Trust in Computer Systems and the Cloud. Mike Bursell
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СКАЧАТЬ external events—such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters—tend to have on the tendency for humans to cooperate with each other.43 Moral systems are well beyond the scope of our interest, but there are some interesting issues associated with how to deal with rare and/or major events in terms of both design and attacks on trust relationships. We will return to these in Chapter 8, “Systems and Trust”.

       Trust, But Verify

       Attacks from Within

      But what if I have daughters who play rugby and who train at an adjacent rugby club that also wishes to expand? I may have joined the netball club with no intention of lobbying for increased resources for netball, but with the plan of lobbying the local government with an alternative proposal for resources, directed instead towards my daughters' rugby club. This might seem like an underhanded trick, but it is a real one and can go even further than external actions, with plans to change the stated aims or rules of the organisation. If I can get enough other members of the rugby club to join the netball club, it may well be that the constitution of the club, if not robust enough, might be vulnerable to a general vote to change the club's goals to stay with existing resources or even reduce the number of courts, ceding them to the adjacent rugby club.

      It may seem that we have moved a long way from our core interest in security and computer systems, but attacks similar to those outlined above are very relevant, even if the trust models may be slightly different. Consider the single attacker who is subverting an organisation from within. This is how we might model the case where a component that is part of a larger system is compromised by a malicious actor—whether part of the organisation or not—and serves as a “pivot point” to attack other components or systems. Designing systems to be resilient to these types of attacks is a core part of the practice of IT or cybersecurity, and one of our tasks later in this book will be to consider how we can use models of trust to help that practice. In the case of the packing of members to subvert an organisation, this is extremely close, in terms of the mechanism used, to an attack on certain blockchains and crypto-currencies known as a 51% attack. At a simplistic level, a blockchain operates one or more of a variety of consensus mechanisms to decide what should count as a valid transaction and be recorded as part of its true history. Some of these consensus mechanisms are vulnerable to an attack where enough active contributors (miners) to the blockchain can overrule the true history and force an alternative that suits their ends, in a similar way to that in which enough members of an organisation can decide to vote in a policy that is at odds with the organisation's stated aims. The percentage required for at least some of these consensus mechanisms is a simple majority: hence the figure of 51%. We will be returning to blockchains later in this book, as the trust models are interesting, and many of the widely held assumptions around their operation turn out to be much more complex than are generally considered.