Superatoms. Группа авторов
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Название: Superatoms

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119619567


СКАЧАТЬ atoms in the metal core as well as the number and type of ligands can be varied independently, one is gifted with considerable flexibility to design ligated metal clusters as superatoms. Consider, for example a metal core consisting of NC number of core atoms and NS number of surface atoms. The surface atoms are the ones that bind to the ligands forming either an ionic or a covalent bond. If the number of valence electrons in the core atoms correspond to shell closure, it is likely that such a cluster can gain unusual stability. Hakkinen and coworkers [37, 38] used this approach to explain the unusual stability of some ligated Al and Au clusters. For example, the unusual stability of Al50Cp*12 can be explained by realizing that 12 Cp* ligands withdraw 12 electrons from the Al50 core, thus leaving 50 × 3 − 12 = 138 electrons. This is just enough electrons to close the 1I superatom jellium shell. Similarly, the authors showed that ligand‐protected Au clusters, satisfying electron shell closure at 8, 34, and 58, can indeed be synthesized.

      2.2.2 Octet Rule

ne Examples
2 Ag14(SR)12(PR)8, Ag16(SR)14(dppe)4, {Au34[Fe(CO)3]6 [Fe(CO)4]8}8−
8 Au11X3(PR3)7, [Au13Cl2(PR3)10]3+, [Au25(PET)18] , Au28(SR)20, Al4(C5Me5)4, Al4[SiC(CH3)3]4, [Au13Cu2(PR)6(SPy)6]+, [Au13Cu4(PR2Py)4(SR)8]+, [Au13Cu8(SPy)12]+, [Au11(dpdp)6]3+, {Ag21[S2P(O/Pr)2]12}+
18 [Ag44(SR)30]−4, [Ag44(SR)30]−4, [Au12Ag32(SR)30]−4, [Au12+nCu32(SR)30+n]−4 (n = 0, 2, 4, 6), Au24Ag20(SR)4(C2Ph)20Cl2
34 [Au39(PR3)14Cl6], Au68(SR)34, [Au67(SR)35] −2, Au39Cl6(PH3)14
40 {Ge9[Si(SiMe3)3]3}, SiAl14(C5Me5)6
58 Au102(p‐MBA)44, Au102(SMe)44, {GaGa11[GaN(SiMe3)2]11}
138 Al50(C5Me5)12 Superalkalis and Superhalogens

      Alkali atoms, with outer electronic configuration of ns 1, have one excess electron while halogen atoms, with outer electronic configuration of ns 2 np 5, need one extra electron to achieve the octet shell closure of their respective ionic cores. As a result, both the atoms are reactive. Gutsev and Boldyrev [44, 45] were the first ones to use the octet rule to design superalkali and superhalogen clusters that not only mimic the chemistry of alkali and halogen atoms, respectively, but also surpass their properties. The ionization potentials of superalkalis are lower than those of the alkali atoms while the electron affinities of superhalogens are higher than those of the halogen atoms. The composition of superalkali is M k + 1X, where M is an alkali atom and X is an atom with valence k. An example of a superalkali is Li3O whose ionization potential of 3.54 eV [46] is smaller than that of the Li atom, namely, 5.39 eV. The composition of a superhalogen, on the other hand, is MY k + 1, where Y is a halogen atom and M is a metal atom with valence k. A typical example of a superhalogen is LiF2, which has an electron affinity of 5.45 eV [47]. This is much larger than the electron affinity of F, namely 3.4 eV. The reason for these superior properties is inherent in the nature of the distribution of electrons. Note that the phase space occupied by the outer electrons increases with cluster size. In superalkalis, this makes it easier to remove an electron, hence leading to a lower ionization potential. In a superhalogen, on the other hand, the increased phase space for the electron distribution causes a reduction in electron–electron repulsion; hence, leading to a higher electron affinity. That superhalogens can promote unusual reactions was already realized by Bartlett in 1962, long before Gutsev and Boldyrev coined the word. Bartlett and coworkers showed that O2 and noble gas atoms such as Xe can be ionized by using PtF6 and estimated its electron affinity as 6.8 eV [48, 49]. The fact that clusters can mimic the chemistry of alkali and halogen atoms with superior properties provides new opportunities to design supersalts with superalkalis and superhalogens as building blocks [50].