Super English Course – Speak like a native. Alexander Chumakov
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Название: Super English Course – Speak like a native

Автор: Alexander Chumakov

Издательство: Издательские решения

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9785005508911


СКАЧАТЬ children back to their parents.

      What will the monster do, if it is not pleased?

      They monster will never ever bring children back to their parents.

      Will children stay with the monster forever, if it is not pleased?

      Yes, they will. Children will never come back home. They will never see their parents again.

      Do parents and children spend a lot of time together now?

      No, they don’t. Of course, they don’t. Parents and children don’t spend time together.

      Why don’t parents and children spend time together?

      Because the monster takes children away from homes for 5 or 6 hours.

      Because the monster gives a lot of tasks to do. As a result, parents and children have no time to spend time together.

      Do parents miss their children?

      Of course, they do.

      Do children miss their parents?

      No doubt. They do. Parents and children miss each other a lot.

      Because of what do they miss each other a lot?

      Because of that huge, ugly and super-strong monster. Oh, that’s bloody monster.

      What is the monster’s name? Television?

      No! Not television.

      The Internet?

      No, not the Internet.

      What is the Monster’s name?

      The monster’s name is school. It is school that takes children away from homes, from their parents for 5 or 6 hours a day. It is school that gives children so many tasks to do. It is school that breaks relations between parents and children. And they don’t understand each other very well.

      What is it that takes children away from homes, from their parents?

      It is school. It is school that takes children away from homes, from their parents for 5 or 6 hours a day.

      What is it that gives children a lot of tasks to do at home?

      It is school that gives children a lot of tasks to do.

      What is it that breaks relations between parents and children?

      It is school that breaks relations between parents and children.

      What does the school do?

      The school takes children away from homes. The school gives children a lot of tasks to do.

      What else does school do?

      It breaks relations between parents and children.

      What does school break?

      Relations. The school breaks relations between parents and children. They do not understand each other very well.

      Why don’t they understand each other very well?

      They don’t understand each other very well because the monster breaks relations between them.

      But one day parents decide not to give their children to that monster any more. They decide to educate their children at home. They also decide to spend time with their children all week.

      What do parents decide to do?

      Right, you are. They decide not to give their children to that monster any more.

      Do parents decide to educate their children at home?

      Correct. All the parents decide to educate their children at home.

      Who do parents decide to educate?

      Their children, of course. Parents decide to educate their children at home.

      Where do parents decide to educate their children?

      At home, right! Parents decide to educate their children at home. They also decide to spend time with their children all week.

      Do they decide to spend time together?

      Yes, they do. All the parents decide to spend time with their children all week.

      What do parents decide to spend with their children together? Money?

      No, not money. What is money? Time – that’s what they decide to spend together. Parents deiced to spend time with their children.

      And because the monster can’t take children away from their homes any more, he gets weaker and weaker. With time the monster gets less and less powerful. And eventually, the monster disappears. It’s gone.

      Does the monster get stronger and stronger with time?

      No, not stronger. No, weaker. With time the monster gets weaker and weaker.

      Why does the monster get weaker and weaker?

      Because he can’t take children away from homes any more.

      Does the monster get more or less powerful?

      Less. The monster gets less powerful. With time the monster gets less and less powerful. And eventually, the monster disappears. It’s gone.

      And eventually, what happens to the monster?

      It disappears. The monster disappears. It stops existing. It’s gone.

      Does the monster appear or does the monster disappear?

      I just said. Disappears. Eventually, it stops existing. The monster disappears. It’s gone.

      How do parents feel?

      They feel fulfilled. Parents feel fulfilled.

      Why do parents feel fulfilled?

      They feel fulfilled because their children are well-educated.

      And what about their children? How do children feel?

      They also feel fulfilled.


      Because they spend a lot of time together with their parents.

      Who educates their children? The monster? The school?

      No, not the monster. Not the school. Their parents do.

      Are СКАЧАТЬ