conjunctival hemorrhage secondary to trauma in a dog. Note the m...Figure 8.11 Severe conjunctivitis associated with systemic and retrobulbar b...Figure 8.12 Petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages are present on the conjunct...Figure 8.13 Pedicle bulbar conjunctival graft. A viable conjunctival graft t...Figure 8.14 Completely encircling NM in an American Cocker Spaniel.Figure 8.15 Eversion of the cartilage of the NM in a Great Dane.Figure 8.16 Prolapse of the gland of the NM (“cherry eye”) in an English Bul...Figure 8.17 Strategy for diagnosis and treatment of protrusion of the NM.Figure 8.18 Adenoma of the gland of the NM.Figure 8.19 Plasma cell infiltration of the NM, plasmoma, in a German Shephe...Figure 8.20 The NM flap may be temporarily attached to either (a) the dorsol...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 The canine cornea consists of the corneal epithelium externally, ...Figure 9.2 Keratomalacia in a dog with bacterial keratitis.Figure 9.3 Superficial corneal pigment in a Pug with chronic pigmentary kera...Figure 9.4 Afghan Hound with diffuse corneal edema after canine adenovirus t...Figure 9.5 Superficial corneal vascularization in a dog with chronic KCS.Figure 9.6 Deep corneal vascularization in a dog with chronic anterior uveit...Figure 9.7 (a) A dermoid, or choristoma, at the temporal limbus in a young d...Figure 9.8 Complete incision superficial keratectomy. (a) The initial cornea...Figure 9.9 Dog with PPMs adherent to the posterior cornea and resulting in a...Figure 9.10 The diagnosis of a corneal ulcer is made on the basis of retenti...Figure 9.11 Large nonvascularized SCCED in a nine‐year‐old Boxer dog. Note t...Figure 9.12 Vascularized SCCED in a 10‐year‐old Boxer dog. Note the peripher...Figure 9.13 Central, deep stromal corneal ulcer in a brachycephalic dog.Figure 9.14 Bridge or bipedicle conjunctival graft. (a) The conjunctiva is e...Figure 9.15 Pedicle conjunctival graft. (a) The base of the pedicle flap sho...Figure 9.16 After the corneal ulcer is healed, the blood supply to the conju...Figure 9.17 Central corneal descemetocele in a dog with chronic corneal dise...Figure 9.18 Horizontal full‐thickness corneal laceration with uveal prolapse...Figure 9.19 Bacterial keratitis in a dog associated with extensive keratomal...Figure 9.20 CHV‐1 dendritic ulcerative keratitis in a dog receiving systemic...Figure 9.21 Mycotic keratitis in a dog.Figure 9.22 Chemical burn or keratitis after mace exposure in a dog.Figure 9.23 Pigmentary keratitis in a dog with chronic keratitis.Figure 9.24 Mild (a) and severe (b) CSK in the German Shepherd breed.Figure 9.25 Dachshund with superficial punctate keratitis.Figure 9.26 Crystalline corneal dystrophy in the Siberian Husky.Figure 9.27 (a) Dog with Cushing's disease with focal lipid keratopathy. (b)...Figure 9.28 Diffuse corneal degeneration with a dense white plaque and vascu...Figure 9.29 (a) Bullous keratopathy in a dog with endothelial dystrophy. (b)...Figure 9.30 (a) Thermokeratoplasty (thermal cautery) uses multifocal points ...Figure 9.31 Dog with Florida keratopathy.Figure 9.32 Corneal papilloma in a dog.Figure 9.33 Squamous cell carcinoma in the cornea of a Pug dog with chronic ...Figure 9.34 (a) Bilateral corneal lymphosarcoma in a dog. (b) Closer image o...Figure 9.35 Limbal and corneal hemangioma in a dog.Figure 9.36 Limbal or epibulbar melanoma in a Labrador СКАЧАТЬ