Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR. Hans Ulrich Kriens
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СКАЧАТЬ delayed meteorological messages)

      RTF Radiotelephone

      RTG Radiotelegraph

      RTT Radioteletypewriter

      RUT Standard regional route transmitter frequencies

      RV Rescue vessel

      RVR Runway visual range

      RWY Runway


      S South or southern latitude

      SA Duststorm, sandstorm, rising dust or rising sand

      SAP As soon as possible

      SAR Search and Rescue

      SARPS Standards and Recommended Practices (ICAO)

      Sat Saturday

      SB Self-Briefing

      SC Straticumulus

      SCT Scattered

      SE Southeast

      SEC Seconds

      SELCAL Selective Calling System ( A system which permits the selective calling of individual aircraft over radiotelephony channels linking a ground station with the aircraft)

      SEP September

      SEV Severe (used e.g. to qualify icing and turbulence reports)

      SFC Surface

      SG Snow grains

      SH Showers

      SHF Super high frequency (3000 –30000 MHz)

      SHRA Moderate rain shower

      SHRASN Moderate shower with rain and snow

      SHSN Moderate snow shower

      SID Standard instrument departure

      SIF Selective identification feature

      SIGMET Information concerning en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations

      SIGWX Significant weather

      SIMUL Simultaneous or simultaneously

      SIWL Single isolated wheel load

      SKC Sky clear

      SKED Schedule or scheduled

      SLAP Slot Allocation Procedure

      SMC Surface movement control

      SMR Surface movement radar

      SN Snow

      SNOWTAM A special series NOTAM notifying the presence or removal of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush or standing water associated with snow, slush and ice on the movement area, by means of specific format

      SPECI Aviation selected special weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)

      SPL Supplementary flight plan message

      SPOC SAR point of contact

      SQ Squall

      SQL Squall line

      SR Sunrise

      SRE Surveillance Radar

      SRG Short range

      SRR Search and rescue region

      SS Sunset

      SSE South-southeast

      SSR Secondary surveillance radar

      SST Supersonic transport

      SSW South-southwest

      ST Stratus

      STA Straight in approach

      STA Scheduled time of arrival (aircraft on blocks)

      STAR Standard (instrument) arrival

      STD Scheduled time of departure (aircraft off blocks)

      STF Step down fix

      STOL Short take-off and landing

      STS Status

      SUBJ Subject to

      Sun Sunday

      SUPPS Regional supplementary procedures

      SVC Service message

      SVCBL Serviceable

      SW Southwest

      SWC Significant weather chart

      SWY Stopway


      t Ton(s) (weight)

      T Temperature

      TA Transition altitude

      TACAN UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid

      TAF Aerodrome forecast

      TAR Terminal area surveillance radar

      TAS True airspeed

      TAX Tyxiing or taxi

      TC Tropical cyclone

      TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System

      TCH Threshold crossing height

      TCU Towering cumulus

      TDZ Touchdown zone

      TEL Telephone

      TEMPO Temporary or temporarily

      TFC Traffic

      TGL Touch-and-go landing

      THR Threshold

      Thu Thursday

      TIL Until

      TKOF Take-off

      TLOF Touchdown and lift-off area