Institution-formation theory and principles of its construction. Globalization and the main mechanisms of the development of society. A. L. Safonov
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СКАЧАТЬ status of the masses. The phenomenon of socialism emerged. It appeared first as a doctrine and later as a social system. This phenomenon was largely responsible for the appearance of the “middle class” in the bourgeois industrial countries. Thus, according to A.I. Fursov, globalization is another revenge of the elites, who have broken away from the nation state basis and extract resources from the “privatization of the welfare state” created in the industrial era.

      When analysing the views of this author, it should be noted that his concept, for all its originality and importance for science, does not consider mechanisms of conflict and contradictions in society. At the same time, these phenomena contribute not less but rather more to the transformation of society than the need for cooperation between individuals.

      Thus, a comparative philosophical and methodological analysis of the known theories of globalization, which are created within the framework of various scientific disciplines, shows that they represent the diversity of this era as a set of individual patterns. Most of these concepts reduce globalization, which is a comprehensive phenomenon, to private, albeit essential, phenomena of an economic, sociocultural, or political nature. These concepts, both apologetic and critical, are characterized by the absolutization of convergent aspects of development. They see such processes of transformation of society as monopolization and unification, including economic, social, and ethnocultural, as the leading tendencies of development of society. They deny the phenomenon of social regression and processes of divergent nature, which are objective trends that are inherent in globalization.

      1.4 Attributes of globalization

      To obtain a more detailed definition of globalization as a qualitatively new socio-historical reality, its main qualitative differences from previous eras should be highlighted. To this end, based on the existing theoretical basis, an analysis of globalization development trends was conducted, which allowed us to identify its essential foundations.

      The study of globalization shows that the most important, most obvious feature, or attribute, of globalization is the emergence of global social space. It has emerged as a result of the qualitative reduction of spatial, political, and other barriers that not so long ago separated local societies.

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      Safonov, A.L. Osevoe Vremya-2: vozvraschenie k istokam ili pogruzheni vo t’mu? // Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. #14 (Filosofia, sotsiologia, politologia, kulturologia). Ulan Ude, 2012, pp. 34—42.


      Davidson, A.B. Cecil Rhodes and His Time. / Sesil Rods i ego vremya. M.: Mysl., 1984, 367 pp.


      Lenin, V.I. Imperialism kak vyshays stadiya kapitalisma. M.: Lend, 2019, 128 pp.


      Kautsky, K. Natsionalnoe gosudarstvo, imeprialisticheskoe gosudarstvo i soyuz gosudarstv. M.: Delo, 1917, 94 pp.


      Hobson, J.A. Imperialism. A study. London: Nisbet, 1902, 400 pp.


      Davidson, A.B. Cecil Rhodes and His Time. Sesil Rods i ego vremya. M.: Mysl., 1984, 367 pp.


      Erhard, L. 50 years of thoughts / Polveka razmyshlenii. Translated from German by A. Andronov, V. Kotelkin, T. Rodionova, N. Selezneva. M.: Nauka, 1996, 606 pp.


      Lisichkin, V.A., Shelepin, L.A. Globalnaya imperia Zla. M.: Krymsky most-9D, Forum, 2001, 448 pp.


      Borlaug, N. Green revolution // Ecologia i Zhizn, 200, #4, pp. 37—42.


      Appendix 1 has a full list of various schools of thought on globalization and authors who belong to them.


      Safonov, A.L. Osevoe vremya-2: vozvraschenie k istokam ili pogruzhenie vo t’mu? // Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, #14 (Philosophy, sociology, political sciences, cultural sciences). Ulan Ude, 2012, pp. 34—42.


      Zinoviev, A.A. Na puti k sverkhobschestvu. M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2000, 637 pp.



Safonov, A.L. Osevoe Vremya-2: vozvraschenie k istokam ili pogruzheni vo t’mu? // Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. #14 (Filosofia, sotsiologia, politologia, kulturologia). Ulan Ude, 2012, pp. 34—42.


Davidson, A.B. Cecil Rhodes and His Time. / Sesil Rods i ego vremya. M.: Mysl., 1984, 367 pp.


Lenin, V.I. Imperialism kak vyshays stadiya kapitalisma. M.: Lend, 2019, 128 pp.


Kautsky, K. Natsionalnoe gosudarstvo, imeprialisticheskoe gosudarstvo i soyuz gosudarstv. M.: Delo, 1917, 94 pp.


Hobson, J.A. Imperialism. A study. London: Nisbet, 1902, 400 pp.


Davidson, A.B. Cecil Rhodes and His Time. Sesil Rods i ego vremya. M.: Mysl., 1984, 367 pp.


Erhard, L. 50 years of thoughts / Polveka razmyshlenii. Translated from German by A. Andronov, V. Kotelkin, T. Rodionova, N. Selezneva. M.: Nauka, 1996, 606 pp.


Lisichkin, V.A., Shelepin, L.A. Globalnaya imperia Zla. M.: Krymsky most-9D, Forum, 2001, 448 pp.


Borlaug, N. Green revolution // Ecologia i Zhizn, 200, #4, pp. 37—42.


Appendix 1 has a full list of various СКАЧАТЬ