Название: Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines
Автор: А. Т. Серков
Издательство: Издание книг ком
Жанр: Физика
Thus, with a high degree of reliability can be argued that the constant C in equations (1), (3) and (5) are identical and express the same process gravimagnetic interaction of masses. In the first case the interaction is not rotating Moon and rotating around it satellites, in the second rotating central bodies (the Sun, planets) and their orbital bodies.
The results about gravimagnetism braking when the orbiting bodies driving around a non-rotating Central body – the Moon are in good agreement with the known data that celestial body which does not have its own rotation around its axis (Mercury) or low speed (Venus), do not have satellites. In contrast, satellites of rotating central bodies are braking poorly, especially when moving in orbits with a maximum shear strain of the gravitational field and, accordingly, with a peak concentric orientation of gravimagnetic power lines.
The bulk wave maximum deformation occurs at the equator and extends then in the equatorial plane. Captured satellites quickly decelerate and fall on the Central body. This explains the predominant position of the planets and satellites in the equatorial plane of a rotating central body. Here the greatest shear deformation and concentric orientation gravimagnetic field and the least resistance to movement of the orbital phone. For the same reason it is impossible the existence of polar satellites. Their orbit crosses the force lines at an angle close to 90°. Due to the high gravitational resistance, they quickly decelerate and fall.
A satisfactory explanation also receives the same direction of orbital motion with the rotation of the central bodies and synchronous rotation of the planets and the Sun.
1. The assessment of the gravity-magnetic effect by braking of the satellites of the Moon "Luna-10", "the lunar Prospector", "Smart-1", "Kaguya" and "Chandrayan-1 is given. For the quantitative description of effect used equation gravimagnetic braking similar electrodynamics equation of the Lorentz force and the equation of momentum. The constant part of the equation braking, has a value of C = 2,16.108 cm/s. Estimated time flight of satellites on orbit "the lunar Prospector", "Smart-1" and "Kaguya" is different from the actual ± 14 %.
2. On the basis of gravimagnetism braking orbital bodies is obtained the empirical formula, which expresses the dependence of the orbital planetary and satellite distances from a number of whole (quantum) numbers, mass and period of rotation of the central body. The formula is a constant having the dimension of velocity, equal for the solid planets C = 2,48.108 cm/s. Based on the mapping of constants in braking equation and in the formula of orbital distances the conclusion was made about the identity of these constants.
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Chapter 3. The dependence of planetary and satellite distances from the speed rotation of the central bodies
In Chapter an attempt is made to determine in the equation of planetary and satellite distances the universal constant, which would unite planetary and satellite systems and allow with sufficient accuracy to calculate the elite orbit. To the solution of the problem has been approached through the use of complex representing the square root of the product of the mass of the central body of the system and the period of its rotation.
1. Introduction
The analysis of the dynamic structure of the Solar system, made in the work of B. I. Rabinovich [1], has brought to the fore the problem of stability of periodic motions in systems with commensurate frequencies, which are closely linked to the existence of elite orbits in planetary and satellite systems. A priority issue in this problem is the establishment of the laws of planetary and satellite distances. The author prefers the proposal made earlier by A. M. Chechelnitsky [2], according to which the radii of the elite orbits of planets and satellites Rn determent by quartos law:
Rn = k n2, (1)
where k is a constant and n is an integer number that determines the position of the elite orbit.
The proposed law, in contrast to empirical rules Titius-Bode [3] more accurately describes the dependence of planetary and satellite distances for all systems. In addition, it allows detecting the quantum properties of the gravitational planetary systems.
On this occasion, F. A. Gareev writes [4]: "In the framework of the considered model it is possible to conclude that in the Solar system quanthouse sectorial and orbital velocity and orbital distances of the planets and their satellites". The author on the basis of the equation (1) for planetary and satellite systems received constant (h/mG) is the quantum double sectored speed. The value of this constant for the different systems is presented in table 1. According to the author's constant satisfactorily within ±5 % remains constant for the same system. However, between the difference reaches 5 decimal orders of magnitude.
Table 1. The values of the constants (a/mG) for planetary and satellite systems and its relationship with the rotation parameters of the Central bodies systems.
This article in the framework of representations arising from law formulated in equation (1), an attempt is made to establish a universal СКАЧАТЬ