Название: Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR
Автор: Hans Ulrich Kriens
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр: Изобразительное искусство, фотография
isbn: 9783844240436
LDG Landing
LDI Landing direction indicator
LEFT left (direction of turn)
LF Low frequency (30 to 300 kHz)
LGT Light or lighting
LGTD Lighted
LIH Light intensity high
LIL Light intensity low
LLZ Localizer
LM Locator , middle
LMT Local mean time
LNG Long (used to indicate the type of approach desired or required)
LO Locator , outer
LOC Locally or location or located
LONG Longitude
LRG Long range
LT Left turn
LTD Limited
LTT Landline teletypewriter
LYR Layer or layered
m Metre(s)
Mag Magnetic
MAHP Missed Approach Holding Point
MAHWP Missed Approach Holding Waypoint
MAINT Maintenance
MAP Aeronautical maps and charts
MAPT Missed approach point
MAR March
MATWP Missed Approach Turning Waypoint
MAWP Missed approach waypoint
MAX Maximum
MBST Microburst
MDA Minimum descent altitude
MDH Minimum descent height
MEA Minimum en-route altitude
MEHT Minimum eye-height over threshold
MESZ Central European Summertime
MET Meteorological or meteorlogy
METAR Aviation routine weather report (in aeronautical meteorological code)
MEZ Central European Time
MF Medium frequency (300 to 3000 kHz)
MHz Megahertz
MIFG Shallow fog
Mil Military
MIN Minute(s)
MKR Marker radio beacon
MLS Microwave landing system
MM Middle marker
MNM Minimum
MNPS Minimum navigation perfomance specifications
MNT Maintain
MOC Minimum obstacle clearance (required)
MOD Moderate (used to qualify icing, turbulence, interference or static reports)
Mon Monday
MOTNE Meteorological Operational Telecommunications Network Europe
Mpa Megapascal
MPH Statue mile(s) per hour
mps Metre(s) per second
MPW Maximum permissible weight
MRA Minimum reception altitude
MRG Medium range (SAR aircraft)
MRP ATS /MET reporting point
MRVA Minimum radar vectoring altitude
MS Minus
MSA Minimum safe altitude
MSA Minimum sector altitude
MSG Message
MSL Mean sea level
MT Mountain
MTOM Maximum take-off mass
MTOW Maximum take-off weight
MTW Mountain wave
MWO Meteorological watch office
MX Mixed type of ice formation (white and clear)
N North or northern latitude
NAV Navigation
NC No change
NE Northeast
NfL Nachricht(en) für Luftfahrer
NGT Night
NLFS Night Low Flying System
NM Nautical mile(s)
NMC National Meteorological Forecast Centre
NML Normal
NNE Nort-northeast
NNW North-northwest
NOF International NOTAM office
NOSIG No significant change (used in trend-type landing forecast)
NOTAM A notice containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change on any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations
NOV November
Nr./No. Number
NS Nimbostratus
NW Northwest
NXT Next