The American Indians. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft
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Название: The American Indians

Автор: Henry Rowe Schoolcraft

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066383794


СКАЧАТЬ and Its Incidents.

       Domestic and Social Manners of the Indians, While on Their Wintering Grounds.

       Pugasaing; or, the Game of the Bowl.

       Reverence and Affection for Parents.

       Andaig Weos, or Crows-flesh.

       Origin and History of the Race.

       Wyandot Traditions of the Creation, and Other Epochs.

       Traditions of the Arctidés.

       Historical Traditions of the Chippewas, Odjibwas, or Odjibwa-algonquins.

       Mythology, Superstitions, and Religion of the Algonquins.

       Indian Arrow Heads, &c.

       Indian Music, Songs, and Poetry.

       Chant to the Fire-fly.



       Lectures on the Grammatical Structure of the Indian Language.

       The Era of the Arrival of the French in the Upper Lakes.

       Shingaba-wossins, or Image Stones.

       Mnemonic Symbols of the North American Indians.

       Grave Creek Mound.

       Names of the American Lakes.

       Geographical Terminology of the U. States

       Letters on the Antiquities of the Western Country

       Era of the Settlement of Detroit, and the Straits Between Lakes Erie and Huron.

       The Choctaw Indians.

       A Synopsis of Cartier's Voyages of Discovery at North America.

       The Influence of Ardent Spirits on the Condition of the North American Indians.

       Venerable Indian Chief.

       Fate of the Indigenous People in America

       Nursery and Cradle Songs of the Forest.

       Of Their Women, Their Dispositions, Employments, Usage by Their Husbands, Their Apparell, and Modesty.

       Pawnee Barbarity.

       "The Loon Upon the Lake."

       Odjibwa Song.

       Niagara, an Allegory.

       A Psalm.

       Traditionary War Songs of the Odjibwa Algonquins.


       Narrative of the Captivity of Alexander Henry, Esq.

       Narrative of the Captivity of Frances Noble.

       Narrative of the Captivity of Quintin Stockwell.

       Narrative of the Captivity of Peter Williamson.

       Narrative of the Captivity of Jonathan Carver.

       Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Scott.

_Sarony & Major Lith._ _117 Fulton St. New York._ KING HENDRICK

      Sarony & Major Lith. 117 Fulton St. New York. KING HENDRICK


       Table of Contents

      It is now twenty-six years since I first entered the area of the Mississippi valley, with the view of exploring its then but imperfectly known features, geographical and geological. Twenty-two years of this СКАЧАТЬ