The Captain Blood Series. Rafael Sabatini
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Название: The Captain Blood Series

Автор: Rafael Sabatini

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066382346


СКАЧАТЬ an elegant, pale-faced young gentleman in whom Levasseur recognized his brother-in-law elect.

      “Captain Levasseur, this is an outrage for which you shall be made to answer. What do you seek aboard my ship?”

      “At first I sought only that which belongs to me, something of which I am being robbed. But since you chose war and opened fire on me with some damage to my ship and loss of life to five of my men, why, war it is, and your ship a prize of war.”

      From the quarter rail Mademoiselle d’Ogeron looked down with glowing eyes in breathless wonder upon her well-beloved hero. Gloriously heroic he seemed as he stood towering there, masterful, audacious, beautiful. He saw her, and with a glad shout sprang towards her. The Dutch master got in his way with hands upheld to arrest his progress. Levasseur did not stay to argue with him: he was too impatient to reach his mistress. He swung the poleaxe that he carried, and the Dutchman went down in blood with a cloven skull. The eager lover stepped across the body and came on, his countenance joyously alight.

      But mademoiselle was shrinking now, in horror. She was a girl upon the threshold of glorious womanhood, of a fine height and nobly moulded, with heavy coils of glossy black hair above and about a face that was of the colour of old ivory. Her countenance was cast in lines of arrogance, stressed by the low lids of her full dark eyes.

      In a bound her well-beloved was beside her, flinging away his bloody poleaxe, he opened wide his arms to enfold her. But she still shrank even within his embrace, which would not be denied; a look of dread had come to temper the normal arrogance of her almost perfect face.

      “Mine, mine at last, and in spite of all!” he cried exultantly, theatrically, truly heroic.

      But she, endeavouring to thrust him back, her hands against his breast, could only falter: “Why, why did you kill him?”

      He laughed, as a hero should; and answered her heroically, with the tolerance of a god for the mortal to whom he condescends: “He stood between us. Let his death be a symbol, a warning. Let all who would stand between us mark it and beware.”

      It was so splendidly terrific, the gesture of it was so broad and fine and his magnetism so compelling, that she cast her silly tremors and yielded herself freely, intoxicated, to his fond embrace. Thereafter he swung her to his shoulder, and stepping with ease beneath that burden, bore her in a sort of triumph, lustily cheered by his men, to the deck of his own ship. Her inconsiderate brother might have ruined that romantic scene but for the watchful Cahusac, who quietly tripped him up, and then trussed him like a fowl.

      Thereafter, what time the Captain languished in his lady’s smile within the cabin, Cahusac was dealing with the spoils of war. The Dutch crew was ordered into the longboat, and bidden go to the devil. Fortunately, as they numbered fewer than thirty, the longboat, though perilously overcrowded, could yet contain them. Next, Cahusac having inspected the cargo, put a quartermaster and a score of men aboard the Jongvrow, and left her to follow La Foudre, which he now headed south for the Leeward Islands.

      Cahusac was disposed to be ill-humoured. The risk they had run in taking the Dutch brig and doing violence to members of the family of the Governor of Tortuga, was out of all proportion to the value of their prize. He said so, sullenly, to Levasseur.

      “You’ll keep that opinion to yourself,” the Captain answered him. “Don’t think I am the man to thrust my neck into a noose, without knowing how I am going to take it out again. I shall send an offer of terms to the Governor of Tortuga that he will be forced to accept. Set a course for the Virgen Magra. We’ll go ashore, and settle things from there. And tell them to fetch that milksop Ogeron to the cabin.”

      Levasseur went back to the adoring lady.

      Thither, too, the lady’s brother was presently conducted. The Captain rose to receive him, bending his stalwart height to avoid striking the cabin roof with his head. Mademoiselle rose too.

      “Why this?” she asked Levasseur, pointing to her brother’s pinioned wrists—the remains of Cahusac’s precautions.

      “I deplore it,” said he. “I desire it to end. Let M. d’Ogeron give me his parole....”

      “I give you nothing,” flashed the white-faced youth, who did not lack for spirit.

      “You see.” Levasseur shrugged his deep regret, and mademoiselle turned protesting to her brother.

      “Henri, this is foolish! You are not behaving as my friend. You....”

      “Little fool,” her brother answered her—and the “little” was out of place; she was the taller of the twain. “Little fool, do you think I should be acting as your friend to make terms with this blackguard pirate?”

      “Steady, my young cockerel!” Levasseur laughed. But his laugh was not nice.

      “Don’t you perceive your wicked folly in the harm it has brought already? Lives have been lost—men have died—that this monster might overtake you. And don’t you yet realize where you stand—in the power of this beast, of this cur born in a kennel and bred in thieving and murder?”

      He might have said more but that Levasseur struck him across the mouth. Levasseur, you see, cared as little as another to hear the truth about himself.

      Mademoiselle suppressed a scream, as the youth staggered back under the blow. He came to rest against a bulkhead, and leaned there with bleeding lips. But his spirit was unquenched, and there was a ghastly smile on his white face as his eyes sought his sister’s.

      “You see,” he said simply. “He strikes a man whose hands are bound.”

      The simple words, and, more than the words, their tone of ineffable disdain, aroused the passion that never slumbered deeply in Levasseur.

      “And what should you do, puppy, if your hands were unbound?” He took his prisoner by the breast of his doublet and shook him. “Answer me! What should you do? Tchah! You empty windbag! You....” And then came a torrent of words unknown to mademoiselle, yet of whose foulness her intuitions made her conscious.

      With blanched cheeks she stood by the cabin table, and cried out to Levasseur to stop. To obey her, he opened the door, and flung her brother through it.

      “Put that rubbish under hatches until I call for it again,” he roared, and shut the door.

      Composing himself, he turned to the girl again with a deprecatory smile. But no smile answered him from her set face. She had seen her beloved hero’s nature in curl-papers, as it were, and she found the spectacle disgusting and terrifying. It recalled the brutal slaughter of the Dutch captain, and suddenly she realized that what her brother had just said of this man was no more than true. Fear growing to panic was written on her face, as she stood there leaning for support against the table.

      “Why, sweetheart, what is this?” Levasseur moved towards her. She recoiled before him. There was a smile on his face, a glitter in his eyes that fetched her heart into her throat.

      He caught her, as she reached the uttermost limits of the cabin, seized her in his long arms and pulled her to him.

      “No, no!” she panted.

      “Yes, yes,” he mocked her, and his mockery was the most terrible thing of all. He crushed her to him brutally, deliberately hurtful because she resisted, and kissed her whilst she writhed in his embrace. Then, his passion mounting, he grew angry and stripped СКАЧАТЬ