Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt
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Название: Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology

Автор: Kirk N. Gelatt

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Биология


isbn: 9781119801351


СКАЧАТЬ associated with s...Figure 16.25 Lateral view of the Peterson nerve block for retrobulbar anesth...Figure 16.26 Buphthalmos in a nine‐year‐old Friesian cow that has perilimbal...Figure 16.27 Funduscopic views through the aphakic crescent of a glaucomatou...Figure 16.28 Iridal heterochromia in an albino beef Shorthorn calf. Clinical...Figure 16.29 Tricolored heterochromic iris of a Hereford bull with dominant ...Figure 16.30 Complete cataract secondary to uveitis. Note multiple areas of ...Figure 16.31 Immature cortical and nuclear cataract of unknown cause in an A...Figure 16.32 Normal bovine ocular fundus. The optic disc is predominantly in...Figure 16.33 The ocular fundus of a subalbinotic Shorthorn calf. The tapetal...Figure 16.34 Typical coloboma of the optic disc and nontapetal fundus. The m...Figure 16.35 Papilledema and retinal degeneration secondary to avitaminosis ...Figure 16.36 Inferior eyelid entropion and secondary keratitis in a lambFigure 16.37 Early stage of keratoconjunctivitis associated with mycoplasma ...Figure 16.38 Keratoconjunctivitis associated with mycoplasma infection in a ...Figure 16.39 Keratoconjunctivitis associated with mycoplasma infection in a ...Figure 16.40 Normal ovine ocular fundus. The kidney‐shaped optic disc is at ...Figure 16.41 Normal caprine ocular fundus. The round optic disc is at the ju...Figure 16.42 Normal extraocular photograph of pot‐bellied pig.Figure 16.43 Entropion in a pot‐bellied pig, with secondary trichiasis.Figure 16.44 Heterochromia iridis (clinically blue and white) in a white min...Figure 16.45 Dacryocystorhinogram of a cria with nasolacrimal disease showin...Figure 16.46 Severe chemosis with marked conjunctival hyperemia. This severi...Figure 16.47 A normal camelid eye. This iris is heterochromic, containing sh...Figure 16.48 Congenital ocular defects such as this iris coloboma (thought t...Figure 16.49 An immature cataract of unknown etiology in a middle‐aged llama...Figure 16.50 Funduscopic photograph of a normal camelid eye. The fundus is h...Figure 16.51 Fundic photograph of an alpaca. The arrow points to a hyaloid r...

      17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Chromodacryorrhea occurs in many laboratory rodents, but particu...Figure 17.2 Microphthalmia and persistent hyaloid artery in the right eye (O...Figure 17.3 Clinical anophthalmos in a guinea pig.Figure 17.4 A small pink‐colored mass (flesh eye) in the medial canthus in g...Figure 17.5 Heterotopic bone formation (osseous metaplasia) in the ciliary b...Figure 17.6 Exophthalmos is caused by retrobulbar abscesses, usually origina...Figure 17.7 Infectious blepharitis without concurrent conjunctivitis and/or ...Figure 17.8 Annulus of conjunctiva growing over the cornea from the limbus. ...Figure 17.9 Rabbit with dacryocystitis with lid swelling and purulent exudat...Figure 17.10 Nonhealing corneal ulcer with devitalizes nonadherent epithelia...Figure 17.11 Hereditary glaucoma in the New Zealand white rabbit has been st...Figure 17.12 Uveitis in rabbits occurs secondary to lens capsular rupture an...Figure 17.13 (a) Sudden‐onset progressive cataract in Netherland dwarf rabbi...Figure 17.14 (a) Albino rabbit and (b) pigmented rabbit. Fundus of the rabbi...Figure 17.15 Anatomy of the fish eye.Figure 17.16 Anatomy of the amphibian eye.Figure 17.17 Lipid keratopathy in a frog Figure 17.18 Sea turtle with extensive proliferative ulcerative skin lesions...Figure 17.19 Blockage of the nasolacrimal duct in snakes is associated with ...Figure 17.20 Retained spectacle in a snake Figure 17.21 Young red‐eared turtle with periorbital swelling associated wit...Figure 17.22 Great horned owl with vitreal foreign body (feathers associated...Figure 17.23 Eurasian eagle owl with traumatic corneal perforation and secon...Figure 17.24 Right eye of a chinstrap penguin with a hypermature cataract an...Figure 17.25 (a) Right eye of a chinstrap penguin pharmacologically dilated ...

      18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Drawing illustrating the insertions of the various extraocular m...Figure 18.2 Drawing illustrating the neuroanatomical pathway for the PLR.Figure 18.3 Drawing illustrating the postulated pathway of the dazzle reflex...Figure 18.4 The visual pathways, demonstrating how each side of the visual f...Figure 18.5 Horner's syndrome in a horse is characterized by profuse ipsilat...Figure 18.6 Right eye: D‐shaped pupil in miosis, fibrinous exudate in the na...Figure 18.7 Photograph of Siamese cat with congenital esotropia related to c...

      19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Clinical presentation associated with oculoskeletal dysplasia, i...Figure 19.2 Congenital hydrocephalus in a toy breed with “sunset eyes.” The ...Figure 19.3 Fundus photograph of NCL‐affected Polish Owczarek Nizinny dog at...Figure 19.4 Multiple retinal hemorrhages and possible papilledema associated...Figure 19.5 Fundus photographs of a dog with multiple myeloma. (a) Left fund...Figure 19.6 Yellow‐appearing iris in a dog with icterus. The clinically norm...Figure 19.7 Juvenile pyoderma in a young Saint Bernard.Figure 19.8 Extraocular myositis. (a) Golden Retriever, 1‐year‐old male, wit...Figure 19.9 Multifocal, depigmented lesions in the nontapetal fundus of a do...Figure 19.10 Gross image of a sectioned globe infected with Prototheca. Ther...Figure 19.11 Bartonellosis in a dog. Fundus photograph demonstrating multifo...Figure 19.12 Photograph of the left eye (OS) of a dog with Brucella canis en...Figure 19.13 Fundus photograph of the OS of a dog with Brucella canis endoph...Figure 19.14 Labrador Retriever with tetraparesis and Cryptococcus in the CS...Figure 19.15 Conjunctivitis in a dog with leishmaniasis. Note the prominent ...Figure 19.16 Left fundus of a four‐year‐old, female German Shepherd dog with...Figure 19.17 Distemper‐induced, multifocal white lesions deep to the retinal...Figure 19.18 Acute blindness in a dog with distemper associated with papilli...Figure 19.19 “Blue eye.” Mild but extensive corneal edema in a puppy 10–14 d...Figure 19.20 Immature cortical cataracts in a mixed‐breed dog with diabetes ...Figure 19.21 Three cats with MPS showing the typical features of this class ...Figure 19.22 (a) Fundus photograph of a geriatric cat with systemic hyperten...Figure 19.23 (a) Photograph of the OS of a cat with ocular coccidioidomycosi...Figure 19.24 Two‐year‐old female European cat with a conjunctivocorneal mass...Figure 19.25 Chorioretinitis with a circumscribed lesion in a cat with crypt...Figure 19.26 Cuterebriasis in a cat. Fundus photograph of the organism in th...Figure 19.27 Acute anterior uveitis with keratic precipitates in a cat with ...Figure 19.28 Early intraocular lymphosarcoma (FeLV) presented as anterior uv...Figure 19.29 Early taurine deficiency retinopathy in a cat. In the area cent...Figure 19.30 Acute retinal degeneration in a 15‐year‐old, male castrated cat...Figure 19.31 White pattern continuum for heterozygote (LP/lp) and homozygote...Figure 19.32 (a) Photograph of the eye of a Rocky Mountain Horse with congen...Figure 19.33 (a) Right eye of affected animal with large and translucent cys...Figure 19.34 Fundus photograph of the left eye of a Rocky Mountain Horse. No...Figure 19.35 Tapetal fundus from the right eye of WB3, diagnosed with clinic...Figure 19.36 Tapetal–nontapetal junction from the left eye of WB2, diagnosed...Figure 19.37 Ulcerative granuloma of the medial canthus of the right eye of ...Figure 19.38 Left eye of a horse with equine viral arteritis. Note the marke...Figure 19.39 Chlamydial conjunctivitis in a young goat. Conjunctival inclusi...Figure 19.40 Recumbent heifer with thromboembolic meningoencephalitis‐relate...Figure 19.41 Malignant catarrhal fever in a cow. Note the conjunctival and s...Figure 19.42 Retinal photograph from scrapie‐affected sheep showing raised b...Figure 19.43 (a) Normal fundus appearance of a Friesian calf. Note the prese...


      1  Cover Page

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Preface

      5  Acknowledgments

      6  About the Companion Website

      7  Table of Contents

      8  Begin Reading

      9  СКАЧАТЬ