The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Эмили Дикинсон
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Название: The Poems of Emily Dickinson

Автор: Эмили Дикинсон

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9782378079185


СКАЧАТЬ That any brook is there;

       And yet your little draught of life

       Is daily drunken there.

       Then look out for the little brook in March,

       When the rivers overflow,

       And the snows come hurrying from the hills,

       And the bridges often go.

       And later, in August it may be,

       When the meadows parching lie,

       Beware, lest this little brook of life

       Some burning noon go dry!



       As if some little Arctic flower,

       Upon the polar hem,

       Went wandering down the latitudes,

       Until it puzzled came

       To continents of summer,

       To firmaments of sun,

       To strange, bright crowds of flowers,

       And birds of foreign tongue!

       I say, as if this little flower

       To Eden wandered in —

       What then? Why, nothing, only,

       Your inference therefrom!


       THE OUTLET.

       My river runs to thee:

       Blue sea, wilt welcome me?

       My river waits reply.

       Oh sea, look graciously!

       I'll fetch thee brooks

       From spotted nooks, —

       Say, sea,

       Take me!


       IN VAIN.

       I cannot live with you,

       It would be life,

       And life is over there

       Behind the shelf

       The sexton keeps the key to,

       Putting up

       Our life, his porcelain,

       Like a cup

       Discarded of the housewife,

       Quaint or broken;

       A newer Sevres pleases,

       Old ones crack.

       I could not die with you,

       For one must wait

       To shut the other's gaze down, —

       You could not.

       And I, could I stand by

       And see you freeze,

       Without my right of frost,

       Death's privilege?

       Nor could I rise with you,

       Because your face

       Would put out Jesus',

       That new grace

       Glow plain and foreign

       On my homesick eye,

       Except that you, than he

       Shone closer by.

       They'd judge us — how?

       For you served Heaven, you know,

       Or sought to;

       I could not,

       Because you saturated sight,

       And I had no more eyes

       For sordid excellence

       As Paradise.

       And were you lost, I would be,

       Though my name

       Rang loudest

       On the heavenly fame.

       And were you saved,

       And I condemned to be

       Where you were not,

       That self were hell to me.

       So we must keep apart,

       You there, I here,

       With just the door ajar

       That oceans are,

       And prayer,

       And that pale sustenance,




      There came a day at summer's full

       Entirely for me;

       I thought that such were for the saints,

       Where revelations be.

       The sun, as common, went abroad,

       The flowers, accustomed, blew,

       As if no soul the solstice passed

       That maketh all things new.

       The time was scarce profaned by speech;

       The symbol of a word

       Was needless, as at sacrament

       The wardrobe of our Lord.

       Each was to each the sealed church,

       Permitted to commune this time,

       Lest we too awkward show

       At supper of the Lamb.

       The hours slid fast, as hours will,

       Clutched tight by greedy hands;

       So faces on two decks look back,
