Phytopharmaceuticals. Группа авторов
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Название: Phytopharmaceuticals

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119682073


СКАЧАТЬ it is less known that barks infusions of Aspidosperma triternatum (Rojas Acosta), known as “cacha”, or “quebracho blanco lagunero”, and from Mandevilla cuspidata (Rusby) Woodson, known as “comida de socori”, both from Apocynaceae family, have been employed against diarrhea in popular Bolivian medicin.

      Flowers infusions of “Chichapi” or “tala” Celtis spinosa (Gill. et Planchon) from Ulmaceae family, are against diarrhea, and bark extracts are antiseptic [22].

      2.2.3 Northern South America, Central America and Caribbean

      The Colombian vademecum of medicinal plants includes C. cujete L. (totumo) for infections treatment but it does not mention its traditional use or pharmacological activity against alopecia nor includes C. alata, a plant also reported for traditional uses and pharmacological properties. Flavonoids, steroids and triterpenes were analyzed in the fruit epicarp [24]. furanonaftoquinones from C. cujete L. have selective activity against the DNA of cancerous tumors [25, 26]. It also contains 16 iridoids among those the derivatives of catalpol and of aucubin, agnuside, ajugol, crescentosides A, B and C and iridoid glycosides with the activity of inhibiting the growth of skin cells keratinocytes, effective to treat psoriasis, having the same effect as the commercial antisoriatic drug anthralin [25]. Iridoids and furanonaftoquinones present in the fruit of C. cujete L. were considered the active principles in the alopecia treatment. However, there is still a lack of systematic information on specific bioactive molecules in each part of the plant with medicinal properties [26, 27].

Photos depict C. cujete L. tree (a), leaves (b and c), flower (d), fruit (e) and commercial fruit products (f).

      Regarding the uses as a food ingredient, an emulsion can be obtained from C. cujete L. pulp, which is an authentic vegetable “milk” without lactose or cholesterol, rich in omega 6, omega 9 and protein of good nutritional quality. This milky emulsion represents a healthy alternative with functional properties and with innovative potential for the production of foods and pharmaceuticals from native natural resources [34]. However, according to a work carried out in Nigeria, it also contains antinutritional substances (some alkaloids and phenols) that, if not properly handled, can be toxic [35]. The root and pulp of the fruit are toxic for birds, small mammals and cattle. The pulp has no antibacterial activity, but induces neoplasm of the leukemia lymphoma type in 25% of the mice subjected to the administration of the syrup.

      2.2.4 Exploitation of Undervalued Resources From Fabaceae Family to Obtain Hydrocolloids

      Gums, or hydrocolloids are currently used worldwide as ingredients in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations, additives in many food or pharmaceutical excipients, as emulsifiers, film formers, foaming, thickening, stabilizer, filler agents, binders, diluents, disintegrants in tablets, coatings or carriers for drug delivery, among others [37]. Seeds and exudates from Ibero-America native plants have been recently characterized as sources of gums in order to find local alternatives to commercially available ones [36].

      Several of the gum producer trees recently reported in Latin America conform the landscape of economically vulnerable areas [38]. In the following section we will discuss the characteristics and potentiality of hydrocolloids from some of these regional seeds (espina corona and vinal) and plant exudates (from Prosopis alba Griseb, Fabaceae Family). Gums From Native Fabaceae Family Seeds

      The endosperm of seeds from “Espina corona”, Gleditsia amorphoides Griseb., Taub., and vinal Prosopis ruscifolia Griseb., both belonging to Fabaceae Family, contain gums, ECG and VG, respectively. The structure and functionalities of these gums are similar to those of very common and widely used galactomannans such as guar gum, GG [39].

      The genus Gleditsia, belonging to the family of Legumes-Cesalpinoideas, has only few species with a worldwide distribution. G. amorphoides Griseb., Taub. and Gleditsia triacanthos L. grow spontaneously in forests and jungles in the North of Argentina and adjacent regions of Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay.