Semantic Web for Effective Healthcare Systems. Группа авторов
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Название: Semantic Web for Effective Healthcare Systems

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Программы


isbn: 9781119764151


СКАЧАТЬ under multiple features, one term under more than one feature


      For example, “the rooms are maintained neatly but the room rent is costly” is considered Type 3 query. Here, the terms rooms, room, and rent are extracted. The term room comes under both the topics “Infrastructure” and “Cost,” and the term rent comes under the topic “cost.” The term room needs to be fixed under a single topic (either infrastructure or cost). It is done by calculating the cumulative scores of features (or topics) under which the term occurs. Suppose, LDAscore(room, Infrastructure) = 0.17, LDAscore(room, Cost) = 0.38, and LDAscore(rent, Cost) = 0.26. Then cum_fScore(f = “Infrastructure”) is 0.17, and the cum_fScore(f = “Cost”) is 0.64. Since 0.64 > 0.17, the term room is assigned the feature as “Cost” in this context.

      Type 4: Term not present in the Ontology

      If given term is not present, new LDA score is computed for it and update-Ontology() is used for the new term. If ontoMap(t) is null, where t ϵ T, then the Ontology needs to be updated with the new term. CFSLDA modeling is done again for the Ontology update. The process of querying is repeated as one of the other three types described earlier.

      1.5.4 Metrics Analysis

Predicted positive Predicted negative
Actual positive TP FIN
Actual negative FP TN


      TP: the number of correct classifications of the positive examples (true positive)

      FN: the number of incorrect classifications of positive examples (false negative)

      FP: the number of incorrect classifications of negative examples (false positive)

      TN: the number of correct classifications of negative examples (true negative)

Number of reviews
Data source Positive Negative
Twitter 1200 525 425 110 200 85
Google Reviews 580 320
Total Reviews 2405 1040
Features Reviews
Cost 663
Medicare СКАЧАТЬ