The Secret Room Murders (Musaicum Murder Mysteries). Charles Wadsworth Camp
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Название: The Secret Room Murders (Musaicum Murder Mysteries)

Автор: Charles Wadsworth Camp

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066381646


СКАЧАТЬ house was as empty as this room. The hall was thick with dust. The rear door by which he must have entered stood half open. The lock was broken and rusty.

      He commenced to understand. There was a deserted farmhouse less than two miles from the Cedars. Since he had always known about it, it wasn't unusual he should have taken shelter there after deciding not to go in to his grandfather.

      He stepped through the doorway to the unkempt yard about whose tumbled fences the woods advanced thickly. He recognized the place. For some time he stood ashamed, yet fair enough to seek the cause of his experience in some mental unhealth deeper than any reaction from last night's folly.

      He glanced at his watch. It was after two o'clock. The mournful neighbourhood, the growing chill in the air, the sullen sky, urged him away. He walked down the road. Of course he couldn't go to the Cedars in this condition. He would return to his apartment in New York where he could bathe, change his clothes, recover from this feeling of physical ill, and remember, perhaps, something more.

      It wasn't far to the little village on the railroad, and at this hour there were plenty of trains. He hoped no one he knew would see him at the station. He smiled wearily. What difference did that make? He might as well face old Blackburn, himself, as he was. By this time the thing was done. The new will had been made. He was penniless and an outcast. But his furtive manner clung. He didn't want Katherine to see him like this.

      From the entrance of the village it was only a few steps to the station. Several carriages stood at the platform, testimony that a train was nearly due. He prayed that it would be for New York. He didn't want to wait around. He didn't want to risk Katherine's driving in on some errand.

      His mind, intent only on escaping prying eyes, was drawn by a man who stepped from behind a carriage and started across the roadway in his direction, staring at him incredulously. His quick apprehension vanished. He couldn't recall that surprised face. There was no harm being seen, miserable as he was, dressed as he was, by this stranger. He looked at him closer. The man was plainly clothed. He had small, sharp eyes. His hairless face was intricately wrinkled. His lips were thin, making a straight line.

      To avoid him Bobby stepped aside, thinking he must be going past, but the stranger stopped and placed a firm hand on Bobby's shoulder. He spoke in a quick, authoritative voice:

      "Certainly you are Mr. Robert Blackburn?"

      For Bobby, in his nervous, bewildered condition, there was an ominous note in this surprise, this assurance, this peremptory greeting.

      "What's amazing about that?" he jerked out.

      The stranger's lips parted in a straight smile.

      "Amazing! That's the word I was thinking of. Hoped you might come in from New York. Seemed you were here all the time. That's a good one on me—a very good one."

      The beating of Bobby's heart was more pronounced than it had been in the deserted house. He asked himself why he should shrink from this stranger who had an air of threatening him. The answer lay in that black pit of last night and this morning. Unquestionably he had been indiscreet. The man would tell him how.

      "You mean," he asked with dry lips, "that you've been looking for me? Who are you? Please take your hand off."

      The stranger's grasp tightened.

      "Not so fast, Mr. Robert Blackburn. I daresay you haven't just now come from the Cedars?"

      "No, no. I'm on my way to New York. There's a train soon, I think."

      His voice trailed away. The stranger's straight smile widened. He commenced to laugh harshly and uncouthly.

      "Sure there's a train, but you don't want to take it. And why haven't you been at the Cedars? Grandpa's death grieved you too much to go near his body?"

      Bobby drew back. The shock robbed him for a moment of the power to reason.

      "Dead! The old man! How—"

      The stranger's smile faded.

      "Here it is nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, and you're all dressed up for last night. That's lucky."

      Bobby couldn't meet the narrow eyes.

      "Who are you?"

      The stranger with his free hand threw back his coat lapel.

      "My name's Howells. I'm a county detective. I'm on the case, because your grandfather died very strangely. He was murdered, very cleverly murdered. Queerest case I've ever handled. What do you think?"

      In his own ears Bobby's voice sounded as remote and unreal as it had through the blackness last night.

      "Why do you talk to me like this?"

      "Because I tell you I'm on the case, and I want you to turn about and go straight to the Cedars."

      "This is—absurd. You mean you suspect—You're placing me under arrest?"

      The detective's straight smile returned.

      "How we jump at conclusions! I'm simply telling you not to bother me with questions. I'm telling you to go straight to the Cedars where you'll stay. Understand? You'll stay there until you're wanted—Until you're wanted."

      The merciless repetition settled it for Bobby. He knew it would be dangerous to talk or argue. Moreover, he craved an opportunity to think, to probe farther into the black pit. He turned and walked away. When he reached the last houses he glanced back. The detective remained in the middle of the road, staring after him with that straight and satisfied smile.

      Bobby walked on, his shaking hands tightly clenched, muttering to himself:

      "I've got to remember. Good God! I've got to remember. It's the only way

       I can ever know he's not right, that I'm not a murderer."



       Table of Contents

      Bobby hurried down the road in the direction of the Cedars. Always he tried desperately to recall what had occurred during those black hours last night and this morning before he had awakened in the empty house near his grandfather's home. All that remained were his sensation of travel in a swift vehicle, his impression of standing in the forest near the Cedars, his glimpse of the masked figure which he had called his conscience, the echo in his brain of a dream-like voice saying: "Take off your shoes and carry them in your hand. Always do that. It's the only safe way."

      These facts, then, alone were clear to him: He had wandered, unconscious, in the neighbourhood. His grandfather had been strangely murdered. The detective who had met him in the village practically accused him of the murder. And he couldn't remember.

      He turned back to his last clear recollections. When he had experienced his first symptoms of slipping consciousness he had been in the cafe in New York with Carlos Paredes, Maria, the dancer, and a strange man whom Maria had brought to the table. Through them he might, to an extent, trace his movements, unless they had put him in a cab, thinking he would catch the train, of which he had talked, СКАЧАТЬ