The Life of William Ewart Gladstone (Vol. 1-3). John Morley
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Название: The Life of William Ewart Gladstone (Vol. 1-3)

Автор: John Morley

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Документальная литература


isbn: 4064066380526


СКАЧАТЬ hear sonorous things about meridian splendour, premature extinction, and inscrutable wisdom; about falling, like his great master Pitt, a victim to his proud and exalted station; about being firm in principle and conciliatory in action, the friend of improvement and the enemy of innovation. Nor are the versified reflections in Westminster Abbey much more striking:—

      Oft in the sculptured aisle and swelling dome,

       The yawning grave hath given the proud a home;

       Yet never welcomed from his bright career

       A mightier victim than it welcomed here:

       Again the tomb may yawn—again may death

       Claim the last forfeit of departing breath;

       Yet ne'er enshrine in slumber dark and deep

       A nobler, loftier prey than where thine ashes sleep.

      Excellent in feeling, to be sure; but as a trial of poetic delicacy or power, wanting the true note, and only worth recalling for an instant as we go.




      'Never since the time when I first knew you,' Hallam wrote to Gladstone (June 23, 1830), 'have I ceased to love and respect your character ... It will be my proudest thought that I may henceforth act worthily of their affection who, like yourself, have influenced my mind for good in the earliest season of its development. Circumstance, my dear Gladstone, has indeed separated our paths, but it can never do away with what has been. The stamp of each of our minds is on the other. Many a habit of thought in each is modified, many a feeling is associated, which never would have existed in that combination, had it not been for the old familiar days when we lived together.'

      In the summer of 1827 Hallam quitted Eton for the journey to Italy that set so important a mark on his literary growth, and he bade his friend farewell in words of characteristic affection. 'Perhaps you will pardon my doing by writing what I hardly dare trust myself to do by words. I received your superb Burke yesterday; and hope to find it a memorial of past and a pledge for future friendship through both our lives. It is perhaps rather bold in me to ask a favour immediately on acknowledging so great a one; but you would please me, and oblige me greatly, if you will accept this copy of my father's book. It may serve when I am separated from you, to remind you of one, whose warmest pleasure it will always be to subscribe himself, Your most faithful friend, A. СКАЧАТЬ