The Christmas Tree and Other Christmas Tales. Sarah P. Doughty
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Название: The Christmas Tree and Other Christmas Tales

Автор: Sarah P. Doughty

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Книги для детей: прочее


isbn: 4064066381059


СКАЧАТЬ those two little children up in the third story; for you know they are a great deal poorer than we are.”

      “I think they are, Lottie; and you may divide your breakfast with them, if you please. And here is a New-Year’s cake that the baker gave me for you when I went for the loaf of bread.”

      “Such a nice large one! and so pretty!” said Lottie, as she looked admiringly at the figures upon the cake. “I can give a part of this to the children, mother.”

      “Very well: now eat your own bread, and then you may go with theirs. So you will have the pleasure of making one New-Year’s gift this pleasant morning; and if you keep your heart filled with love, and all your servants busy in helping you to make this love useful to others, you will find many opportunities to make gifts before the day passes away.”

      “My servants, mother!” exclaimed Lottie. “Who are they?”

      Mrs. Wilton smiled, as she replied, “You have two bright eyes, Lottie; and, with these, you can look around for those who are in need of your assistance. You have two quick ears with which to hear their wants; and you have hands and feet which will cheerfully work at your bidding.”

      The shadow had quite gone from Lottie’s heart and from her face: for she now began to see clearly what her mother meant; and she had already formed many little plans for doing good.

      A large portion of her own breakfast and of the tempting cake were given to the hungry little children; and their joy, and the eagerness with which they ate the food, showed that the gift was a most acceptable one.

      The next hour was passed in assisting her mother: for, as Lottie justly observed, “Mother ought to have a New-Year’s gift as well as other people;” and the only thing she could give her would be a little more help than usual.

      Mrs. Wilton was glad to find her room in neat order, and to be able to sit down to her sewing at an early hour: for she was making some garments, which she had promised to have completed within a few days; and, if they were ready at the promised time, she was to receive extra pay.

      “And now, mother,” said Lottie, “I will take the basket, and try to find some bits of wood around the new buildings. Perhaps I shall find some one to whom I can make a New-Year’s gift while I am gone.”

      “I have no doubt you will, dear,” replied Mrs. Wilton; and Lottie ran merrily away, while her mother employed her hands very busily, and her thoughts no less so: for New-Year’s Day brings many recollections,—both sad and pleasant memories of years gone by. Mrs. Wilton thought of the time when she had a kind husband to love and care for her, and when a fine manly boy, some two or three years older than Lottie, was among her household treasures. Both husband and son had long since passed to the spiritual world; and the poor widow was now obliged to work hard for the support of herself and her little girl. But she had a cheerful, uncomplaining spirit; and she trusted with full faith in our heavenly Father, who never forsakes the widow and the fatherless.

      The little that she could earn with her needle was not always sufficient to supply them with necessary comforts; but, as yet, they had never suffered from cold or hunger. Often their most pressing wants, as in the case of Lottie’s hood and shawl, had been unexpectedly supplied; and, thankfully acknowledging the Providence which watched over them, the widow worked away steadily and cheerfully, with little anxiety for the future.

      But we must accompany little Lottie, as she bounded merrily along, with her basket in her hand. The first object which attracted her attention, when she reached the new buildings, was an old woman, bent nearly double with infirmity and age, slowly endeavoring to gather a few of the chips which lay scattered upon the ground.

      “Poor old creature!” thought Lottie, pityingly, “I have a great mind to fill her basket before I do my own. There are not many children picking up chips this morning: and I shall find enough, I dare say.”

      “I will fill your basket for you,” she said kindly, as she drew near to the woman; “and you can sit on these boards, and rest.”

      The old woman looked surprised, and, at first, seemed a little afraid to let Lottie take the basket. Perhaps she thought she might run away with the pieces she had already collected; for some children are wicked enough to do such things. But, when she looked in the little girl’s pleasant face, all her fear went away; and she gladly rested herself upon the boards, while Lottie’s busy hands and feet worked briskly until the basket was well loaded with the nice dry chips.

      “Have you far to go? Shall I help you to carry it?” asked Lottie, as she placed the load at the old woman’s feet.

      “You are a good child; and I thank you,” was the reply. “But I am well rested now, and can get home by myself. Make haste, and fill your own basket. Good-by! and may God bless you!”

      Lottie’s heart was very glad, as she watched the old woman moving quickly along with the basket.

      “She walks quite fast,” she said to herself. “I am so glad that I helped her, and gave her time to rest! Those chips were a nice New-Year’s gift for her.”

      After half an hour of patient labor, Lottie succeeded in filling her own basket, and set out on her return home.

      As she turned into the street which led to her own dwelling, she saw a richly dressed lady upon the sidewalk, a little in advance of her. Lottie looked admiringly at her velvet hat, and the soft, warm furs, and splendid silk dress.

      “What a happy lady!” she said to herself. “What beautiful New-Year’s gifts she can make!”

      As Lottie said this, a rich lace-veil, which had been lightly thrown over the lady’s hat, fell upon the sidewalk; and the owner passed on without observing her loss.

      “Stop, ma’am! please stop!” called the little girl, as she placed her basket upon the stones, and ran quickly along, with the veil in her hand.

      “Thank you, my child,” said the lady, as she turned around in answer to Lottie’s repeated calls. “I should have been very sorry to have lost my veil. Here is a quarter of a dollar for you.”

      “No, thank you, ma’am,” returned Lottie, blushing deeply. “I do not want any pay. I am glad that I found your veil. It is New-Year’s Day; and I like to have something to give people.”

      “Well, you have made me a beautiful present,” replied the lady, smiling; “for I should certainly have lost my veil if it had not been for you. But why may I not make you a little gift in return?”

      Lottie still shrunk from taking the money; and, after a moment’s thought, the lady ceased to urge her, and, after inquiring the number of her residence, bade her “Good-morning!” and walked on; while the little girl took up her basket of wood, and hastened to her mother.

      Mrs. Wilton listened with delight to her account of the adventures of the morning, and sympathized with her pleasure in having already made three or four New-Year’s gifts.

      “And now, mother,” said Lottie, “I will help you to sew; and by and by, if you will give me leave, I will go and read one of my pretty books, that the teacher gave me, to that little sick girl in the next street. Don’t you remember I told you about her? She used to come to sabbath school.”

      “Yes, I remember what you told me, Lottie. You may go to see her this afternoon. And now I have a long seam for you to sew.”

      “I СКАЧАТЬ